You heard Cenk

You heard Cenk.

Biden is the true progressive candidate. The TRUE champion of the Left.

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Why do progressives turn on their own values in the blink of an eye?

>Inciting violence is only okay when WE do it!!!

Virginians will just get in their protest pens again, but this time they'll spread an illness to each other and die lmao. LIBERATE VIRGINIA! Come on let's get this protest started!

Cenk is a schizophrenic cuck with anger issues. Go watch him talking about Russia on Useful Idiots or Rising. He just gets angry and frustrated trying to ramble about his conspiracy theory.

because it's a meme ideology, and a shifting overton window. it's not a real school of thought.

bending the knee like the spineless dog he is, definitely the right career move

how is telling citizens to use armed force against the government fascist?
(this buys into cenk's premise that trump's tweets are calls to violence, which i disagree with, but indulged for argument's sake)

he;s right guys, biden yanggangfangsangwang yeeeeeeee

The retard is going make Berniebros vote Biden


>naming your show The Young Turks
>get mad at the president “inciting violence”
What did sweaty buffalo mean by this?

Cenk literally fucks animals.

that fucking faggot doesn't know his ass from his dick. its ONLY liberals saying this will incite riots. some even think it's about COVID. fucking morons.

Is Chunk a degenerate dog fucking piece of shit??? Of Cooooooooouuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrsssssssssseeeee!

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I wouldn't rape Cenk.

I will persuade Cenk to kiss my penis.

I don't care if it takes years.

My will is stronger than his.

Cenk will kiss the peen.

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>You heard Cenk.
Nope, Im voting for VIOLENCE

Jenk is a low IQ roach. So he cant argue properly.

Do it user. And record it

Because their values are simple means to an end, not the ends themselves. Leftists believe morality is a tool, conservatives believe it is a way of life.

>this is a direct incitement of violence
It’s literally not. Why do leftists always lie?

Kyle Kulinski and Jimmy Dore are drifting more towards Trump. It'll be interesting to see their dialogue in a few months

They don't have true values. True values are those that you're willing to die for. Ask any liberal political or social values they're willing to die for. They'll say none, and ontop of that, make fun of you for having things you'd die for.

Unfortunately this means that the ones with those values end up dead in wars while the ones with no true values live on.

who cares about what Sink Yogurt has to say?

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How about I hold him down and while you rape him. You can blow his asshole out while I throat fuck him until hes half dead. After this traumatic event he will never leave his house or pic up a cell phone or go online again. We can record it and share it with the world. What do you say friend?

Listen up champ, you're either ridin' with Joe or ridin' with Donny Cornpops, and we all know that's no way to two ways about it. Heck in my day Jack if you didn't have your firm handshake you didn't make it past your first clam bake. And that's no tomfoolery. Hell I knew Tom Foolery back when he was governor of south Michigan, used to play grab-ass with all his nieces and nephews, and boy howdy were there a lot of 'em, Buck.

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Didn’t he shill for Hilldawg in 2016 as well?

imagine wanting to die for anything. retard.

China lied, people died.

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His contract stipulates he endorses the dnc candidate, he was just waiting for an opportunity. I dont think this was the right time tho

Reminder that Cenk is an absolute hypocrite on his beliefs more than once. Like he claims how he supports Unions against big corporations yet when his staff tried to unionize he went full union buster on them. He's also funded by the Qatar Gov't as well. All and all he has no principles, he is simple purely reactionary trash.

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I strongly support Biden but this water buffalo cunt can go fuck himself.
Biden raped his guy in the primaries, btw.

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Imagine being scared of death. Pussy.

>You heard Cenk.

Has Cenk recognized TYT's union yet?

Incitement of violence is only allowed if antifa does it!!111one

Imagine dying for nothing.
This will be you eventually.

Both biden and this faggoty hypocrite support antifa and "punch nazis." Biden literally called them brave heroes in his introductory video.

Cenk the cuck finally cucks to the establishment

Not surprised

The modern left is a fucking joke
They have no real shared values other than hating wypipo

Nah, he also still takes money from Qatar who execute faggots (not complaining) and use slave labor openly.

>if you care about liberty, you're facist
I hate these fucking commies. People should stay home still, but this guy's a massive faggot.

Yes, this is definitely an incitement of violence, unlike your religion of peace. That 85 IQ brain at work.

That sounds like he supports violence but I thought Cenk was against violence?

Because there core beliefs are built on sand

Who knew fascists decry liberation for a countries civilians that are under lock down. The left literally live in clown world

>They have no real shared values other than hating wypipo
They also hate trump and like getting free shit too.


>finally cucks to the establishment
He was all about Hillary in 2016 after Biden got cheated. The guy's a fat hack.


You're actually retarded enough to think this virus has a higher death rate than 3%
No wonder you're a leftist that celebrates the fascist ideals of the Democrats forcing citizens to stay home.

What a fucking stupid sellout faggot.

Oh also Qatar is the #1 funder for Islamic Terrorism in the middle east. They openly give money to Hamas, The Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Again I don't care what Qatar does since I'm not a sandnigger but really funny Cenk goes on to whine about violence and inciting it when he takes funding from a country that openly gives money towards terrorism and executes gays while having slave labor as well. He is also a union buster in his own company while bitching about other companies doing the same shit.

i remember the iraq war and you're full of shit

NOOOOOOOO you can't just fight for your freedoms!!!!11

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pick one

yeah everyone driving around with a yellow ribbon magnet on their car was a neocon