European hate

European hate

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Fuck off, fake ancap. Be a broken slave to lies somewhere else.


This thread again? Are you paid by someone?

You guys need to realize Europe is a cancer on this globe


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I don't hate Europeans but their current governments are the epitome of cuckery

These and muttthreads are pretty much just D&C anyway

why are you, a mutt defending disgusting whites

KYS D&C mudslime larper chink

Implying that a nation being convinced to vote for a completely unqualified baboon isn't cucked.

>d and c agitprop
>surely not desperate damage control chicom bot
Fuck you chink, you're going to starve. Companies are abandoning China. Strategic production being repatriated to western countries. The bills are already moving through Congress that will incentivize and even mandate the process. Lower tier goods production moving to India or Vietnam or Mexico or anywhere but China. Once the investment dollars dry up, hundreds of millions of city chinks who have put on middle class airs will have to move back to the shitty, impoverished villages of their parents in shame and take up dirt farming like their ancestors. But that won't be enough because China doesn't produce enough food to feed itself. So the famine will start. A billion peasants will begin to starve. China is oil dependent as well and lack of reliable energy will contribute to the misery of the new peasants. One of Xi's rivals will stick a knife in him and then you'll have revolution.The regional Army Group Commanders will begin to operate as feudal warlords and battle one another for shithole supremacy. Eventually, in a desperate bid to retain power, one of them will pop a nuke and China will glass itself. Think about that. Let it settle in; China may very well nuke itself. Kek. Some years later, after the radiation dies down a bit, Taiwan will move in and retake the country with US support. Communist China is over. We're going to fuck you up without ever firing a shot.

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Are you saying Americans are White now because we are not. I would never want to be apart of the cuck race.

upset because it hurts
greeks are mutts anyway
people come to greece just to fuck your disgusting women and leave

>D&C shill thread

it was cool to be euorpean in like the 1500s but now everyone wants to be BLACK

Jews are the cancer, wake up muslim.

muh D&C bogeyman
grow up
europe is a cancer on this planet

>thinking about Europe
Kike thread

lmao shoo insect

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Fuck off D&C Chang. SAGED.

>0 arguments as to why europe isnt cancer
point proven

>0 arguments as to why is
Kill yourself mudslime

>MFW Europeans kill fascism and wonder why communism butt fucked them for years and why subhuman are sleeping with their women.

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Less of a cancer than Islam

>still havent proven anything
if i kill myself im taking you with me

You're hating your father user.

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that’s the story of usa my mutt

Yeah we had a part but at least we have the excuse of being across the sea, you niggers were neighbors and saw first hand evidence to support their cause instead you retards sucked Stalin dick and eradicated the very people trying to preserve European culture and strength.

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still a mutt

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>nigger beard
>indeterminate ancestry
yes, this is america all right

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>if i kill myself im taking you with me
An other suicide bomber. Typical mudslime

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Europeans submit to Islam. Especially their teen girls.

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upset?i guess so?
still no argument

show your flag

Your monkey headed leaders have fucked up, insect. They have led you to ruin. Kek. They can't even feed you without outside money. We're going to watch you starve in about 3 years. We're going to watch it like a shitty reality show on TV. Autists will keep track of the famine and it's attendant carnage on Live Leak and such so as not to miss any of the gory bits and we'll be here shitposting and trading the webms. The Great Chinese Famine of 2023 will do spectacular ratings. You'd better salt some bat heads and put them away, chink. You're going to need them.

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Probably Moldova. He is mad that all Slavic girls travel to the middle east to get fucked by Muslims.