Feminism is important

If you are a good person, there is literally no reason to argue against Feminism, which is purely about women's rights being the same as men's.

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Women can only have equal rights withot causing social imbalance if they also have equal responsibilities


not even surprised

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What rights don't they have, that men do?

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Feminism is gay.

Tranny pedos run feminism you cunt.

>women's rights being the same as men's.

OK. Women have the right to be drafted and to give up 50% of their income to their ex husband as alimony and child support.

lmao nigger were like 7 years ahead of you in the timeline by now what the fuck are you posting this dumb shit for, catch the fuck up

I'm a God fearing man and women shouldn't vote or be permitted to work

hey guys lets revert back to 2014 and talk about beating dead horses!

Your precious women will never see 'muh living wage' rise as long as you have illegal spics coming into the country, legal pajeets coming into the country, and the factories going over to china.

Oh, and CFO Shleinberg loves women in the workforce! Because giving women jobs instantly DOUBLES the workforce, which means wages get cut in HALF!
That's the real reason businesses love diversity. Brown subhumans work for less pay than white people. Women work for less pay than men. Faggots spend more of their income on frivolous goods then straights.

Kill yourself, OP

This kills the feminist
Whenever I say that during a conversation, women go like THAT'S A MEN'S PROBLEM WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, than they finally reveal that feminism is a plan to give all the power to women and just screw men over to the point of extinction like they did already in "modern" societies.

what rights do men have that women do not have

Well OP?

No it isn't and your a dickhead for thinking that

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Wow... where do I find this perfect tradwife athlete beauty in my country... she looks so pure.

They have the right to be victims.

wut's the definition of feminism? lowering testing standards until you get 50% female firefighters

Perhaps you're baiting, but she's an infamous coal burner

Imagine living in 2020 and thinking
men and women are exactly the same. Women are intellectually shallow and laughably surface level thinkers

No, actually, it doesn't kill the feminist, because the (((government))) will continue to provide for the feminist because the (((government))) knows the feminist will vote for the (((government))) as long as the feminist continues to receive gibs off the backs of honest men

I rater not give any preference to any of the sexes.

Feminism != real
Rights are made up ideological faggotry that don't actually exist anywhere outside your head.

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this. rights don't fall out of the sky. for every right, there is an accompanying responsibility. Few men can uphold them, but even fewer women. For instance, when men were asked to go to war, did they cry "my body, my right" or did they say "my country needs me"?

Since feminism, women have accumulated more rights than men (eg family courts, positive discrimination) while diminishing their responsibilities (eg to their family).

Notions like community and nation are beyond the scope of women. Indeed, women would be sickly if they concerned themselves too much with these, for their immediate family is their greatest concern.

Men occupy the outer sphere (politics, economy, war) and women the inner sphere (family). Every civilization has followed this pattern, and it is because human biology favors it. When it no longer holds, there is chaos.

Why giving voting right to muhh wameen was a wrong idea.

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>, which is purely about women's rights being the same as men's.
No, it's not.

The womens right are already the same as men's.
Like a feminist advertisment said "Equality isn't enough"
Feminism only want women to be superior to men. It isn't important.


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For what exactly?


>rights don’t just fall out of the sky

Have you ever heard of the justification of tof rights in a America? The constitution and declaration both literally invoke Provence and God as insuring rights to all people.

I fail to see how OP is sewing chaos and discord when the rest of the commenters here are all shitting on OP together

No, idiot. God has given rights but they must be insured by the point of a sword and barrel of a gun.

Yeah ok nigger, keep dreaming. Best you nogs get is the fat hillbilly white trash. OP's pic is an upper class white women who wouldn't touch nogs with a stick.

No, the entire justification of the legitimacy of the actual document is explicitly stated, not only in itself, but by its writers, signers, and diplomats surrounding its creation, to be a God given providence to create a free and equal republic. It’s very specific about that mission if you read the writings of the 1st and 2nd Congress of the US.

I am not a religious man, but you can’t deny that the idea of rights is not ambiguous. It is something that is deserved to all humans to matter what sex race or creed. “That we are all endowed by Our Creator.”

Get better at history.

feminists are man hating cunts

Honest question for Yas Forums here. If you were born a woman would you be a feminist?

Feminism surely focuses on equal rights but how about you get equal consequences too cunt
