World’s Loneliest Dolphin Dies After Years Spent Alone in Abandoned Aquarium Pool

Honey, dubbed by activists and animal lovers ‘the world’s loneliest dolphin’, died last month, after almost two years spent by herself in a small pool at an abandoned aquarium in Japan.

We originally featured Honey’s tragic story back in October 2018, when footage shot by Japanese animal rights activists showing a single bottlenose dolphin floating in what appeared like an abandoned pool went viral online. It turned out that the video had been shot with a drone at the Inubosaki Marine Park Aquarium in Choshi, Chiba Prefecture, months after it had closed down. The dolphin, named Honey, and some penguins had remained behind and were being fed by an employee every few days. Still, the dolphin suffered from skin burns under the hot summer sun, as well as stress and loneliness. The story made international headlines at the time, but that did nothing to change Honey’s fate. After almost two years spent in that pool alone, she died last month…

“In the wild, dolphins swim vast distances with their families, playing and exploring new territory together. But for Honey, life is spent floating listlessly all day long,” PETA wrote in 2018. “She is kept all alone and is said to be engaging in repetitive, compulsive actions known as stereotypic behavior – a sign of the severe distress caused by captivity.”

Honey’s tragic death was reported at the beginning of April by Dolphin Project, the same organization that had made her plight public in 2018. They were the ones who posted the video of the lonely bottlenose dolphin floating in her poor at the abandoned aquarium, and also the ones who tried their hardest to rescue her.

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In November of 2018, Dolphin Project learned that the closed Inubosaki Marine Park Aquarium was in debt and in desperate need of a buyer. In 2019, they learned that the aquarium had been sold along with Honey and the other animals, which was confirmed by the Kaisou Health Center, which managed the health of the animals at the marine park.

According to a recent Dolphin Project post, the organization had desperately tried to acquire Honey so that she could retire in peace and dignity. In February of 202, they once again contacted animal rights colleagues in Japan to broker a deal, but conversations ended in March, when it became apparent that the lonely dolphin was having serious heath problems and would likely not survive. She died in her pool on March 29…

“Honey’s plight attracted worldwide attention, and sparked a huge movement from within Japan. While tragically, she wasn’t able to escape the man-made enclosure she suffered in, Honey will remain the face of dolphin captivity for many years to come,” Dolphin Project wrote.

On the other hand, if Honey’s death wasn’t tragic enough, even more so is the fact that even after getting international attention, she could not escape her tiny watery prison and spent the last year and a half of her life miserable. What about all the other captive marine animals whose horror stories never make the news?



Animal Activists fuck animals.

Who cares?

Fawk a yeeeewww whaaaaaale
Anda fawk a yeeeeew dolphiiiiin

Lol a dead fish.

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this isnt it

Sweet relief.

F :(

Good, can the fucker or feed the local cats

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It's now in the dolphin heaven.

gooks dont care about animals that is known
they are soulless

based trips
you have to be a scum to not feel bad
I wouldn't give a shit about a thousand nigs but based animals getting a sad death is a lot to take

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>this poor animal is all alone!!
Okay then mercy kill it when the zoo closes

Dolphins are closer to humans than americans are.



>the nonwhites reveal themselves

>blessed trips
Enjoy the fish in dolphin heaven

Fuck Asian subhumans

reminds me of my childhood
fuck this gay earth
sage this trash thread

Meanwhile, the self isolating measures are extended yet again.

awww, honey was my dog's name... ;_;

What a waste, could have eaten it.




Do people unironically care about dolphins more than humans? True it was a shitty way to go but who knows whether it would have been eaten by a whale in nature or some even worse shit

I don't get it. If the aquarium was abandoned and the former owners left the animals to die, why couldn't they just take the dolphin and put in in an aquarium somewhere else or let it out into the ocean?

How long do you think it'll be till we all die of loneliness?

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Look at all these filthy shitskins who have no souls

Dolphins are literally the niggers of the sea. They kill and rape shit just for fun, and they travel in gangs. Really fuck dolphins, now sharks are cool and bro tier.

T. Floridaman

People who lack empathy for animals are subhumans. Imagine if you were abducted by aliens, or more realistically, taken hostage and sent to a prison where everyone speaks a language you don’t know. You’d be in an environment where you understand very little, and you’d be scared. Subsequently, empathy is the glue that holds society together predicated by the golden rule “do unto others as you would have others do unto you”.

>Eaten by a whale

Holy shit imagine being so fucking right but naive at the same time

Isolation is torture, which is why it's the preferred tactic of (((Pharma))) at present.

Poor soul. I will add a candle for her on 4/20 user.

F, Honey

And fuck psycho nips.

Blame the government or else these people could have just let it go in the wild.

Trips checked. Sad dolphin story.

>lives in isolation
>engages in repetitive tasks
>someone checks on and feeds him every couple days

This dolphin is literally Yas Forums

you're just mad because even a dolphin wouldn't fuck you

Honestly more humane than letting an intelligent animal swim around in a cube with nothing to do for years.

did you watch tiger king, do you give two fucks about joe killing his tigers

[spoiler] you fucking shouldnt because their bred in captivity and are just a money pit [/spoiler]

T. Horse Fuckers.

>t. non-human

Underrated fuck...

Why is everyone talking about this 'tiger king' shit?

I am not particularly concerned with the "rights" of animals, but let this be a lesson to all of you about institutions and their inflexibility and torpor.

There was absolutely no benefit to the receivors who took over this insolvent company to keeping that dolphin. And there were people literally BADGERING them to take a zero-value non-asset off their hands so it wouldn't be their problem any more. And they still didn't do it! Nobody took the ten minutes it would have taken to pick up the phone and say "Let's make these annoying people go away by letting them take this stupid dolphin off our hands." Either they were paralyzed by indecision, or laziness, or the assets were somehow tied up in a sluggish court system, or some fucking honorary kike somewhere thought he might scrounge three cents out of this somehow and got in the way. And the WHOLE WORLD is like this - every institution, everywhere, completely paralyzed by the fact that the majority of the people available to staff institutions are fucking deadbeat moron retards.

>do unto others as you would have others do unto you
great way to spend your life in servitude to people who don't give a fuck how they treat others


And remember, anyone who isn't empathetic to animals is either not white, a psychopath or both.

this - i would trade the lives of 100000 Yas Forums edgefags for the comfort of this deceased dolphin -F

You fuck dogs.
Sit down.

i have a horse dildo if that's any consolation

I'm not gonna read all that. What the fuck did she eat for 2 years

Exactly my point
Animal activist value virtue signaling more than the animal's lives themselves

because netflix is the only thing people have in common anymore