I'm done sucking rice dick. How the fuck are we going to stop this? More tariffs? Boycott campaigns?
Traitors Have No Plans to Leave China
Both. Also incentives to reshore.
China isn’t a reliable partner who acts on good faith. They need to be cut off.
>Implying they have a choice in the matter
don't buy anything that says "made in china"
This but most cucks want an iPhone or a tv that's already made in chinka
>muh china
fuck off incel, trump caused this mess
secret govt executions of the board members if these companies and their families until morale improves? just spitballing here
But what about the case of product where there are no non-Chinese manufacturers?
You have to go back
>what about the case of product where there are no non-Chinese manufacturers?
Start a company and make that item here. Fuck China.
Man, remember when a new cell phone only cost $900, instead of $12,000? Or back when you could get small items and tooling you needed for dirt cheap, and not having to refinance your house? Those were the days.
Hyperinflation incoming.
Leaving China would cost tens of trillions. Are you willing to pay up goy?
>How the fuck are we going to stop this?
Very simple, fine them for not treating their Chinese employees with the same labor standards we have in the US. If they tried treating Americans the way they treat their Chinese slaves we'd arrest them for running a sweat shop.
Where's Vizio made. I have one.
They aren't traitors, user. You just don't know were their actual loyalty is, and that isn't to the gentiles host country. Why do you think Trump kept saying it was a nothingburger and already wants everyone back to work? (((They))) will never abandon the gigantic profits they're making form the unregulated globalized free trade.
multinationals are nypa faggot
Sound quality good enough to kill your toddler over. Chris Kuhn did nothing wrong!
If manufacturing leave china, it will just move to another shithole, india or mexico or someshit.
Your jobs won't come back until you mutts are willing to work for a slave wage.
nationalizing it and then give it to the jews to manage because they're so superior
also gibs for niggers
>greedy jews
>willingly giving up slave labor
we'll have to legislate against doing business in China
Sorry you can't
You need your cheap garbage toys to have a fulfilling life.
If that wasn't the case, you might have a chance.
You just have to vote for neoliberals to keep bailing out corporations. I’m sure that’ll work this around.
the jews are totally going to allow that
no worries
Of course not. They were saving tons of money with cheap Chinese labor. They recently lost a lot of money because Americans went broke and stopped buying their shit, so now they need to save even more.
If people boycotted everything but electronics, it would still destroy their economy
BDS movement gave a good framework
God Emperor Trump must ban the sale of all goods manufactured, in whole or part, in China.
We did it for Cuba and Iran, it's possible even if these greedy cunts don't like it
automation, with japan's help due to their expertise in robotics
This article literally sourced pro ccp shills. I’m pretty sure more companies can read the writing on the wall. The one I work for is. Shifted some production to Vietnam a few months back and will shift the rest to US/Mexico/Philippines after this coronavirus shit is done.
They threw our whole earth away to avoid China becoming a pariah state with restrictions on it's citizen's travel.
Anyone who thinks the 'elite' are ready to stop selling us out to china is completely delusional. The only reason this happened is they chose to infect the world before letting china become a pariah state whose citizens are forced to undergo special testing to enter any other country.
The globalists did this to us. They let it happen. Every person on pol knew by early january what was happening. So did the intelligence agencies. We have been completely setup.
>Boycott campaigns?
Basically yes.
>takes the trillions and moves a few jobs to Vietnam while keeping the rest in China
Thanks goy!!!
Shame that actual BDS is a bunch of fags. They are dead quiet on China but keep bitching about Israel taking a patch of desert from some goat fuckers.
>boycott china
Lol good luck loser.
Yeah we must punish 1.4 billion people because a bat coofed on one of them in a bumfuck village somewhere
Even if it fucks up our economy and future, who cares right
Trust me dude it's totally worth a little starvation and being raped to death by a raider gang
You terrorist.
>call user loser
Hello Chang
>Yeah we must punish 1.4 billion people because a bat coofed on one of them in a bumfuck village somewhere
We should have closed the borders in late December. Obviously. And moving forward for several years, at least, Chinese travellers would need to have test docs. Only Chinese though. NOT THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD.
The globalists did this to us. They let it happen. Every person on pol knew by early january what was happening. So did the intelligence agencies. We have been completely setup.