
Have you accepted Jesus Christ into your heart yet? He's literally the best part of the Bible.

>salvation is for all (Based)
>Names the Jew (more than once actually)
>supports second amendment (came not to make peace but give you a sword)
>BTFO usury and money handlers flipping their tables and chasing them out with a whip (only natural of course)
>is your friend (i mean personally your friend, yes this includes NEETS)
>loves you so much that he conquered death for you (10/10)

He is kind, strong, manly, but always loving.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Rabbi Jesus literally taught Judaism to Christians. Today, Christians go to church to wish to be Jews, pretend to be Jews, or learn how to be Jews. The Christian god's favorite race are the Jews. The invented story of fake Jesus starts when the Jewish race-god Yahweh chose a Jewess to breed with in order to create a magical Jewish messiah. The Jews watched Jesus come out of the hirsute Jewess that the Jew-god made pregnant. Christians believe that hereditary Jewishness is the source of Jesus' magical powers. Jew-born Jesus studied Judaism and became a hirsute Jewish rabbi. The Mashiach preached about worshipping Jews and the Yahweh. Jesus taught that the Holy Spirit comes from Jewishness and that the world would be saved if whites bred with Jews. The church was invented by Jews as an extension of the seed-maker of Abraham, so that whites and Jews would cross-breed. The inventors of Christianity gave Jesus preposterous magical powers to encourage cross-breeding with Jews. The Jew-king Jesus is portrayed as white, so as to deceive Europeans into believing that their king is a Jew. Fake white Mary shows that cross-breeding with Jews will yield white children. The Church castrated non-Semitic young males. Christians circumcise their children so they can breed with Jews. Christians name their children with Jewish names. Churches give the money they collect to Jews when they have children with whites. The pope and cardinals wear Jewish yamakas. Every Christian ritual is indistinguishable from Judaism. This signals the magic pro-Semitic racist Asian Jew-god called Yahweh, so he'll let Christians into heaven for being Jew-like. At the entrance to heaven, where the god of the Jews and the king of the Jews live, is a Jewish clerk that examines what kind of Jew you are. The Christian is motivated by a set of perverted goals based on hirsuteness and race defilement. His fanatic desire is to turn you into a Jew.

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Yes, indeed, he is the best part, but it's false, as the previous part is also a fucking joke. It's fake news.

Also, since you make up bullshit on christianity, its actually the other way around.
Back in the day there was no Judaism, just the faith of Abraham and later the Israelites. At the time Jesus came there were 3 main sects, The Essenes (The only ones native to Judeah), the Sadduccess and the Pharisee (both being not native to Judeah).
The Pharisee are the Edomites (descendent of Amalek which the Israelites were told to genocide and which descent from the Canaanites which worshipped Moloch and such) which previously were forced to convert. However they really liked their old customs which were unlawful and thus they created the Oral Law. You know how in Court a Jew will use semantics, grey areas, loopholes and other pilpul to argue they didnt break a law which they never followed completly ignoring the intent behind the law? The Oral Law of the Pharisee is a guideline on how to do that with the OT Law.
This is the group of people pretty much all quarrels Jesus had was with and they were constantly rebuked for this by him, God himself, for being hypocrites, a brood of Vipers, even the children of the devil. Even their name describes them seperating themselves from the original
>"Pharisee" is derived from Ancient Greek Pharisaios (Φαρισαῖος),[8] from Aramaic Pərīšā (Hebrew: פְּרִישָׁא), plural Pərīšayyā (Hebrew: פְּרִישַׁיָּא), meaning "set apart, separated"
So by all means the Pharisee splitted themselves off from the original faith which became known and was continued through Christianity and thus by all practical means was Pre-Christ-Christianity.

This Oral Law of the Pharisee then after a few 100 years got written down in the (Babylonian) Talmud starting what is now known as Judaism. So its not that Christianity is based on Judaism, but that Judaism is a collection of blasphemies and herasies of Christianity.

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>He is kind, strong, manly, but always loving.
Kind of sounds like you want him in your asshole.

Furthermore you have no fucking idea about basic Christianity. By your language alone you show that your entire focus is about race, not about what actually happened historically.

You're like a boomer who doesn't understand the computers and constantly blurts about Zuckerberg hacking the mainframe with his twitter virus, because you heard these words before. You are preoccupied with your race and everything that slightly threatens, no, challenges your views in some minimal way is something you must reject in principle by making up crazy conspiracy stories. Everyone who doesn't agree with you is some NWO lizard Jew who just exists to fuck with you. A comical cartoon villain who wants to destroy the world.

You don't understand the first thing about Christianity.

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You're too based to not be taking the protestant pill.

Been there, done that. I was baptized Catholic, but grew up around protestants. I considered myself to be ecumenical, but the older I got, there more I saw the degeneracy. Constant heresy, disagreeing with basic Christian teaching on almost every occasion, arguing with "modern times", support for gay marriage and so on. The final pill was "We can also use she as a pronoun for God".
Couldn't deal with it anymore, I saw that these people didn't care about God, they just used religion as a social club. There was nothing that distinguishes them from an atheist, both were NPCs.

I went back to the Catholic Church, learned about it, read up on theology and never looked back. No women clergy, no support for faggotry, no degeneracy allowed.

Please come to the true Church, my friend. Don't listen to the cringe-posters arguing with "muh feet" and "whore of babylon", these are the same shizo and power arguments used by the atheist poster before.

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i believe in Christ, but recently i have been having some doubts and questions
for example, if God is all loving. why does He allow people to suffer in hell? and why is hell eternal?
if God wanted us to all follow Him why did He make so many things in the bible vague to the point where even today the various denominations fight over what some things in the bible mean?
and why doesn't He appear to us again so we can definitively prove without a shadow of a doubt that God exists and Christianity is correct?
and why has no evidence been found of Noah's Ark or the flood?
why can we not find the ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah?
where do aliens fit into all of this?
why can't an all powerful God undo our original sin?
why doesn't he?

and some more things
did people who were born before Christ go to Heaven?
what about people such as the various tribes deep in the amazon who do not know Christ?
why does hell exist in the first place?
why do you believe that Christianity is correct when there's many many other religions, all of them claiming to be the correct one?

You mean Yahweh.

The church burned down, but it's ok because the cross was unharmed. That means that god is real, and not because the only flammable part was the roof

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I actually have

>for example, if God is all loving. why does He allow people to suffer in hell?
Because hell is you rejecting to God. Hell is the final rejection of love and without love all you experience is suffering.

>and why is hell eternal?
choices have permanent consequences or they wouldn't matter.

>if God wanted us to all follow Him why did He make so many things in the bible vague to the point where even today the various denominations fight over what some things in the bible mean?
The way God reveals himself is truly mysterious, however I think that he chose to not lay it all out, so we can learn about him and "put the pieces together ourselves". After all God wants to have a relationship with you.
It is true that many people misunderstand some things, however, we have the Church in order to guide us.

>and why doesn't He appear to us again so we can definitively prove without a shadow of a doubt that God exists and Christianity is correct?
There are several proofs of God's existence. Furthermore God wants to have a proper relationship with you. He wants you to actively seek Truth, Goodness, Justice, which of course is God.

>and why has no evidence been found of Noah's Ark or the flood?
The first eleven chapters of the Bible are most likely not entirely historically true. The truth they contain is not about what exactly happened, but about how God relates to his creation and his people.

>why can we not find the ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah?
Because not everything leaves ruins.

>where do aliens fit into all of this?
We don't know if aliens exist, but they wouldn't disprove Christianity.

>why can't an all powerful God undo our original sin?
He can. He did with it with Mary, because it would be fitting that Christ was molded out of sinless flesh.

>why doesn't he?
Because choosing God is an active thing, God doesn't owe us salvation, it is a free gift we must actively accept.

Happy to see brother returning to the only (still problematic) true church

Nice Jewish god

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No, I have turned away from Rabbi Yeshua and Yahweh, the God of Abraham. As a descendant of Northwest Europeans, these are foreign deities that have no power in the lands claimed by my ancestors and I do not wish to worship them.

Thank you for the offer, we can probably still be friends if you're not an asshole about it.

It's not about proof of being real, it's about the collective concious of you and I, our society, our ideals, our values, and our future. It's about what we feel together, our community, our wholeness. It's symbolism manisfeated into faith manifested into reality that is the shared oneness and experience for us both.

>did people who were born before Christ go to Heaven?
Yes. It seems like Moses and Elijah are in the kingdom of heaven, because they appeared during the Transfiguration. Since God is outside of time, he can die for sins in the past, in the present and in the future.

>what about people such as the various tribes deep in the amazon who do not know Christ?
They are judged according to their reason and conscience. For example Plato and Aristotle may have ended up in heaven, because they argued for the true God. (Note that this is the unknown god that has a statue in Athens were St. Paul preached)

>why does hell exist in the first place?
Because rational creatures have the possibility to reject God.

>why do you believe that Christianity is correct when there's many many other religions, all of them claiming to be the correct one?
This will take some time, you should first familiarize yourself with the concept of Divine Simplicity.

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>salvation is for all (Based)
Yeah... How about you go away and kiss some more nigger feet?

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Get nuked change show your real flag nigger


Anyone else here speak in tounges?

>nooooooooo you can't just exlude niggers and don't worshipe kikes noooooooooo

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I’m at a standstill/spiritual crisis bros.
I was such a confident Christian believer yet it seems as if yesterday my faith was disturbed/attacked and now I feel hopeless.

What caused this event is that I looked up more into the topic of intelligent design. This theory makes perfect sense, yet when I went on to Wikipedia they call it “pseudoscience . Now this leads me to question if God is real and the architect of the universe. This whole Darwinian/atheistic spiel of life being created by chance essentially has me doubting/pressuring my faith.

In short; I always subscribed to the theory of Intelligent Design. Critics, usually evolutionists, have made me question everything and now I’m in doubt and need help, or something to guide me back to the light and show me the way that God is real and the architect.


>what about people such as the various tribes deep in the amazon who do not know Christ

The bible addresses this. They have no sin, but now since we have Jesus they have no cloak for their sin.

John 15:22

Press 'SPACEBAR' to respawn.

cont for If you want to look into theology more, you should start with Plato and Aristotle. They laid the foundation for St. Augustine of Hippo and St. Thomas Aquinas, the two most important doctors of the Church. Edward Feser has some good books on that topic, but you can also look up most of the content on youtube.
They started with the idea of "the Good" (Plato) and "the unmoved or prime mover" (Aristotle).
Most of the problems with Christianity and religion in general existed since 2000 years and have been solved for 2000 years.

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It’s funny to me when people try to use science to disprove God. Because when you look at science especially higher level math and the laws of the universe it all supports God being real.

I studied engineering and I was amazed by how many things that we understand our point to God being real.

For instance Newtons second law F = ma. The laws of thermodynamics. And much more.

I believe you. I watched a lot of videos from guys like J. Warner Wallace (from Cold Case Christianity), Stephen Meyer (Discovery Science). This unfortunately does not stop the rampant crowd of atheists from trying to persuade me it’s all “chance”. I can’t fathom anything like that, because it just doesn’t make sense. For ex, I can’t just pop a bunny into existence, so how could the Big Bang just have “occurred”? Surely an outside force.. a being outside the parameters of space and time had to move everything in motion for such to occur? And that being is who we call God.

It’s just that the whole categorization of intelligent design as a “pseudoscience” bugs me, since they use the scientific method and all that. I dunno

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>What caused this event is that I looked up more into the topic of intelligent design. This theory makes perfect sense, yet when I went on to Wikipedia they call it “pseudoscience . Now this leads me to question if God is real and the architect of the universe. This whole Darwinian/atheistic spiel of life being created by chance essentially has me doubting/pressuring my faith.
God is the absolute foundation of reality, he literally is being itself, of course he exists. The account of the creation is not a scientific report. It tells you about the relationship between God and his creation.
For example St. Augustine (5th century) said that the story isn't to be taken literally, because God created moon and sun on day 3, which is weird. Furthermore in the first account he created animals before man, in the second one he created animals after man.
Gregor Mendel (father of modern genetics, the guy with the beans) and Georges Lemaittres (Big Bang theory) were monk and priest.
The Catholic Church teaches the theory that God used evolution in order to create this world is perfectly acceptable.

>In short; I always subscribed to the theory of Intelligent Design. Critics, usually evolutionists, have made me question everything and now I’m in doubt and need help, or something to guide me back to the light and show me the way that God is real and the architect.

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>for example, if God is all loving. why does He allow people to suffer in hell? and why is hell eternal?

Because God is perfectly just. Sin against a perfect God deserves eternal punishment.

>and why doesn't He appear to us again so we can definitively prove without a shadow of a doubt that God exists and Christianity is correct?

The Lord already appeared, becoming a man 2000 years ago and paid the price of sin for those who believe. If you can't believe this what will you believe? Luke 16:31

>and why has no evidence been found of Noah's Ark or the flood?

even secular scientists are beginning to acknowledge a worldwide flood in increasing numbers.

>why can't an all powerful God undo our original sin?

He can and did. 1 Cor 15:20-23, Romans 5:12-21

>Because hell is you rejecting to God. Hell is the final rejection of love and without love all you experience is suffering.
but why is it final? and why must they experience pain? an all loving God wouldn't hurt his children, surely?
>choices have permanent consequences or they wouldn't matter.
would you, in a hypothetical situation, spank your child for all of eternity because they took a cookie and didn't say sorry?
of course not. you would spank them for a while and teach them why taking a cookie is bad, you wouldn't do it forever, with no end in sight.
>The way God reveals himself is truly mysterious, however I think that he chose to not lay it all out,
but why not?
isn't it better to give someone plain and clear instructions with no ambiguity than to give them confusing and vague instructions which have given many anguish over if their religions is really the correct one or not?
>There are several proofs of God's existence
such as?
> Furthermore God wants to have a proper relationship with you. He wants you to actively seek Truth, Goodness, Justice, which of course is God.
well if He wants a proper relationship with mankind, why doesn't He show himself?
as an all knowing being, He knows that there are many who wouldn't believe unless they saw Him. and if He doesn't want people to go to hell, why doesn't He show himself in hopes of making them convert and having less people go to hell?
>The first eleven chapters of the Bible are most likely not entirely historically true.
so they are likely to be lies, then?
why are there lies/exaggerated truths within a book ordained by a being who hates liars?
>Because not everything leaves ruin
fair enough i suppose
>He can. He did with it with Mary, because it would be fitting that Christ was molded out of sinless flesh.
then why doesn't He do it with all men and women and children?
this post is too large i will continue in my next one

>did people who were born before Christ go to Heaven?

The saved before Christ were justified by their faith in the Messiah who was to come

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How do you refute the claim that intelligent design is “pseudoscience”?

God is not Barney the dinosaur my man you need to stop with this all loving stuff yes God loves you God actually is love. Literally IS love. But that does not mean that he is all hugs and kisses. You sin you pay the price. It says in the Bible he will punish you and visit that punishment on you and your descendants etc.

God has righteous fury and you should be afraid of him you are supposed to fear God my man. Love him yes of course but you must also fear him.

I know it’s kind of hard to understand but really all the answers you seek are in the Bible it will literally answer any question you have.

Kicked him out years ago when he never helped.

>but why is it final? and why must they experience pain? an all loving God wouldn't hurt his children, surely?
Because it is you actively rejecting God. And, God is love. Bishop Barron has a good explanation:

>would you, in a hypothetical situation, spank your child for all of eternity because they took a cookie and didn't say sorry?
God isn't punishing you for doing something wrong, it is you running away from your home. God doesn't need that cookie, the only thing God wants is to have a good relationship with you, because it is good for you.

>isn't it better to give someone plain and clear instructions with no ambiguity than to give them confusing and vague instructions which have given many anguish over if their religions is really the correct one or not?
Because when you teach someone math, you don't solve all the equations, you give some challenges to your students. Not because you don't know the answer or need the equations to be solved for some reasons, but because this process is best to let students engage with math.
Similar to this God allows the evil in the world, so we can overcome it with our goodness, so we can truly engage with goodness itself, which is what God is.

>such as?
The cosmological arguments, the ontological arguments, the argument of desire, the argument of "grade of being" and the teleological argument are really good.
There are other arguments that "hint" to God, like fine-tuning of the universe, existence of objective morality, the complexity of the universe and such, but they don't directly show God, so they are attacked the most, while other arguments are often ignored.

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I second this post.

>Because choosing God is an active thing, God doesn't owe us salvation, it is a free gift we must actively accept.
why doesn't he owe us salvation?
>Yes. It seems like Moses and Elijah are in the kingdom of heaven, because they appeared during the Transfiguration. Since God is outside of time, he can die for sins in the past, in the present and in the future.
what about people who lived long before Christ came to Earth and never knew of Him?
>They are judged according to their reason and conscience. For example Plato and Aristotle may have ended up in heaven, because they argued for the true God. (Note that this is the unknown god that has a statue in Athens were St. Paul preached)
i suppose that makes sense
>Because rational creatures have the possibility to reject God.
it seems a bit overkill to torture someone in a lake of hellfire FOR ETERNITY just because they don't think you exist
what kind of loving God would hurt you for having an opinion?
>This will take some time, you should first familiarize yourself with the concept of Divine Simplicity.

>GoThe name of the god of Judeo-Christians is Yahweh. Jews and Christians believe that their god's name is Yahweh. Jews and Christians worship Yahweh. That's the god of the Bible.

God doesn't owe us anything that would mean the creator is dependent on his creation. Which does not make sense.