/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3274 - CCP Virus Editions

► Detected: 2,223,122 (+60,781) ► Died: 152,318 (+6,847) ► Day: 99 (-07:16:47)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 8.3x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 4,099 strains have been sequenced —


French media: Nobel laureate says virus combined with HIV in lab

Vaccine would be first vaccine against coronaviruses

Novel coronavirus can survive high temperatures

"Second wave" erupts in city in northern China

Mortality rate in Ecuador province multiplied 7-fold in two weeks

Low antibody levels raise questions about reinfection risk

Italy warns that cats, ferrets and dogs can get infected

In France, half in intensive care under 50 years old

High cytokine in blood of critical patients

17 year old football player dies in the US

Infected in Sudan only discovered post-mortem

China figures don't add up, likely simulated

"Flu deaths" include all pneumonia deaths, virus rarely confirmed

US not counting at least 2700 nursing home deaths in official toll

Coronavirus is now 1st cause of death in the US

18:34: 395 probable cases, all of them deaths, have been added in New York City
18:22: 941 new cases and 58 new deaths in Quebec, Canada
18:17: 150 new cases and 16 new deaths in Algeria
18:05: 263 new cases and 7 new deaths in Texas
17:58: 709 new cases and 44 new deaths in Ireland
17:52: 586 new cases and 57 new deaths in Louisiana


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Other urls found in this thread:


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Seriously lads. A Yas Forums poll:

1) What is the most fucked up thing you have seen during the pandemic?

2) How has the pandemic most changed your life?

3) On a scale of nothing (0) to something (10) burger, what is this?

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lol guys the best government estimates are that only 16 million people will even be infected in the United States (not confirmed cases, all cases.)

Imagine such a pussy fucking virus that it can't even infected 5% of the population. How stupid are people to fear a virus that is barely contagious?

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Yas Forums tell me: report a dying patient that many survive/recover without corona as
A) corona death
B) death by underlying condition

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Everyone already does.

*sniff* *sniff*
what's that smell
*sniff* *sniff*

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i voted for him and will again, and even i'm ignoring his advice on this.


I miss the Russian Asuka poster that kept posting paragraphs abou tthis being an American virus in every thread :( and the Danish dude that didn't stop coomposting. Are there any OG /cvg/ bros left?

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1) ID2020 and microchipping
2) It looks like society is starting to take a change slowly buy steadly, perhaps in ways we don't even know yet. Perhaps total slavery, perhaps total liberation.
3) 11

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> Chinese Virus causes blood clots -> blocked blood vessels -> heart attack
this is the MO for Germany fudging the numbers

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The way turkish figures keep climbing makes my pp hard.
Turkish collapse can't come soon enough.

Can any Spaniard confirm if this is Catalonia's official website?
>Can any Spaniard confirm if this is Catalonia's official website?

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>I'll start:
1) Just people being pissy about social distance in supermarkets
2) Barely. Was taking time off school to write my master's thesis, so it's just been writing, hanging out with gf, getting drunk every day.
3) It's a 5-burger

C'mon lads, what it's like where you are!

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if corona pushes the patient over the edge then yes

What's with the sudden shills coming up at this hour? Is /cvg/ getting raided?

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Do you think covid bugchasers exist? People who try to get infected because they think it'll protect them and ease their worries

What happens if the lockdowns continue until June?

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I was born on bat appreciation day(today), what does that mean anons?

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Do you have what it takes to satisfy corona and stop this pandemic?

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Texas is going to kill waco, we are the next cluster for texas.

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Federal decleration of war against states, all out civil war. Not even kidding.

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Maybe the coordinated with the protests in MN
Come watch the boomer fucks that are going to die in a few weeks. Play some synthwave and mute their bullshit and enjoy the death

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Then we get to watch America collapse in real time

#1 United States 690,900 (35,955) #2 Spain 188,093 (19,613) #3 Italy 172,434 (22,745) #4 France 147,969 (18,681) #5 Germany 139,041 (4,193) #6 United Kingdom 108,692 (14,576) #7 China 82,692 (4,632) #8 Iran 79,494 (4,958) #9 Turkey 78,546 (1,769) #10 Belgium 36,138 (5,163) #11 Brazil 33,682 (2,141) #12 Russia 32,008 (273) #13 Canada 31,642 (1,310) #14 Netherlands 30,449 (3,459) #15 Switzerland 27,078 (1,325) #16 Portugal 19,022 (657) #17 Austria 14,586 (410) #18 Ireland 13,980 (530) #19 India 13,835 (452) #20 Peru 13,489 (300) #21 Sweden 13,216 (1,400) #22 Israel 12,982 (151) #23 South Korea 10,635 (230) #24 Chile 9,252 (116) #25 Japan 9,231 (190) #26 Ecuador 8,450 (421) #27 Poland 8,379 (332) #28 Romania 8,067 (411) #29 Saudi Arabia 7,142 (87) #30 Denmark 7,073 (336) #31 Pakistan 7,025 (135) #32 Norway 6,937 (161) #33 Australia 6,526 (65) #34 Czech Republic 6,499 (173) #35 United Arab Emirates 6,302 (37)…

#1 United States +13,330 (+1,338) #2 Spain +3,145 (+298) #3 Italy +3,493 (+575) #4 France +1,909 (+761) #5 Germany +1,343 (+141) #6 United Kingdom +5,599 (+847) #7 China +351 (+1,290) #8 Iran +1,499 (+89) #9 Turkey +4,353 (+126) #10 Belgium +1,329 (+306) #11 Brazil +2,999 (+194) #12 Russia +4,070 (+41) #13 Canada +1,536 (+115) #14 Netherlands +1,235 (+144) #15 Switzerland +346 (+44) #16 Portugal +181 (+28) #17 Ireland +709 (+44) #18 India +405 (+4) #19 Peru +998 (+26) #20 Sweden +676 (+67) #21 Israel +224 (+9) #22 South Korea +22 (+1) #23 Chile +445 (+11) #24 Ecuador +225 (+18) #25 Poland +461 (+18) #26 Romania +360 (+19) #27 Saudi Arabia +762 (+4) #28 Denmark +194 (+15) #29 Pakistan +106 (+7) #30 Norway +32 (+9) #31 Australia +58 (+2) #32 Czech Republic +66 (+4) #33 United Arab Emirates +477 (+2) #34 Mexico +450 (+37) #35 Indonesia +407 (+24)…

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I don't make a lot of noise bit I've been here since early.

when, not if

that was by march silly
ALL americans will be infected once you get liberated from lockdown
then the real corona-killing starts in autumn

I'm posting this in honour of the poster that was posting this in honour of the poster that was posting this in honour of the poster that was posting this in honour of the original poster that spammed the nudes

This is Xi JinPing's daughter.
Say something nice about her.

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i will go insane if i'm not back in the gym by june

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1) the denial of the masses
2) can't go everyday for energy drinks

Get ready for the vaccine, goy.
In all seriousness, though, I'm scared that (((they))) might pull some shady shit.

Look what I found, a whole lot of it
Its just like playing fallout frens

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1) my mom and my siblings refusing to social distance. I had symptoms of asthma and heart burn when I was younger.
2) realizing my family doesnt give af about me. My mom said that "what am I supposed to do,stay home". She said this knowing my medical conditions and my siblings arent any better
3. It's a 6 but will turn into an 8 when lockdowns are lifted cause of the retarded normies

It happens several times per day.
There was a news article about corona parties in Kentucky I think, half of the attendees are dead or in serious condition now

>/cvg/ doesn't know what conspiracy to run with, now that they need to oppose the media to be contrarian
>/cvg/ literally can't cope with US beginning to re-open
I almost feel bad for happeningfags

oh you're special alright

1. Literally all governments care more about economy than human lives, everyone supports the herd and lifting restrictions even with knowledge how scary this virus is. Also, ID2020.
2. From thinking about suicide all the time and feeling tired 24 7 to picking up my hobbies, reading books, working out and finding how beautiful this life is. After quarantines I'll probably go back to my old ways though.
3. Potential for 10, right now 8

but what if that person was your avg 600lb/300kg mutt with beetus?
Yes the virus is the trigger but no where in live that 'thing' would survives past 30 years.

I want it to open, I want you idiots to start dying again. I'm on your side.

10,000 10,000 10,000

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Remember when they said only 60,000 Americans would die. Yeah we're almost at 40,000 now

>1.newfags spewing "uh,, hello, based department?"
>2.getting paid salary to do 90% less at home is pretty nice
>3.10, the virus is real, the media is shit, china is lying bbut too bad they didnt get to patent red and chloro kek and rekt, bill gates is a newfounder fag for his patented product to get people vaccinated and chipped, and also these gay questionnares

>theme for second wave as everything really crumbles this time and nature takes root again


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This. Dumbest fucking people on the planet.

1. More semi mentally ill homeless getting evicted and showing up. Slumlords will find their ways to evict.

2. None, except now everyone has been overtaken by fear.

3. The virus is 0. the shutdown is 7 and increasing day by day.

don't get collapsed fren

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The CDC estimates flu deaths by just counting all pneumonia deaths. I think they even go further and try to estimate the increase in deaths during the winter as being all caused by flu season.

But heaven forbid someone with high blood pressure dies of coronavirus. Then it's a preexisting condition and shouldn't be counted.

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get the steel out of the ruble and forge a cool sword out of it to slay the raider scum

1) Yas Forums shitposting
2) I was unemployed at the beginning of it, staying with my folks while looking for work. Now the whole family has returned home to survive the quarantine together instead of being in tiny city flats. We haven't all been together like this for about 10 years. It's great. I almost don't want it to end just for that reason.
Granted, we're in an area of the country that's not all that affected. We're likely to have contracted the virus but the worst any of us had was some tough fever for a day or two.
3) eh, the virus is a 4-burger from what I can see.

Interesting, no protestors are wearing masks or any sort of PPE.

we overreacted to this virus

what am i looking at?

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>US beginning to re-open
>implying /cvg/ doesn't actively root for this to kick-start wave 2

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That just means you're not a Qtard. I have no problem with trump supporters but the retarded Q followers should be glassed

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How did China just stumble across 1300 bodies that they forgot to report back in January?

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If vaccines come out I’m not taking any because it has bill gates written all over it

Luc Montagnier told the french press that the virus was made by the Chinese communists. He even confirms that the study made by the indians was correct and that they were shut down.
Can someone make a webm of this?
facebook /LePeupleSeSoutient/videos/228045981743897/

She is too powerful.

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1. The people seizing on the road-side
2.College is online now
3.I'd say its a 10 just because its actually had a tangible effect on my life while all the previous "happenings" Yas Forums followed never did

The goyim(yeah I am going to start using that word because that is exactly what these people are) like children need to learn the stove is hot by placing their hand on it.
So you are right open up and let them die by the boatload. Its the only way

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Can we survive re-opening the country? Should we do it as soon as Trump is asking? Will we see widespread American death as a result? I feel like doing it so soon will really fuck us over.

yeah but the government is giving us all free money to do fuck all what's not to like about that unless you're a massive wagie that works 24/7?

Writefag here, still alive. Been browsing since like 100, only wrote from 1500-2900. I miss sven, walmart, algeria drawfag, etc.

> someone shooting you doesn't kill you, it's the excessive bleeding
the West exists solely because of its advanced medicine that can keep fat lards on the edge of survival just to have them wageslave and pay taxes; the Chinese Virus is the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back

>But heaven forbid someone with high blood pressure dies of coronavirus
This thing is the dumbest argument I've seen. Conservative pundits post that thing about the aircraft carrier as if it's some big 'gotcha' moment. They think because a bunch of young physically fit military men on the aircraft carrier got it and didn't die then that means that the virus is not a big deal. As if that in any way applies to the population...


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We're actually overjoyed with everybody begging to reopen and go back to work. More fun, more blood.

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you better believe we want it to reopen

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It seems to be an old construction dump, a few propane tanks (empty), about 5 huge pieces of wood that should be salvageable, and like 50 pieces of broken sidewalk
Kek already got my throwing axes ready

And we already passed the peak. Concern fags get the rope.

Yo is that really his daughter. I'll be doing some research if that's for real. Whys she so ugly tho? Cant someone that rich get decent plastic surgery to be borderline fuckable

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i hate q, you fucking retard. gas yourself first.

not these people but yes they made some silly predictions

March 2021

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>trusting the chink figures

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back to work goyim, mister Shekelsteinberg-Goldmannowitz needs you to pay taxes and cover for the trillion dollars printed daily by the Fed

Listen faggots
>flu kills 250,000 a year
>Measles kills 500,000 a year
>hepatitis b kills 800,000 a year
>hiv/aids kills a million a year
>noro virus kills 50,000 a year
>ebola kills 10,000 a year
>car crashes kill two million a year
>murder and war kills 5 million a year
>coconuts kill 100,000 a year
>falling off ladders kills 40,000 a year
>DIY accidents kill 15000 a year
>Niggers murder 600,000 a year
>botched transsexual surgeries kill 500 a year
>food poisoning kills 6 million a year
>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
>lightning strikes kill 500 a year (double if it strikes twice)
>Medical malpractice in the US claims 250k lives a year alone
>diarrhea kills 1.8 million A YEAR
Total nothing burger

This. Let boomers die at work and zoomers during their beach parties.
What shall remain is the NEET.

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>was some tough fever for a day or two.
I experienced this and heard of others with similar experience. The additional thing was an altered sense of smell. I smelled strong potpourri.

1. Normies in denial. Though that's also funny in a way.
2. I quit weed and porn. Now I do a huge amount of workout, lifting, pullups, cardio. I rode a longboard (I know, gay etc.) 40kms in one go yesterday. Honestly my body hasn't been this strong ever.
3. We're at 8, I hope we see a 10: total collapse

Yes, people are desperate to spend money they don't have on shit they don't need.

How are these opened businesses going to remain open, paying employees wages and benefits, when very few customers are buying anything???

I for one cannot wait until boomers are dropping in the streets during riots. It will be so comfy to know they all got themselves into it.

>Cant someone that rich get decent plastic surgery to be borderline fuckable
user, I....
Xiao Muzi has so much botox she can't lift her forehead anymore

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Some will survive, but once you reopen it you can never close it again properly.

She's considered a "beauty ideal" in china iirc. I'm sure its just propaganda

>The people seizing on the road-side

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Take vitamin K2 against the blood clots made by Corona

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>Kek already got my throwing axes ready
what do you mean, you have enough throwing axes?! there is no such thing, heat the forge up time is short

Bunker material, pic is broken concrete, I'll try to take a pic with sun still up later tonight

They added exactly 50% to their original number. They're really bad at making shit up even if that number was 20x higher

>someone shooting you doesn't kill you, it's the excessive bleeding
i agree
>fat lards on the edge of survival just to have them wageslave and pay taxes
i think the medial costs outweighs the taxes also most of them live on benefits

Who cares? Democracy isn't real.

yeah, they mixed hiv with the naturally found corona virus. the chink military even guards some bat caves.

>1) What is the most fucked up thing you have seen during the pandemic?
Governments being retarded and handling this worse than in movies by underestimating the disease.
>2) How has the pandemic most changed your life?
When it came to my country I had moved here days ago and was trying to find a job. Now I can't find one and I am just NEETing just like in my home country. Thankfully I have a place to stay at.
>3) On a scale of nothing (0) to something (10) burger, what is this?
8 with the possibility of going higher.

You spread fear.


>cant cope with it reopening
Have you spent 5 minutes here, you utter faggot lol? First thread? When it reopens it will start a second wave.

Damn their beauty ideal is wack

>1) What is the most fucked up thing you have seen during the pandemic?

people burn bodies in the streets in ecuador i guess...

>2) How has the pandemic most changed your life?

finally dropped my job that i hated so much

>3) On a scale of nothing (0) to something (10) burger, what is this?

i hope 8-9

i guess, that this will be a veeery slow, boring happening...

The virus has potential, but it think it kills extremely slow, maybe over years via reinfection etc

and Vit D as well

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are you the homeless user?

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>What happens if the lockdowns continue until June?
Lines keep going up.

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cool, are they protesting at the governor's house?

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>US beginning to re-open
[nervous laughter]

>handling this worse than in movies by underestimating the disease
Fuck I just now realized that because of this shit I can no longer say that a movie was unrealistic because of the way they completely underestimated the danger.

Leafdude its been this way for awhile now n now that xinnie gave the wu maos a raise well fuck buckle up n arm urself beratana

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Good job user. I am in the same boat back to running on the treadmill, reducing sugar/carbs in my diet, and no drugs save for some alcohol.
A good waifu will motive you like that and Corona-chan is for sure best girl.

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>UK catching up to Italy death count


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Yes fren

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>so if some one shoots you it's your fault for loosing too much blood

>The most common symptoms include: high fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle and joint pain, headache, coughing, and feeling tired.
>Complications of influenza may include viral pneumonia, secondary bacterial pneumonia, sinus infections, and worsening of previous health problems such as asthma or heart failure.

wow, i'm shocked. Let's shut the whole country down so no one gets a cold ever again

1) The fact that Yas Forums has been weeks ahead of every government and health organization. It’s gotten to the point where I think something is widely known by normies, because we’ve been saying it for a month, and then realize that they still don’t know or haven’t heard about it.
2) I telecommute now...? Beyond that, not much, except fewer trips to grocery store. My dog is happy to spend more time with me.
3) I want to say “omg 11/10!!” but it’s not there yet. Maybe a 5 at most. I was hoping for deep structural changes to take place as a result of this, but it seems like more of the same bullshit...bailouts for big business, and peanuts for everyone else. Haven’t even gotten my TrumpBux yet.

Accelerate the spread. Go out and live your life. Don't come back here complaining when you can't breathe.

tell me about it

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>Virus too slow
It killed 90,000 in a months time, and that's undercounted. But yeah the Ecuador situation is fucking tragic

The capitol in Lansing, they were even blocking hospitals yesterday

Yup and they are all very close together and no one is in a mask. Just one asymptomatic carrier is going to fuck that whole group

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I said you're not a qtard dumbfuck

stay safe homeless WA user (i dont know what WA means but im guessing its your location)

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Still plenty of us, though we've lost some easily recognizable posters.

A minuscule percentage of the human population is infected. That doesn't change the fact that this is the most rapidly spreading virus in human history.

Buy some weights?

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The government is going to force us all to get sick. The only people not sick are going to be anons that are going to be force vaccinated to get a job housing or travel anywhere.

Just wear a mask you faggot. It helps combat community spread

That was michigan user these are new protests in minnesota.
The goyim love their bondage what can I say

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it's become politicized
countries feel obligated to overreact and impose extreme measures that aren't well-thought out so they can their constituents and the world they're doing something

kneejerk reactions to something we still know little about

there's no time for rational discourse

This part concerns me. When we have wave 2 and need to close things down again, nobody will be willing to go back to this, will they? And as a wagie my work will require me to go back to risking it or else I can't afford to live in my apartment any more B)

don't compare me or my strains to the cold ever again

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>1) What is the most fucked up thing you have seen during the pandemic?
The massive ballsucking of China
>2) How has the pandemic most changed your life?
Not much, failure then is successful now I guess
>3) On a scale of nothing (0) to something (10) burger, what is this?

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Haha yes, Washington (soon to be new york 2.0)
You stay safe too fren

So any info on the recovered people? Are they fully recovered and as good as new with no consequences? I mean physical consequences not meme consequences like emotional or stress or whatever

You ok bro? When will you finish your home?

all sold out

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You should click the link before answering.

I want the US to re-open: I want to see livestreams of mobility scooters keeling over and 90% fat entities jiggling in the street (they cannot seize because there is no muscle left)

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Then open up the economy. I could care less if wageslave like you die. Wanting to work is okay, wanting to die for another man's shekels is nigger shit


Look at this shit. These generals are up and running literally 24/7, by a despicable group of sad shutin virgins laughing at the mass death and suffering of the entire planet, along with a literal circlejerk over a cartoon personification of the deadly virus causing it. I've seen some disgusting fucked up shit in my day but this takes the cake. And these are the people you share Yas Forums with and call your fellow anons. Horrific.

Anybody else notice much cooler temperatures this month then they have in the last few years? It's mid april and it's 56F outside.

>tfw can do my job and my master's courses from home

Sorry Mrs. Primeminister but I'm not going to inhale the chink AIDS to get herd immunity

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fill a plastic bottle with water you gymtarded fag

you die in a week

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This post brought to you by the Chinese Communist Party©

Feddies spoofing calls to my phone oh I am laffin.

No u

yeah i know, but it's still very slow... at least here in germany

the reopening of schools will push the numbers up, so maybe in 2 meme-weeks it could get interesting

1) ignorance of media during february and how it’s black holed now
2) working from home
3) 8 already changed foreseeable future and thus the continuation of clownworld will probably evolve for the worse

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Ran into small problem, more homeless wandered out despite how deep I went, I loaded all my gear in camp tarps and ditched in foliage, last night I found the construction pit thing while looking for a new area to start digging, found a new area nearby. I'm ok but annoyed about homeless wandering in

nope its mostly your fault for getting in the line of fire.

Are you really that mad that a bunch of boomers and chinks died?

>please post more Corona-chan my collection is small
Sure thing user

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>t. wumao

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Ebola chan was like this. Of course, ebola was spread by super dumb africans.

Fuck that pic is hot.
Oh I had no idea, didn't think the midwesterners would be the first to rise up

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We warned everybody that was willing to listen. They didn't listen.

Yes I’ve been dreading the heat and been pleasantly surprised at how cool it’s bedn

Nahhh get outta here seriously? checks online.....Holy fuck it is! KEK!! and she studied at fucking harvard?!!?! /Pol lets find this cunt if shes still in the US if we bomb ISIS we can do this!

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it's a flu
it attacks your respiratory system like all influenza

we didn't react this way to the h1n1 pandemic and we made through it fine. Millions died.

Camo tarps*

>along with a literal circlejerk over a cartoon personification of the deadly virus causing it
just ask for lewds directly, it's easier

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I've been here from the beginning, though I'm not a trip fag or attention poster so you will have to take my word on it

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