Yas Forumslit/ büro

ITT: We discuss what we're currently reading and our next book in line.

Relistening to The Gulag Archipelago" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
Im on chapter 11. I was almost finished with it until the jewtube account got banned.
My next book I'll either finish reading "The Hermetic Tradition" by Julius Evola or "How to Die: An Ancient Guide to the End of Life" by Seneca

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Currently reading Alexander Dugins fourth political theory. Next in line is possibly "The Soviet Colossus". Or Dostoyevskys Demons. On a Russian kick it seems.

reading this again, it's good. based pancake

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unfortunately due to work and schooling ive put all my reading lists from 2016 on hold and time flew by now im trying to catch up.
i know communism is bad but i want to understand the full depth. im really glad my family moved to america in the early 1910s FFS.

Got any links to read online?

Try libgen fella.

Only for Geoposters, Kike.

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Just finished Lightning and the Sun
Reading Virgil’s Aeneid
Reading Mein Kampf (Stalag edition) next

ive heard good things about the lightning and the sun. How was it?

It presents the Reich’s struggle as a mythic expression of the Aryan Will against Kali Yuga and gives one a sense of understanding and purpose in the post cataclysm years.

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>gives one a sense of understanding and purpose in the post cataclysm years.

Do you mean cataclysm as in post war ruins in wich evola spoke of by staying close to traditionalism to ride the wave? or the literally age of iron in the yugas itself?

I lucked out and found The Gulag Archipelago at a used book store for $3, only on chapter 3


Antiquity eBook collection

Cambridge University Press

Oxford University Press


Great Books of the Western World


I’ll add before the book I was skeptical of the Hitler = Vishnu claim
But after reading the text and understanding the meaning of this statement I can’t help but agree with the proposition. Hitler was a man, but an extraordinary one whose actions directly counter centuries upon centuries of historical development and decline. The man was a genius and a hero, sure, but taken from a cosmic/spiritual scale it’s clear to see the man was of an unprecedented stock

you got very lucky my hard copy on amazon was about $15

Post war in particular.
Devi has a near identical thesis to Evola in that regard but she places much more spiritual weight upon the Reich’s metaphysical stamp upon the world

I'm reading a Hermetic collection. It's got The Divine Pymander, The Kybalion, and The Emerald Tablets in one collection. It's great

The Curse of Caanon-Mullins

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thank you fellas

so i heard 200$ for it, really ?

Everyone Yas Forumslack should read pic related to understand the Reich’s metaphysics

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Currently reading Revolt Against the Modern World. Don't know what I'll read next, probably something about local/national history.

Check out Decline of the West by Spengler

What about Solzhenitsyn's second book?

Got these, first editions, at a local used book shop for $25.00 total.

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Very nice!
I got the unabridged version (just new copies) and finished book 1. It is a good read but it can wear you out with the details. I like the minutia. Very interesting.
Would recommend the abridged version for the non-autists and normies.

read the whole of gulag archipeligo on my phone

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cool to see anons read, love it
because they know WHAT to read

We need to really push reading more

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