Does IQ measure intelligence?
If so - how come right-wing people (i.e. smart people) tend to score lower in IQ tests
Does IQ measure intelligence?
nice try faggot.
>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z
Intelligence is composed of no less than 24 factors. IQ is one number. Only smoothbrains rely on IQ as a quantitative measurement of intellectual capacity.
sweet! 110 sure is a lot of IQ for one guy, must be big
Because religion is a bluepill
That chart is misleading. Smart(er) people aren't identifying as Dems anymore because they're further left than the Dems, not because they identify as conservatives. At this point the Dem party is barely centrist.
When you take an iq test you've already failed the iq test.
IQ does accurately measure intelligence, yes. Political views are not directly tied to intelligence, but emotional views of abundance vs scarcity.
> IQ goes from 60 to 110
Midwits are godless childless golems. They react to slightly-more-than-simple stimuli and feel superior for it.
Be thankful for our Moroccans and trads for being based grugs fellow rabbi.
>40 is a good sample size
>t.jew with a very smooth brain
Bring better data next time nigger breath
now show the plot including 130+ iq individuals (100% believe religion is very important, specifically esoteric natsoc Christianity)
I have a 153 IQ im probably what you would consider right wing. I dont give myself such a label, but I dont dress like a woman while judging my self worth on the size of the object I can ram up my asshole. That makes me right wing.
Yes IQ is a measurement of intelligence.
People with right-wing economic policies tend to have higher IQ. People with socially conservative leanings tend to have lower IQ. The bottom right quadrant (libertarian, ancap etc) have much higher IQ on average. the top left (commie, tankie, socialists) have lowest IQ, on average.
When you try to compare IQ on 2 dimensions, ie right-wing vs left-wing, it's generally a wash.
So what you’re saying is libertarians (right on economic, left on social) are the smartest?
then compare libertarians with berniebros.
Midwit trap. Get good faggot.
That's what the study showed yes. The more right-wing economically and left-wing socially a person tends to be, the higher the IQ.
I imagine partly due to smart people having higher income on average, so naturally are going to be right-wing on economics.
Infant genital mutilation is a crime against humanity.
Idk. Why is the only Jewish majority country in the world so dumb with a 95 IQ?
95 is that true? If I had to guess, they must have included Palestinians as 'Israeli'.
You're an idiot, for two reasons.
One, you can define intelligence with any number of factors. What you're actually doing is taking a high dimensional space and projecting it onto a smaller space.
Two, it is valid to use one number as a useful proxy for general intelligence as a proper test would effectively evaluate the average of each dimension.
Want proof that this approach works? That's why IQ, a single value, is correlated with success across all industries.
Feelsgoodman. I’m a libertarian and an atheist. 2 groups with high IQs. Makes me feel better about myself.
Because smart people are still manipulable. They're still animals, biologically, at the end of the day.
Hate to break it to you user but when comparing group averages, it doesn't really say much about any single individual that falls into group categories. There's going to be plenty of brainlet libertarians and genius social conservatives.
You might be hard pressed to find a single smart commie though
If you kill them, they win.
Extend the graph to include genius level IQ and I guarantee line will curve down
Einstein liked to fuck, is what I'm saying.
>hard pressed to find a single smart commie
Fact check: true
By your logic ultra orthodox jews should be the dumbest niggers on the planet
The author of that study was expelled for faking data