this place has been long overdo for a new queen ever since Lauren Southern left. my heart is swelling with love rn. We will finally have peace on this board. Mingze will rule for all of eternity. and thats a good thing. Her grace can move mountains. He beauty transcends. Peace at last, peace at last. thank god almighty we have peace at last.
This place has been long overdo for a new queen ever since Lauren Southern left. my heart is swelling with love rn...
yeah thats why she had to have plastic surgery to fix her slant eyes. too bad about the africanized nose though
shut up retard
You ain't kidding.
She's ugly for an Asian. And thats saying something. Looks like she took a shovel squarely to the face.
No queens no queers on my jugoslavi good boy board please.
Built for BBC
I don’t understand, all it would take to rile up CCP shills (and expose themselves) is a few cum tributes...
>Rev up your dick OP
build for BWC
cia niggers and jews are super salty over xi rn
how many of you did corona kill? hahahahahaha choke you disgusting pedophile faggots
Terrible shops
>Terrible shops
make better ones you lazy nigger
voting democratic must feel so good
how does it feel to be fucking gay you queers?
absolutely based and red pilled
Impregnate...with extreme prejudice.
I've lived in Asia and fucked far better looking Asians than her. Even Asian men don't find her attractive.
how can you call me a fag and based & redpilled in the same reply?
thats not xi's daughter lol. his daughter is the uglier one you find on google. this is just a model with the same name. sorry Yas Forums keep sperging, as usual.
i prefer melania getting blacked and jewed
Should have fixed her crossed eyes
sorry got that mixed up
you are absolutely based as fuck my bro
is a fag
random model right next to xi's wife
She's all mine, you guys got a problem?? Take it up with Xi himself.
he's a chink drone trying his best to farm those points. Every thread about her is infested, and they get super salty if you say anything bad (or sexual) about the slut. They're also pushing the "that's not even her" pasta since early today, don't get fooled.
or maybe he's just your everyday tard, my b
true post but the lolbetarian later said he misquoted.
Probably true because chinks usually double down
i prefer white women getting blacked as my sexual fantasy
whiter than you mohammed
true, also nice quads
We're reaching thermonuclear levels of Chinese propaganda here
why are you kikes so butthurt?
Meh, shower one just needed the head moved to the left a bit and it would have been real enough
oh... you again....
calm down changy, we don't REALLY want to drill the slut, it's just good fun
Oh boy
I do
The by product of a Jew and Jungle Asian
where did you live?