Coronavirus is a leaked bioweapon from wuhan lab

>coronavirus is a leaked bioweapon from wuhan lab
>also lets oopen everything back up guys

can someone explain this fucking logic?

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I love coffee but it hurts when put my dick in it.

>it is
>its not as dangerous as purported

i don't know, can you post more of that slut?

>nothing’s slowing down in semi quarantine
>gotta go back

I agree but your a faggot

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Sure, since you're a retard.
Wuhan plague is a Chinese machination intended to cripple western powers, and instead of targeting hot spots, quarantining senior citizens and at-risk groups, etc etc.....We cripple our own economy.

That'll show the chinks!

i want her to piss on my face as i lick her clit clean , i wanna pull her from the bunny ears and fuck her like a donkey, hearing she yeehaw as i thrust my fat memeber into her bootylishious hole.

we cant quarantine senior citizens. all nursing homes need nurses. if nurses are infected all the people at the homes will die. tell me how the fuck were going to quarantine senior citizens without exposure to this shit? its literally airborne.

I don't think there's much logic behind it. She's dressed like a rabbit but she's is not actually a rabbit. It's meant to be cute and sexy, but unless she's serving me cocktails while kneeing my groin and breathing in my face, I don't get it either.

>made in china
It'll work a little but then fail shortly

Fart maker go Brrrrrrrrrrap

I hate to break it to you user, but pee doesn't come from the clit.

we MUST open things up. Closing the economy will kill millions. The pussy coronavirus only kills the old and pussy-ass young who should have never been born to begin with. I had that shit chink virus and I threw it off in 1 week. And I am 62 and smoke a pack a day. Oh also. tip.. the chink virus HATES tobacco.. so smoking kills it fast as fuck.

Comes from the balls though.

Federal, State and local elected officials have zero authority over your health and safety. Ther job is to keep secure the rights provided by the Constitution, and any State Law that doesn't violate it.
These people only exist because the farther away from DC one goes, the more easy it is to get away with bullshit like stay-at-home orders; and the more ignorant of their rights people are, the easier it is to control them.

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>implying the same people say both these things.
Can someone explain how OP fits so many dicks in his mouth?

youre so fucking dumb. the mask is literally to protect yourself and others.

>can someone explain this fucking logic
Yas Forums is not one person.

check infowars
>1776 we wont wear mask and we wont accept lock down.
while also
>coronvarius is hiv bioweapon leaked from level 4 lab.

>cloth mask
>made in China
>protects from a dangerous microbe
>that has little to no effect on people 18 to 64
>unless they have pre-existing conditions such as lung problems

Hurr durr. Git gud scrub.

little to no effect

kys you kike shitposter.

Haha! Based!

Picture explains

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That ass is a bio weapon for my dick

Rights are more important than lives. It isn't difficult.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Terrific ass

True true also fuck the gov they can suck my cock

I would lay waist to her ass hole

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Leaked from a laboratory != bioweapon
Now kill yourself

>unfinished chimeric virus escapes lab, overblown reaction since no one knows what it will do
>most people already made antibodies through no help from *clap* hospitals
>2 more weeks

>still locked down 4 later
If you carry on fucking around it will mutate, everyone will catch THAT as their round 1 and you will TRY to lockdown again while everyone tells you to go fuck yourself.

But, i know thats what you were aiming for, fags who couldn't help but encode your sign on the end of the genome and try to pass it off as coincidence, anglo-saxon mission leak was in 2010, overheard in 2005.

So, when they kill you for this, and they will, don't cry about it, you wanted depopulation and no one exempted you.

>its literally airborne.
Please stop posting