This country is dead. I have lived here for almost 30 years across the nation, urban, suburban and rural. I have met all races, creeds and classes. Some people care about soil but no one cares about blood. Most "men" are brainwashed bitch made simp cucks that have a roastie wife or girlfriend that has had 70 gorillion dicks before they got a hold of them and most don't breed. Most females past the age of 12 are a part time shift manager at arbys. Like I said, no cares for blood. Race mixing is seen as "I don't care" or "that's a good thing!" (They always try to bring up cuteness or "hybrid vigor" or some other bullshit). Super consoomerist, the ultimate life goal here is to accumulate as many fiat dollars and as much plastic chinese junk as you can before you die. The flag is all they have and wave it hard they do. What is land and a flag without blood? Without sacrifice? Without struggle? Dirt and a piece of cloth. R.I.P. in peace.
This country is dead. I have lived here for almost 30 years across the nation, urban, suburban and rural...
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When Americans say this your compatriots ignore it. When others point it out they get mutthurt and deflect. Pride will be your downfall
Both of our nations deserve it for ignoring and disobeying God.
America is coming back. We're going back to the Moon - and to the planets beyond. Astronauts, our best and brightest, men and women of sharp mind and sturdy body, the greatest humans that America has to offer, will lead us into a new age of space. Remember the pride that America felt - just to be American - in the Apollo days? In a time of race riots, a war in Vietnam that spilled American blood for no good reason, and in which degenerate hippies were mainstream, men walked on the Moon. Sacrifice and struggle there was, aplenty - the Apollo 1 fire spilled the blood of three of the greatest sons this country has ever produced, and great amounts of time and money were spent. But America, through space, proved ourselves greater than any other nation. Once again, as we turn back towards that moon, the boot-prints waling upon it will be American, through and through, and the Stars and Stripes will fly proud over the grey soil of Luna. And in the 2030s, that red, white and blue banner will ripple in the tenuous winds of the Martian atmosphere.
Join the military and you will see plenty of blood, sacrifice and struggle.
Accept secession
Also, race mixing isn't that common dude. Just let it go.
That won't happen if the beta c.ucks (97% of the population). I see don't stop making supreme gentlemen, goblins and watermelons spliced with
Give me an example of somewhere better?
In every generation, we only need a few - the best, the brightest, the greatest men. Not every man in any nation will be cut out for this future. A quick mind and a quicker body are musts - I'm certainly not good enough to be an astronaut. But regardless of petty setbacks, NASA will carry the fire. As long as the Stars and Stripes wave throughout the Solar System, America will never die.
Isle of Man
go back to africa
>makes a good point in the op
>follows it up with christcuck larping
You get what you fucking deserve i guess.
What are you talking about?
I have literally only seen 1 black man in my entire life.
Jewish wars are not sacrifice or struggle, just power, blood, money and oil.
>T. 56%.
>sit back
>trust the plan
Are you high
That’s not the point. You don’t run away from your problems
Blood sacrifice and struggle in the middle east serving no one but kikes in israel. Joining the military is not a good idea.
Midwits get the rope first.
America has its failings, and nowhere in my statements did I say that you shouldn't continue to agitate for whatever you believe, politically. All I'm saying is, that NASA is proof that America is still a great nation. As long as our rockets fly, our flag will, because space is the frontier. The frontier has always sustained America.
>government agencies are proof that our country is great
Imagine actually believing this
You dumb cunt, NASA are the biggest bitch cucks in existence who couldn't put a man on the moon again if they tried. Literally relied on German engineering for years and then stagnated. Now all they do is waste tax dollars and make plans to put the first whore on Mars. The stars and stripes will never wave across the solar system and that's a good thing, this country has done NOTHING good since it killed the fucking featherniggers.
A flag on the Moon is proof that our country is great. Don't see any maple leaves flying up there, do you?
Uhh, buddy. Every engine used on the rocket to get to the moon was designed by Rocketdyne, an American company. You very much misunderstand Von Braun's role in the US space program. He designed the Redstone and the Saturn IB - the Saturn V was more American than German, with only small help from Von Braun at MOST. And are you just going to ignore the space shuttle? Are you really that unaware of the history of space?
The flag on the moon is plain white
Germany, and German scientists built and tested the first rockets, also improving on those designs and building a foundation for Americans to build atop of later so we could win a retarded fake war with the USSR. And I don't fucking care about the history of space travel beyond the basics, that age has gone. Now is the age of niggers, spics and gays.
Wrong again, retard. The nylon flag that they planted is bleached, but this flag, painted on the side of every lunar module, is still there. There are 6 American flags on the Moon.
Angry racist needs therapy
>NASA is proof that America is still a great nation. As long as our rockets fly
Thats the problem, NASA doesnt even have rockets anymore. They hire others to perform launches (SpaceX or the Russians).
Christcucks get the rope first for being race traitors and nonwhite.
Never happened
Okay, what are your reasons why you think it didn't happen? What part of the evidence makes you think it's false?
Yes, retard, America had race riots when we went to the moon. That was us losing our culture, self-determination and our demographic advantage over the 3rd world. This mass of retarded mutts is far too busy paying niggers to eat, shit, fuck, and die gracelessly as part of their quest to own an $80,000 truck or remodel the kitchen again to ever achieve anything noteworthy. We need massive, fundamental change that can only be brought about with rivers of blood if you ever want to see any human achievement worthy of being printed on paper. OP is right about everything, and today (you) are the faggot.
>There are 6 American flags on the Moon.
And all of them are UV-blanched. Have they been routinely returning to apply SPF 6 gorillion?