Why is the US the worst hit by Covid? Honestly? There are lots of places nearer to China, or with more travel to it

Why is the US the worst hit by Covid? Honestly? There are lots of places nearer to China, or with more travel to it

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it's not

It has the most cases.

Soon we'll have to talk about the fact that this pandemic is 100% an immigration issue and nothing more.

China is lying, India isn't testing, US has the third highest population after them. We are nowhere near worst per capita.

Cause its all fake

Because trump lied

I'm from Michigan, which is currently third-place in the US Coronalympics. The locations that are severely affected have a high percentage of black or asian people. Make of that what you will.

gib shekels goblino goy

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We have had our birthright transfered, largely, to china and mexico. This has gone practiclaly un-mentioned in academia, media, etc. It is just a silent and soft genocide of the western civilization.
The globalists did this to us. They let it happen. Every person on pol knew by early january what was happening. So did the intelligence agencies. We have been completely setup.

Even iceland has more cases per capita

spring break faggots kinda fucked over the whole country
but countries are even more fucked b/c of dense population

China stopped recording (likely hit 1.4 million cases back at the beginning of march), and india doesnt have the ability to record. People bathe in shit in India.

Look up what per capita means and try to think about how it's relevant to your stupid fucking question.

21 million cell phone and utility accounts cancelled since January in China. Wuhan back on lockdown six days ago, thought may be from civil unrest. I tell you what, Chang. I'd cut ties with the homeland and become a loyal Aussie, because I'm pretty sure CCP's days are numbered. Remember the fall of the Soviet Union? When it happened, the whole thing fell apart in less than a week.
Weird how it disproportionately affects southeast Asians and people of African decent. A thought. What if you wanted to take over a resource rich continent, but it was already occupied but an indigenous population. What if you engineered a virus to depopulate said continent, but it got loose before you had the bugs worked out ant it turned out to be especially lethal against your own people. And what if the ensuing pandemic toppled the house of cards your entire economy was built on? That would be tragic.

Well, yes and no. It ripped through China like a pitbull in a maternity ward, and is either still going, or China is cracking down on the civil unrest left in its wake. Probably a bit of both. It fucked up Italy and Spain because they, like most of Europe, have an aging population that is especially vulnerable. It's probably not as bad in France because you apparently didn't stop having kids forty years ago like the rest of Europe. You're still at 85% native French, so while I imagine it's ripping through Paris and other minority enclaves, it's probably not affecting the average French population all that much. The US is a different case, but 70% of deaths in densely populated cities like New York are minorities, mostly black. In less densely populated areas, the death toll is far lower. For example, New York City alone has nearly 12,000 deaths, while my home state of Alabama, with a population of a little over 6 million people, has had 96 total Covid 19 deaths. So, outside the major population centers, it's essentially bullshit.

Lots of movement, lots of foreigners, greater initial exposure, exponential growth. Do 3 to the power of 8, now do 30 to the power of 8.
Also China is worse off, they're just being lying fuckwits about it.

Because it's meant to topple the East and West in a war and cause more replacement migration for cheap labor in the USA, making the perfect cultureless brown nation

It is the most international country in the world.

I don't think so. Just spitballing here, but what China desperately needs are resources and someplace to grow food. I'm certain they would be happy if this thing crippled the west, but the way it's fucking up blacks in the US, I think this thing was tailored to target sub Saharan Africans. It just happens to be particularly lethal against southeast Asians, too. Probably because they didn't have it finished yet. And being the bumblefucks they are, the Chinese accidentally let it loose on their own population.

it's being exagerated in order to give mr noseberg a 2 trillion bailout

None of you guys are right or close yet.

...a literal melting pot

All of Europe is the size of the USA
We are doing very well

I’m Hawaiian and was there and didn’t get the virus

That’s how they track you by your phone

NYC is the capital of the world
They're the only city with a real problem

Europe is slightly larger the US and with 5 times the white population.

High life expectancy compared to China or India. High levels of obesity.

>They're the only city with a real problem
New Yorkers?

are this cases white tho? or are they mostly those overweight negros?

>A thought. What if you wanted to take over a resource rich continent, but it was already occupied but an indigenous population. What if you engineered a virus to depopulate said continent, but it got loose before you had the bugs worked out ant it turned out to be especially lethal against your own people. And what if the ensuing pandemic toppled the house of cards your entire economy was built on? That would be tragic.
You would probably engineer said virus to be most effective against a young and fit population of reproductive age, and not against old boomers that don't work and already had their kids. You would also start that project by targeting a protein that isn't found at high levels in all people (and some cats and ferrets). Just a thought.