Return to England

Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave this shithole country and return to the land of my ancestors?

Sure London is a dump, but nothing can beat the quintessential British countryside. Since I last visited the UK I’ve felt a yearning in my heart to return. Why live in this soulless country that’s forgotten it’s proud imperial heritage, when I can return home.

I’m eligible for a 10 year ancestry visa, so why not?

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whats a ancestor visa?

also your job is to make canada look like england
chop chop water your grass more

I'd love to live in Toronto

Hahahahaha trust me you do not want to come here. You live in a fucking paradise. There are places in your country that you can spend your entire life in without a single normie in a 100 mile range. And you can freely smoke weed and you can own a gun. It's shit here unless you bave at least £1m. If you do have £1m+ then yeah it'll probably be alright, but you'd still be much better off somewhere else

why? are you chinese, black or indian?

It's shit I'm trying to get to your shithole

You’re welcome.

Got a spare million (minimum) for that house?

Stay in Canada user, American try to sneak into Canada constantly.

See pic related

Surely it’s not that bad in the countryside? The cities here are terrible, and our country is ok, but underdeveloped and lacks character.

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Me too lol. I can hardly believe that there are Canadians trying to come here.

Grass, green blablabla

If you hate living in one western country, you'll hate the rest of them.

Why are you trying to come here? Why do you think it’s better?

if you are white they no longer want you.

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Don't get me wrong, the British comfyside is amazing. Only problem is, it costs extremely large amounts of money, and you're only allowed planning permission if your name ends in 'stein' and you want to make a 100 acre housing development for niggers

You have to do your research. The population density is the worst part of it which makes coming from one of the least densely populated countries on Earth so perplexing.

A lot depends on what you are looking for.

>need a loicense to buy cutlery
>need to give queen 100% of your land royalties and thank her for only putting 25% directly into her pocket
>get fined for buying potato chips
everyone with half a brain left 200 years ago so the modern british are litcherally the most cucked people on the planet
to redeem it you would need to cleanse 100% of the population including (and especially) the native british

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Toronto gets old real fast after about a week and then you try to travel out and it's just flat land and soulless parking lot towns for miles until you reach the tundra.

fuck of we're full

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Is bongland as much of a police state as people claim it is? Is it really that bad over there as Yas Forums makes it out to be?

Just seems like a nicer NYC

The grass aint greener on the otherside mate, if we had freedom of movement we all be moving to canada

One reason might be the ongoing pandemic and lack of jobs. If you are independently wealthy then the only reason would be the lack of commercial flights.

99% of Canadians don't live in fucking Banff, they live in shitty grey flat empty suburbs surrounded by chinks. Why do you think they're so passive aggressive on here if they live in paradise like Aussies?

Unless you can afford to pay through the nose for a house in the south then you'll come to find this place is a shithole like everywhere else.
Cultureless wasteland filled with suburban new-build estates. The people are hedonistic zombies all the way up.
99.9% of people live for their Friday night session in the pub with the lads. Sure everyone's friendly but there's a sinister undercurrent of meaninglessness. I'd stay away if given the chance

Is canada more cucked than england?

I thought Canada was ok i mean i saw Degrassi High and a lot of Canadian tv series in the 90s, hmmm la femme nikita comes to mind :D

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not really. the police can't be bothered to enforce the law most of the time. if you keep to yourself you can do whatever you want for the most part.


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I'm already here

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>almost 100% Anglo
>my family all moved to America hundreds of years ago

I'd never move back, but it's terrible they set the ancestry limit to only grandparents.

you couldn't afford it

>everyone with half a brain left 200 years ago
you mean the criminals & peasants ?

Why in christ name would you come here. The house in the image you've posted make up like 0.01% of living in the U.K., the majority of it, even outside of non-major cities, is fuckin dogshit.

There is no space here unless you have a shit load of money and move to the west country. If space and peace is what you want, move internally. I'm earning my money in the city then moving to rural canada or US.

How is the lockdown for you guys? Can you go out at all, what does social distancing mean in Britain? Seen a couple of pretty crazy videos about cops enforcins quite strict measures

>need a loicense to buy cutlery

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I second this. I visited countryside Alberta and Saskatchewan long ago and loved it. I would move in a heartbeat.
it's this. the state is a potemkin city outside the bits that matter.

most of us live in houses like this lol

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>check flag
You aren't English you fucking Chink.

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at least you can shag a bird here without having to complain about Drumpf

Love my deano box lad

Stay over there in Bongland Paki, we have enough niggers and rapists here, we don't need a 2-for-1 Mudslime special.

yeah you can go out. when i go to the supermarket i see loads of people roaming the streets for no reason. social distancing means you stand 2 meters apart when you wait in the queue for the supermarket then when you get into the supermarket you stand right next to each other. I couldn't give a fuck about the rules within a supermarket. they have arrows on the floor and you're meant to follow them in a one-way system but i don't, i'm not walking around the entire to store to get to where i need to be i don't give a fuck if you have wuh flu, dying would only improve my quality of life.

we don't fucking want you here

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imagine if peasants left and then built the most powerful empire in global history while the motherland empire crumbled haha that would be crazy that would almost mean the people who stayed behind were lazy retarded cucks or something haha

that's australia but yeah they're pretty cucked too

what would you do for money? let me guess, telecommute with your £250,000 a year dev job like everyone else on this shithole. If you're lucky you'd get a $3000 a month flat in Jane & Finch with Somali neighbours

North America is a cursed land.

>Cultureless wasteland filled with suburban new-build estates. The people are hedonistic zombies all the way up.
You've described most of Canada to a T
>99.9% of people live for their Friday night session in the pub with the lads.
I fall under that 99.9%, but most canucks can't even in to weekly social gatherings with friends. We're just that socially inept/reclusive. The epitome of soulless.

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