Does pol have an actual reason to hate this guy or is it just because he makes trump look like a retard without trying

Does pol have an actual reason to hate this guy or is it just because he makes trump look like a retard without trying

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makes himself look like a retard without trying

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>plz give shekel

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the latter. definitely the latter.

He's been there too long

Well he did put propaganda in front of scientific facts for trump to blame China.

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does the media have a single piece of evidence or reason to think Yas Forums dislikes this guy other than the fact that you cunts seem to really want us to? commit fucking suicide you cunt

I lost respect for him with that tinder comment

Yes. He is a Obama holdover and thusly purposely trying to subvert the current administration and this country. Also event 201.

also he has patents on covid do your fucking job you dumb cunt cock mounted PR puppet

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>saging on an imagepost

Do blue checkmarks have a reason to love him aside from him making Trump angry? They acted the same way about Mueller up until his report actually came out.

Mad because he makes Trump look like a retard

He has a decades-long history of getting it completely wrong but is held up as an expert because he has the right rich/elitist/media pals whose agenda he actively pushes on society.

But in this case, he got his estimates NINETY FIVE PERCENT wrong, possibly worse than that when the smoke clears and we find that at least half the reported cases weren't.

Under no scientific circumstance would a licensed doctor and expert get it nearly 100% wrong, that's nearly completely fucking wrong, and still be expected to be taken seriously in any forum.

If he had any decency and dignity he'd resign in shame today.

Why do you idiots insist on pushing your glowing propaganda days after it has already failed, and the iron is ice cold?
No one is buying your GOOD propaganda, you dumb nigger. How the fuck do you ignorant bastards convince yourselves that this lazy low tier bullshit is going to fly?

You are desperate, and you suck at this.
We are going to fuck your shit so hard, you commie nigger vermin filth.

China is to blame, shill.

the latter.
also, checked.

it's because they're empty brain PR slaves. that's how they got the checkmark. they need to be slaves that lie for another man in order to fuel their drug habits. impersonating a journalist when you're actually a corporate PR bimbo should be punishable by the death penalty

I don't care about Trump. I care about not keeping retarded mass business shutdowns that immediately led to 20 million laid off workers you idiot. And Fauci is the one shilling the hardest for near-perpetual business lockdowns with dystopian vaccination ID programs required to go into your office or travel.

I’m hearing that the corvid 19 was lab created by the doctors employer. He should explain to them how it’s not lab created. Or maybe take responsibility for the test kits it didn’t work and the antibody tests that don’t work.
The amount of money on propaganda they could have went to Iran and found the people on the plane that were coming in and out of Iran
Trump lies he never stoped the Iran flights and New York City covid 19 strains are from Iran
But to much time is wasted with false allegations Iran now got away with it
So yes he should surrender his license

It's because he makes trump look retarded. My favorite part was when trump trial ballooned firing him and he realized people trusted Fauci mpre than him.

How about his major role in linking HIV to AIDS?

Once again
There were Americans working at Wuhan and America has paid money for that lab.
The covid 19 is not from that lab do some scientific work
It why this man need to step up or give his license up.
The money the USA is paying for propaganda could be given to scientists for this investigation to Iran and the flights and antibody test in New York City
But time is lost and now you can’t use scientific facts to prove anything
Because trump will look like a liar in front of the world

He is literally the only democrat there thus why. Hell the Surgeon General is a smart well spoken black man but because this is the Trump administration the media isn't turning him into a hero.

>Does pol have an actual reason to hate this guy or is it just because he makes trump look like a retard without trying
Why should we like that guy?

>inb4 you never post again, because you're a shill.


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I think it's probably because he sucks Bill Gates off for free. The normies have finally caught up to Yas Forumstards with respect to Mr. Gates of Hell.

>Does pol have an actual reason to hate this guy
he isn't educated, he's a little rich boy who bought his way into credentials

maybe its because he recommended not to wear face masks when he knew that would get people killed? maybe hey don’t want to focus on him because you know, he told a flat out lie that resulted in countless needless deaths? fucking kill yourself retard

>lab do some scientific work
>It why this man need to step up
> given to scientists for this investigation to Iran and the flights and antibody test in New York City
>But time is lost and now you can’t use scientific facts to prove anything
A Chink lecturing anybody on using Scientific Facts
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