Does anyone personally know someone who has/had coronavirus?

It's weird, I live somewhere that supposedly has a huge outbreak, yet nobody claims that they know anyone with it.


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Most of Yas Forums doesn't even know any people at all

1 confirmed (age 67) 1 false negative but all the same symptoms just less severe (age 35) 5 untested because no point.

All one family.

Yes. One of my friends got infected and was hospitalized for a while, but recovered.
Maybe you don't have any friends or live in a state with few confirmed cases.

I thought I had it but I think I was just constipated from eating dried egg powder.

My neighbors have it, husband checked into hospital yesterday after two weeks sick with no improvement. Wife was there for a week already. Husband actually caught it first and tested positive, both in their mid 50s.

Yes, my mother, though she recovered after a few weeks and was let back home

4 relatives of people I work with.

I know of two people. On locally and one is a friend in NY.

my mother's banker

no, they are all dead
corpses accumulate on the streets
its hell
nobody to bury the dead
they die even before being born
its all trumps 5g chinese fault

My friend’s dad died of it. In his 60s. Not sure if there were any other complications.

My brother and his family have it
Kids feel fine but his wife is still trying to recover but she feels better

My brother's coworker's gay black sister-in-law died from it. If you go outside you're killing gay niggers.

Recent ex’s web designer got it and is on a ventilator

A friend of mine (30, perfect health) just got sick as fuck. He's a "nothingburger / it's a hoax" and then it's the first time he got a flu in his life. Weird timing.

ask any 69 yo boomer how many people they know or heard of dying from the flu, they always say no one, even though millions supposedly have died from it in their lifetime


My mom had it. She recovered.

mum's colleague's sister is my closest confirmed but we basically don't test anyone so probably had closer contacts.

OP we're all just having fun and joking around, we all actually know the severity of this outbreak and want to protect our loved ones

But your French, so your friend was probably a fat ape.

My friend's dad (68) and his wife, the former hospitalized and on supplemental oxygen for days, the latter with a more mild case. Also my gf, clinically "mild" case but it wiped her out for five days or so and made it hard for her to breathe. Also a worker in the same building as my dad's died from it, not sure his age.

I've never known anyone in my entire life who has died from the flu. My grandfather died from pneumonia that arose after hospitalization for a urinary tract infection, though.

Someone always knows someone who knows someone who has it. It's never someone direct.

oh he fucked den fo real

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I thought I had mono once for a whole year. Turns out I was just really bored.

I know some stupid housemothers who said they had it to dip out of work lmao.

dude who worked with my buddy. he had flu symptoms and recovered in 2-3 days.

no. It's a false narrative that is laid over normally occurring death/ illnesses.

The wives of 2 coworkers. One is pregnant, one has cancer. They are both in the hospital often. Probably how they got it. Both families are being tested down to the children. I work in Valencia California.

I could tell you the truth, that my sisters in the hospital on a ventilator right now and has been for 17 days, but i realize it doesnt mean jack shit here. I fuckin told her to be careful and prep back in fucking january but she didnt listen and now her kids are probably going to be motherless.

My 1st cousin has it.
25 years old healthy and athletic, prison guard and there was an outbreak at his prison. He was on a ventilator for a week and very close to death (he waited too long before going to the doctor). He is now off the ventilator and slowly recovering but his wife is pregnant and was likely exposed.
Shit is real boys don't play around with it

>t. Central florida user, by the way

>be in Shitcago
>talk to hundreds of people everyday in Northern IL and WI
>no one knows a single person with the coof

It's weird

I want a gallon of that.


I don't know anyone in person but a friend of mine works in a hospital that's specialized on lung problems so all the covid cases in the region are send there. (mind this is in NRW, a verry densely populated area). Last week he told me they had 6 guys there with "sever" covid symptoms.
According to him all the 6 guys suffer from a lung infection, nasty since its a viral one and hence they can only act on the symptoms until immune system gets rid of it if i understood that correctly, and pretty high feaver wich can be deadly when untreated but super easy to treat with meds.