Well Yas Forums, it's good to see you're once again not paying attention to the things that really matter. This month the governor of Virginia passed a bill the repealed the need for voter ID
When leftist billionaires can lobby for this kind of crap your state is gone. It happened to California years ago.
Daniel Perez
Virginians need to get off their asses and do something or move to a different state because we cant fix it for them
Noah Cook
If Trump loses I'm peacing the fuck out to Costa Rica.
Thomas Gutierrez
>Don't need an ID to vote in an election How do leftist justify this?
Jaxon Adams
Every state that has joined the Popular Vote Interstate Compact is in violation of Section 2 of the 14th Amendment.
The penalty for violating that section is spelled out in that section - loss of all electoral votes, and loss of all Congressional representation.
Jayden Fisher
If only we had someone in charge that had balls to fucking enforce this though. What is happening in Virginia right now means that we can safely assume that the state will become solid blue this elections. Wonderful.
Alexander Parker
You can't rely on someone else.
It's up to us as citizens to stay alert and enact change.
But we are on Yas Forums, where you just argue with BBC posters instead of actual shit that matters.
Jackson Sanchez
It will be really funny if Trump wins the popular vote and that "Popular Vote Interstate Compact" blows up in their faces.
Jayden Hernandez
It both amuses and saddens me when states literally remove the right to vote from their citizens. Nobody seems to bat an eye when VA signs this into law. This effectively says, "Your(Virginian) vote does not matter, we will simply place our electorals with what other states vote for." Pathetic.
Kayden Brown
That's not the point, retard. Over the long run a popular vote is disastrous. We are a republic, not a democracy.
Hudson Anderson
Large-scale organized election fraud is the only card the Dems have left to play and everyone knows it. However this fall the DOJ will be aggressively targeting the DNC's voter fraud schemes.
Tyler Ross
Where did you get this information?
Lucas Morris
This month the governor of Virginia passed a bill the repealed the need for voter ID
Yawn. Nothing new, we've had sanctuary cities for years now
>And has added the state to the popular vote interstate compact.
Which the Federal government will completely ignore when the vote comes to tally, along with all the other states "participating" in this unlawful compact.
>Participate in federal election >expect federal government to comply with your state law >get BTFO when election time comes and your state decides to go with electoral collage again
Jeremiah Jones
This needs to be dealt with by the supreme court sooner rather than later.
If they wait until an election to handle the legality of this it'll be a shitshow of unimaginable proportions.
Matthew Russell
We are a republic, not a democracy.
It's not 1776 and as long as you're voting in a two party system then you will never understand what a republic is.
Name one republican run sanctuary state/city... Don't keep us waiting too long.
Jason Russell
I Want To Believe.
Colton Clark
Excellent post sir.
Brandon Miller
Yep Trump gave DHS power over elections I don't want to ask how they're going to foil the dems because DHS HAS TO SUCCEED
William Ross
I actually travelled to Virginia through 5 states to be there for the rally and support them. I'm a pro 2a very much so and actually doing something about it. But I'm absolutely certain that nothing will happen to these states because there is no political push and Trump won't risk anything before the election night so nothing will happen. The people can't do shit without a wide political support because too many of them buy into the red vs blue theatrics and fall for the media's propaganda and as such won't understand the implications of this compact. Maybe a small group or 2 will try and do something about it but the people at large don't even know the problem exists.
Cooper Parker
They claim that black people are too poor and stupid to get IDs. Not even kidding.
Elijah Watson
It’s “voter suppression”, even though you literally can’t even open a bank account or get a legitimate job without a photo ID. In reality they just want to make voter fraud easier.
Kayden Smith
>How do leftist justify this? They say it's too hard for 'minorities' to get them. Too high a threshold thereby discouraging them from voting or in a sense "disenfranchising" them. Complete horseshit but the talking heads on TV repeat it over and over again and the rubes believe it.
Daniel Walker
I'll be honest user, I don't understand the point you're trying to make. Yes, I am aware there are no republican run sanctuary cities, how does that relate to your post about voter fraud?
I know Dems do it, I just don't quite get the connection you're trying to make. Explain it to me like I'm 5.
Isaiah Barnes
Well, aren't they right? There shouldn't be any as many licenses as there are.
Isaac Walker
Eh, in Washington we don't need an ID to vote, because there's no one to show an ID to. Everything is done by mail. If you're ineligible to vote, you don't get a ballot sent to you.
Every state should do elections like we do in Washington.
Camden Walker
Huh lets use our brain here to put the puzzle pieces together.
>nothing but democrat run cities are allowing illegal, UNDOCUMENTED people to vote. A vote which is recorded, by count using documents...being manipulated by people which are not documented... VS A non sanctuary city run by documented citizens who have lived in the country and are naturalized to it.
Unless your argument is simply "since sanctuary cities are allowing undocumented people to vote then that makes it not voter fraud" then I fail to see how you can't see how that is blatant voter fraud. At least on a federal level. The states/cites aren't enforcing federal laws regarding documentation/voting.
James Foster
Every license is an ID but not every ID is a license. A lot of niggers have simple ID cards and no licence. And every nigger has an ID anyway. Can't buy booze or cigs without it. Cant get gibs without it etc.
Nolan Hall
It's going to be salt mountain when a Republican wins the national vote and all those cuckstates are going to be legally bound to vote for him.
Wyatt Collins
that's actually pretty reasonable. If their votes are compromised, how can they be considered
Daniel Sullivan
I mean, im just going to vote multiple times for Trump.
Alexander Sanchez
>We are a republic, not a democracy. The US is both. It's a republic because it doesn't have a monarchy. It's a democracy because by a legally binding means a portion of the population votes for a government.
You seem to think being a federation of states is what a republic is.
Bentley Hall
>Everything is done by mail Because no one makes copies of your ballots and changes the vote or throws them out or loses them in a van...
Jayden Harris
Right, but you should only be needing an ID anyways. You don't need to drive to vote.
Connor Davis
compacts between states are illegal. won't hold up in court
Colton Mitchell
>It's a republic because it doesn't have a monarchy You are retarded. Thats not what being a republic means.
Matthew Allen
If people are fucking with mailboxes, they are going to be in for a load of hurt. Many people nonetheless drop off their ballots directly in postal drop boxes, which can't really be touched by anyone who isn't a mailman. Once they reach the election office, we have members of both parties counting the votes to ensure plenty of eyes on the ballots.
Caleb Turner
Some dystopic shit, here you get an invitation to vote by mail and show that with your ID at the voting booth. What's so complicated about that?
Parker Baker
Did you not hear Commander Trump's orders today?
That's an order not a suggestion. Failure to comply will result in your arrest for treason. Get in the streets right now and start liberating. Go!
You can't just expect black people to drive to a polling station you racist. What if they don't have a car?
Jackson Harris
They say it is racist towards minorities or some other shit.
>How do leftist justify this? Honestly, do you think they care to legitimately justify it? They are just seeing if they can get away with it and if they don't then they shelve the issue to push it another time in the future. This is what these marxists do. They just keep pushing their agenda until it eventually sticks. This is why they won the culture war in the 1960's and have been winning ever since.
Dominic White
That is literally the definition of the word.
a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
1a(1): a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president (2): a political unit (such as a nation) having such a form of government
A republic (Latin: res publica, meaning "public affair") is a form of government in which the country is considered a "public matter", not the private concern or property of the rulers. The primary positions of power within a republic are attained, through democracy, oligarchy, autocracy, or a mix thereof, rather than being unalterably occupied. As such it has become the opposing form of government to a monarchy and has therefore no monarch as head of state.
Easton Wilson
>It's going to be salt mountain when a Republican wins the national vote and all those cuckstates are going to be legally bound to vote for him.
They'll just change it last minute and vote Democrat anyway. There is literally a zero percent chance Californian state congressmen would ever allow Trump to win Calofornia. Zero. Not happening.
Henry Gomez
>which can't really be touched by anyone who isn't a mailman At the same time they tell you not to mail cash through the mail because it's insecure.
Ryan Robinson
Well, they had to. How can illegals vote 5 or 6 times if they have to get a phony license ID for each district they illegally vote for democrats in?
This is much more convenient, they can go from poll to poll and vote as often as they like, and not even leave their city. Why do you hate them so, OP? Don't they deserve 20 times the voting power of a actual citizen, to make up for all the raaaciism they've been subjected to? And how about all the hardship of entering the company illegally, avoiding the ICE nazis, and getting a fake SS number?
You are being SO unreasonable...they only come here because they're starving, as you can see from pic related.