what's the secret to his success? how does he do it?
What's the secret to his success? how does he do it?
born into it
its easy to outsmart people when they insist on assuming you are an incompetent retard
super male vitality pills
One of the worst presidents in history. Well done for becoming number 1
GRIT. He never stops fighting and never accepts defeat.
Big Dick Energy.
god i love him so much
Simply the best president in history. Well done for becoming number 1
Time travel
whats that naked BLVCK BVLL doing behind trump?
Thats his slave
I want to read Think & Kick Big Ass
Waiting his turn.
Jew cum
intense focus on reality and ignoring abstract concepts
incredible social awareness and ability to create spectacles to gain attention and manipulate others opinions of him.
zero fixed morality or plans for the future. (all his campaign promises were basically just placeholder gibberish)
Very strong bone structure.
>Intense focus on reality
>Also thinks the flu shot will work against the coronavirus
God is on his side.
He doesn't care how you feel about it at the end of the day and that gives him massive power.
Most people modify their behavior heavily even before presenting it to the public forum. He doesn't. He does his thing and then laughs at the people trying to wrap political correctness or social mores into it. He sets the tone instead of going to the beat of it.
He is also undoubtedly vastly smarter than people give him credit for and he intentionally lets the people who think he is a buffoon think what they want.
That comes under ignoring abstract concepts
That's actually a very good point.
Go live in America if you love sucking zio cock so much ya zbala.
anointed from on high
Jews cant blackmail him
>Bailed out by the Rothschilds for billions of dollars
>Wilbur Ross, Rothschild banker when asked why "we have a future interest in him."
>Now Wilbur Ross works in the White House
>Trump constantly bends the knee to Mossad, didn't even do anything when they got caught spying on the White House
>Let his daughter marry a Jewish warlock and impregnate her
Gee why is Trump so successful???
Pure and total confidence.
>Bailed out by the Rothschilds for billions of dollars
now he bailed out the same kikes with your money
Fake it till you make it.
hes very adaptable to new situations and challenges, alot of charisma....
with jews you win!
They do not assume.
It is part of an strategy to call all Republican Presidents retards.
In fact, it is the only one Democrats have.
If you fall for it, you may be a Democrat.
He goes for it and doesn't afraid of anything