>Rothschilds were one Jewish bank that had the bright idea of spreading wealth between countries and financing both sides of a war and since then every other global bank (all non-Jewish) has done the same "IT WAS DA JOOOS!" >Ringleader of MKULTRA, D.E. Cameron, was a Lutheran protestant "IT WAS DA JOOOS!" >CIA majority recruits Catholics and Mormons "IT WAS DA JOOOS!" >GFC2008 involved 99% Irish, protestant, and Italian bankers "IT WAS DA JOOOS!" >Mandalay Bay Hotel belonged to Saudi Royal family "IT WAS DA JOOOS!" >9/11 planned and executed by wealthy Saudis with connections to the royal family "IT WAS DA JOOOS!"
Seriously, is this some kind of mental disorder? Is it neurologically impossible for these people to conceive of any group of people doing amoral shady shit at the highest levels of power other than the ebil joos?
People want simple explanations for complex phenomenon
Evan Miller
Already googled them. How about you google Mossad's explicit warning to American intel that ~200 Arabs were crossing the border and preparing to launch a major terrorist attack? A warning that was waved away and completely ignored despite Israel being, y'know, right fucking next to the country that was actually behind it?
I'm not saying the Jews & Israel don't have skeletons in their closet. Epstein is the obvious example of the now. But to think that if we "just get rid of the Jews" that will solve the problem of evil is so asininely bluepilled I can't imagine anyone thinking that with an IQ over 80.
"Hey guys you ever think that the elite might be encouraging us to blame everything on the Jews so they can link our reasonable questioning of power to the biggest genocide in modern history and paint us as stalwarts of the ultimate evil?" >Shut up, Jew
why don't you google dancing Israelis and Larry Silverstein real quick. also while you're doing that make sure to figure out who founded the Federal reserve and who's been running it as well as who make up the top media executives
Bentley Gomez
Oh what's up Saudi? My apologies, didn't mean to bust your fat sandnigger ass for engineering the Iraq War. Ignore this thread everybody, keep blaming the Jews. Don't look into the Bin-Talal family, it'll make Mr. Saudi mad!!