Should catration be used as a punishment for pedophilia?
Should catration be used as a punishment for pedophilia?
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They do it chemically for offenders.
What did Jared do to get framed with CP?
Where are your definitions of "punishment" and "pedophilia"? Do you just go around assuming that those words mean the same thing to everyone? Are you trolling or just a prick?
Chemical castration isn't permanent
Unequivocally: YES.
How about we use castration as a reward for pedophilia? Check mate racists.
Chemical castration is literally transgender hormones.
He fucked a 15 yo girl.
Just tattoo a giant P in their face and strip them of all human rights. Then watch the fun.
Parents of pic related should be jailed.
battymon fi dead
Go in through the urethra and superglue the path in the prostate that semen goes through shut
That would be a mercy.
>In March 2016, Fogle was assaulted by another inmate, Steven Nigg (Register No. #10896-089), reportedly because Nigg hates child molesters.
There's a host of people who don't do it for the sex. There are sadists who enjoy administering pain and watching the people break. Castrating them would probably make them even more hardened sadists. If you're going to castrate, you may as well kill them. You'd just create a bigger monster, one who could never satisfy that itch - and would have general resentment to humanity, as well.
Weimar squared.
Should women who falsely accuse men of rape or do paternity frauds be sterilized?
A bullet to the frontal lobe
Weimar problems require Weimar solutions.
catraton for pedopills
As someone who was falsely accused of pedophilia, I'd rather you didn't.
As an antinatalist, I'm not attached to fertility. It's more of an integrity issue. The more you exalt hateslaves, the more retardedly opaque and degenerate society becomes. As an opponent of pedophilia, I have a strong preference for policies against it that aren't retarded.
If pedophilia charges can get people sterilized, actual pedophiles will start framing their opponents.
I don't see how limiting the number of cats that pedos can have is going to solve anything.
If you want to make an omelet, you've got to break some eggs.
I'd imagine there are ways to study the neurological response someone has to children to determine if they are a pedophile
Easy to say when you arent the one being broken. Hard asses are always hard until shit comes for them.
Yes. Chemical castration for pedos seems fitting. I'd support it with no hesitation
Thd problem is that the worst pedophiles are the ones who aren't attracted to children, but are attracted to control over people. Children just happen to be the most vulnerable. They can pass the tests have long marriages and seem like a good person, but they aren't.
Chemical castration for kiddy porn first offense
10 years in prison for second offense
Public hanging for third conviction
Physical castration + 10 years in prison for raping a kid
Life in prison if more than one victim
Public Hanging for second conviction
I think most would agree with this but we don't do this, - why?
I reason that for every person that agrees or disagrees with harsh sentencing - about a 1/5 of them are related to a pedo who they "love and care about" and about 1/20 of them are actual pedos. Pedos tend not to be rough and tough characters, they are a different type of sociopath. The same goes for politicians they are pedos and have pedos in their families.
Pedos deserve the rope. This isn't something that should be legislated. Bring back social shaming and mob justice. Some innocents will get burned; society will be better for it.
Based Nigg
he banged teen's he technically wasn't a pedophille.
this. Feminist are making it so if you are attracted to a teen you are pedo. It's fucking retarded.
>Following Fogle's arrest, the FBI also subpoenaed a series of text messages made in 2008 between Fogle and Subway franchisee Cindy Mills, with whom he was having a sexual relationship at the time. In these messages, Fogle talked about sexually abusing children ranging in age from nine to 16, told her to sell herself for sex on Craigslist, and asked her to arrange for him to have sex with her 16-year-old cousin.
they should be hung from the tits and slow lowered into a volcano
He can what ever. What did he do?
ITT: Pedos projecting
Pedophilia isn't a crime so no. Diddling kids on the other hand, castration may be a good answer for that for some offenders.
No, a bullet in the head