Looks like someone wants to be impeached again lol, this time for instigating riots all across the country...

Looks like someone wants to be impeached again lol, this time for instigating riots all across the country. I don't understand how Trump thinks this will end good for him, one of his crazy supporters is probably going to shoot up a government building kek.

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Just look at the first few threads that were posted when he tweeted this an hour ago, Yas Forums was COOMing so hard

Wouldn't be surprised if there's already a incel neet mass shooter poltard getting ready to own some libs for Trump.

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How is that impeachable?

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Well there's instigating riots and telling your supporters to shoot up government buildings.

he is panicking because the biggest economic centers of the country are at a stand still, and he doesn't know what to do about it before the election. so, he placates to the rural conservative parts of the country, claiming to "liberate" them, in order to appear as if he is doing anything productive, when in reality he and his administration have no fucking idea what to do other than repeat "open america up again" like some cheap mantra and hope the whole problem disappears.

its like a child gets in trouble with their parents, and they just throw their head under a pillow and scream thinking reality will just disappear.

member when congress declared martial law?

Wow, that sounds serious. Where's the tweet where he said any of that?

lol yeah because that impeachment went so well last time

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Citation needed, you pathetic balkanigger.

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> Liberate 3 states
> save your gun rights

Take your mouth off trump’s cock for 5 minutes,

he said liberate. He didn't say save your gun rights. What liberate means is open to interpretation


This is more likely to incite low IQ lefties to chimp out because "orange man trying to incite violence". Lefty McLeftface will probably show up at a deserted softball field looking for Republican lawmakers to shoot.

> end good

Illiterate retard

>to free from foreign power

Michigan is practically living in a femdom chastity cage.

>Seeds spread corona.
>Yes, whatever you say dominatrix.

And? Why is that not a good thing?

Attached: liberate.png (622x432, 43.5K)

I am still not seeing where he said for people to start riots, or to shoot up buildings. How did you get that from "protect your rights, don't let anyone take your property!"?

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Between them the greedy piggies in charge will fuck things up and kill millions in America

When did he say to riot and shoot up government buildings? He said "liberate". No where in the definition of liberate does it say to do that.

All he does is shout mindlessly from the rooftops. He's the biggest failure of a president this country has ever seen.

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Jesus Christ you Trumpfags will say anything to defend him. Everyone knows what liberate means, like how you Americans liberated yourselves from a tyrannical government.

Did he delete the tweets? I don't see them.

>When the left says "punch nazis" its freedom of speech
>When Trump says "protect your rights as Americans" its inciting violence

America was a mistake.

Somebody have that image
>give up your rights
>are you threatening me?

Trump tends to talk in vague words that can be read a number of ways, most of the time to expose people that just wanted to be angry with him no matter what he says.

You got filtered.

Did the POTUS, the CIC just give me an order to liberte several states from tyranny?
>"Your honor, the President specifically stated to liberate my state"

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>"somebody post that strawman image"

How about we pretend I saw it and ignored it instead? Please?

Hey bub, once big Don is reelected he cant be impeached for any perceived "offences" to the Democrats from his previous 4 years as president. They'll have to come up with new bullshit to force down your throat and you'll open wide like the peasent you are. You deserve the serfdom being imposed upon you if you still support the dems.

He could be talking about voting these fuckers out in November :)

And you npcs will always try to shit post but always wind up with a Q in your ID.

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He sure did. Now go out there and get the mayhem started!

>but trump said to!
it'll be hilarious when he disavows any autist dumb enough to grab their gun and start shooting people

So using the word "liberate" is interpreted as a call to violence... and you don't see the connection?

>"So using the word "liberate" is interpreted as a call to violence"

You cannot prove that it is. I noticed when that user posted the definition of liberate, you didn't respond because you lost.

nothing ever happens, americans just talk loudly and rarely do shit
go ahead then, shoot the place up if you're so tough


Got one!
>isn't that what you want glownigger?

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Wtf I hate civil rights now!

Are liberals admitting their entire ideology is violence?