Attached: elon_musk_royal_society.jpg (1200x1200, 155.4K)

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Haven't you sucked enough of cock about it in Yas Forums just a minute ago that thread died there.

blah blah blah stfu

My experiences with white South Africans have been good. Nice good old fashioned racist people.

Attached: elonmusk.png (720x490, 148.07K)

Imagine being this assblasted over a rich african nerd.

OP obviously banned from Yas Forums

>OP obviously banned from Yas Forums

Attached: 1586796055303.jpg (451x496, 38.4K)

he was panned at Yas Forums

This can't be real.

He has done a lot more than you have or will likely do....so what does that make you? A basement critic. How the world would shine if we were all like you.

What the fuck does Elon Musk have to do with Yas Forums?

jack ma is worse

you have leukiamia

Wow, those exclamation marks really persuade me.


If jews used black people to taint "racial purity", why did they allow black people to settle in Jerusalem?
Fucking most retarded conspiracy hypothesis I've ever heard.

Hello CNN reporter, did you get tired of getting your ass smacked on twitter and Yas Forums?

jeez op, you act like elon-kun ate your dad. what did he ever do to you?

>I present to you my post about a person I totally don't spend all my time thinking about.


Attached: space_x_my_ass.webm (1280x720, 2.54M)

Yeah, why is the guy making rockets/going to mars/making electric cars/solar panels/battery/digging tunnels/augmenting brain with computer so FUCKING OVERRATED? Can't someone else like, uhhh uhhh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, do the things he do? I can't name any, but I'm sure there exists someone. Leonardo DaVinci? ELON MUSK CAN'T BEAT DAVINCI!!!

One of the biggest copes I’ve ever seen on this website. What Elon Musk has achieved is enough to solidify him as a 1 in a million genius.

So up there with Bill Gates and any one of those idiot NBA players who think the Earth is flat or make fun of CoViD by touching everything in sight, then catching it themselves?

>What Elon Musk has achieved is enough to solidify him as a 1 in a million genius.
Name one 'achievement'. I'm waiting.

This. One that he PERSONALLY achieved

He's got to be trolling the fuck out of everyone

Figured out how to launch rockets for the fraction of the price pockocmoc charged.
Popularized electric cars, thus reforming all the car industry.
And I don't even follow his footsteps, so there could be more.


(as a meme example of some of the shit he has done)

Obviously he didn’t do any of these things by himself because that’s impossible but no ordinary ‘hack’ could successfully start SpaceX and Tesla.


but he shoot spacex juice and making it less costly

This one was the only his achievement and it just proves he's a glorified web designer.

I asked that bastard a year or so ago why he likes reddit so much for mass information gathering and not Yas Forums and he just said Yas Forums is too small and irrelevant

OP is a faggot nigga

lmao at people buttmad about Elon.
He accomplished so many things, but among them making all you faggots so mad is the most pleasing one for me.

>jealous af

hes not wrong lol

t. Elong

based post

this is correct


Attached: Quentin Frankantino .png (450x480, 269.62K)

Why the fuck was this moved to Yas Forums? Do us a favour and quit your job.