Quantum computers are modern day ouija boards made for schizos. Prove me wrong

Quantum computers are modern day ouija boards made for schizos. Prove me wrong.
>throw random sets of data into it
>have them pass a filter because everything quantum is probabilistic in nature, effectively cherry picking results
>throw whatever is left into a model to try to make sense of the data
>this also has an error margin so you gotta pass it through yet another filter
>if by the end the result doesn't favor what you're looking for just do the same thing billions more times so the "wrong" data rounds up to zero
>at the end say the universe literally gave you this one answer specifically out of billions others so the universe is talking to you

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>Quantum computers are modern day ouija boards made for schizos


Das not how quantum works. You ask it to find something and it can do it faster because it can check all the possibilities at once

>, effectively cherry picking results
This is the whole point of quantum computing: you find a problem where it's not easy to answer, but it is easy to see if something is an answer or not. Then the quantum computer will probably give you an answer, and you can see if it actually is. You're "cherry picking" your answer the same way an exam marker is.

For an easy to understand and classic example, I tell you I have a number, and it's two prime numbers multiplied together, and your job is to tell me what those numbers are. Your job involves checking every single prime number that's less than half the number I gave you (or using a bunch of complicated mathematical theory to do less work), whereas my job is to take your two numbers, multiply them together, and see if my number comes out.
- Really difficult to answer
- Really easy to see if the answer is right or not

>the universe is talking to you
There's only one correct answer, so anything that was talking to you would have to say the same thing, so if it were the universe or weren't the universe the result would be the same, So you can't show that it's the universe.

Dumbass it uses quantum superposition and interference to pinpoint the correct answer out of all the possibilities.

the weird thing i read about Quantum computers is that they can basically access the multiverse... so if their tests are proven real then they pretty much admit that the multiverse is real and we somehow made a portal to them through these computers...

>Prove me wrong.
No. Just stay wrong and do it by yourself. That way you can't ruin shit for everyone else.

> it can check all the possibilities at once
This is a dangerous way to think about quantum computers: what you described is a hypothetical, more powerful computer called a "nondeterministic Turing machine". Quantum computers can only answer specific problems where the calculation is reversible, i.e. doesn't destroy any data. In theory it could be possible to prove you could make an ND Turing machine on a quantum computer, but in theory it could be possible to prove you could make an ND Turing machine on a newtonian computer.

So far no-one has done so.

If you had an ND Turing machine, this would let you do a whole bunch of seemingly-absurd stuff, like writing a simulation of the part of a human brain that appreciates music*, and then have the machine generate every possible song, and discard everything but the best song in the world.

> * b-but this needs to be solvable in polynomial time for the problem to be NP
Clearly it is because humans do it every time they listen to music. See the Protein Folding Problem.

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So, portuguese intellectuals do exist?

Ouija board talks to demons.
Quantum computer talks to demons.

Checks out.

Dude, we litteraly are in vacuum tubes era with quantum computers. they cant do shit right now except solve specialized mathematical problem them were made for these types of computers.
95% of quantum computers are made of high powered coolers the size of trucks cooling down a tiny chip with max 50 qubits lol. its like 50s in that regard.

come back 20 years later when they solved the cooling and error issues and they can use hundred and thousands of qubits.

its would be amazing because alot of stuff like material science, biomedicine and nature like weather have billions and billions of variables which normal computers cant get through.

come back 20 years later m8

Like a portal to hell with a Chinese micro implant to connect you live

Ask it if the virus was a biological weapon developed by the chinks in wuhan

We're not in the vacuum tube era. A more apt analogy would be we're in the "phlogiston" theory era of internal combustion relative to any potentially realizable form of quantum computing.
t. computer engineer

Literally nothing like how it works.

Ouija boards actually exist.

That's not how they work. Where are you getting this information? André Ventura?

>come back 20 years later m8

T:Fusion reactor ever since 60's

more like your world is like an average over all possible worlds, but these worlds are not necessarily manifest, just like a probability distribution can yield an infinite amount of outcomes, they only exist in potential

>and discard everything but the best song in the world.

You'd be left with Nickleback's Photograph

You have no idea how quantum computers work.

God says fuck you nigger

Who I'm a supposed to prove anything if I hadn't had a chance to mess with.

>comparing the cost of building quantum computers which is millions to building a fusion reactor that needs the combined resources of 12 countries and hundreds of billions of dollars to even test and confirm it works.

you gotta believe me and I wish you were there

>then have the machine generate every possible song, and discard everything but the best song in the world.
I thought this is why youtube auto suggest always leads to Mariya Takeuchi's "Plastic Love" no matter what song/genre you start with

>Just two more weeks bro, I swear. EXPONENTIAL GROWTH

if you can crack passwords faster, sounds like a pretty useful ouija board

Been watching Devs, OP?

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by the way, building economically viable fusion reactors would single handledly change society.
almost free energy with no CO2 footprint and limitless fuel. This is like a dream come true when it works and that is why it is so hard.
The possibilities and amazing. Mars and moon colonies powered by fusion reactors.


>>Quantum computers are modern day ouija boards made for schizos

What? There are actual quantum computers that exist.


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>they solved the cooling

Why are we trying to crack fusion when we could just harness the fusion reactors that already exist in literally infinite quantity?

dude when my grandmother was born, planes werent even invented yet. Do you really think we will have these massive quantum computers we have today in 20 years?
