You cucks are just going to let the shills/jannies/glowniggers slide something like this?
Let's refine and improve this document.
As stated earlier, constructive discourse is encouraged, derailment need be ignored
Legal disclaimer for third party viewers: >This webpage is a legally binding document >This is not a revokation of my citizenship >I am of sound mind. I am not suicidal and I wish no harm upon others. >Any actions I take are for preservation of self and others.
This is intended to circumvent needless brother wars. This is to affix attention to the proper problem instead of trying to run around treating the symptoms.
This thread is not exclusive to just Americans but all peoples under the rule of an unjust socioeconomic system.
Dylan Wood
>the proper problem >treating the symptoms The only problem is the simultaneous abridging of the role of the family in an individual's life and the extreme "squeeze your own fortune out of your own personal labor" approach, the combination proliferated by CNN, Hollywood, and every other thing that promotes the American value system.
Under this system, to be able to afford health care and kids, responsible (white, or at least fair-skinned) people must put off having babies until the late thirties and entrust their education to subvertable institutions. You can't make enough dough to buy a house and also a car and feed your kids. Under this precedent, where the American(ized) parents would rather eject their kids at 18-20 instead of being involved in their kids' building homesteads (you know, the reason why Eastern Europe has 80% house ownership rates) and helping to raise the grandchildren while the children are wageslaving, it becomes necessary for the state to buy future taxpayers from the current taxpayers (i.e. gibs). The modern gibs system, however, is race-based
James James
This is exactly why self sufficiency should be a personally imposed duty.
Dominic Price
Remove the masonic elements, starting with unconditional equality by birth.
Owen Bell
Conservatards and progressiopaths argue over the preservation of the "nuclear family", but that is in itself a smoke and mirrors, fake conundrum - the extended family is already dead. The concept of uncles and aunts being a useful value in your life and not just the "cool wine aunt" and "boomer carbureted V8 uncle" meme. Low trust societies begin with the dissolution of the Clan. A level-headed, well-adjusted, sane, empathetic, proud clanner would not be able to live with himself enforcing unjust, oppressive laws, or pouring estrogen and antifertility meds into your Mountain Dew meld >captcha is a niglet riding a bike
Joshua Cox
I believe equality is a false idol. I believe equity and merit are better systems of appraisal of individuals and groups.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Precisely, we must exact change starting with the individual and moving onwards to the family and then the community. Only then will we be able to implement any semblance of forward moving change.
You can't expect a 25-y-o man and a 22-y-o woman (or 18 and 16) to start a family from their own savings and wages. Even if you reduced the pair to literal peasantry, the modern slave owns no land, not even the land underneath their bed, not to mention any soil. This is the definition of slavery. The problem isn't muh ism or muh profit, it's the cultural expectations put on the individual. The root problem is that a parent explicitly desires children, *not explicitly* grandchildren. Because the parent does not want to be involved in the raising of the child's child anymore, combined with the biological necessity to have children before 30, the state pays gibs, which come from everyone's taxes, which no one cares about (socialized costs). This eliminates personal merit completely from the system, and results in niggers/spics/gyppos explosively reproducing. In place of individualism (which is already the current meme, your declaration is literally the affirmation of your own founding ideals, even if they were subverted), we need to revive the cultural role of the "clan elders" and expectations placed thereon. The authority of the 50-y-o grandfather and grandmother, AND the expectation that they will actively contribute to the generation after their direct children.
But even on Yas Forums, you get people shaming others for living in with the parents post-20, maybe 22/3, which is literally throwing people with squat shit but the value of their labor into the clutches of landlords/mortgage banks/lefty gibs
Jaxson Mitchell
The system was never designed for you to get ahead but for you to be useful to their own devices.
Chase Robinson
The generational family within a interdependent communal tribe is and will always be the most structurally sound social group.
Well then fuck the system, have a shit ton of kids and get everything free until it collapses.
Juan Morales
Youre best off using these gibs to jumpstart your self-sufficiency from this rotting giant that we call modern government and industry.
Blake Nelson
The existing Declaration of Independence and US Constitution are quite good.
But what do we do when the government organization has us outgunned and simply starts ignoring this document?
Do you plan to give this New Declaration of Independence to a cop on the side of the road demanding your Freedom Passport and expect him to respect it? Or will you simply put a bullet in his head like you would any other road bandit? How do you expect that will play out other than another Brother War?
Jaxson Walker
I'm saying it's cultural Even the redpilled wokefags here will shame a Bulgarian user or some other 2.5-world ruralfag for not living in his own wagecuck containment bedroom. You can get truly redpilled families, like the Rothschilds (no, really, think about it; extreme and incest-y, but effective), but even then they are subjected to cultural pressures promoting the clan members of ideal child-bearing age to either wage/famecuck or be "independent", in every case leading to a loss of effective income (higher obligatory costs versus not really higher net income). Think of Ginger Harry the Owned Brit Royal versus William the Successor to the Throne. Harry got memed and took the initiative in throwing himself out of the house (palace)
David Young
Buy seeds, buy books, buy tools, buy weapons, buy shit that is essential to basic human sustainence and prosperity.
Use diplomacy as best as I can and utilize proper escalation of force as necessitated. Win your enemies over to your cause and their strength becomes your strength.
Let people have their respective cultures, just emphasize cooperation and goodwill between them. If humanity is to survive, we need to expand our domain beyond the constraints of Earth. That is only achieved through mutual interest and solidarity.
Aaron Martin
>Step out of the car. HE'S GOT A GUN!!! BAM BAM BAM BLAM BAM BAM BLAM BLAM BAM click click clik..
Good plan user.
Kayden Diaz
pretty cringe there user, don't they teach you guys anything in school these days?
Liam Kelly
The Bill of Rights should maintain intact. And the original declaration and constitution be revised to prevent abuses like it is currently undergoing.
If the stars you seek, you will have to concede that you cannot have more than one absolutely dominant, all-encompassing nation-like identity ruling the whole human population, and not in the TV or leftist pipe dream sense.
For healthy cooperation, you need to shake the faith in pappy gov't regulations and gibs, which corona is sort of doing - BUT WE NEED MORE. Up until 2020, but 99% sure after the crisis is over, everyone will just go back to basic bitch turboindividualism / the state will pay for my kids
Parker Wood
>to prevent abuses like it is currently undergoing. They have bigger guns than us. Why would they obey us?
You do understand that this is the purpose of the 2nd Amendment, right?
>A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
We're "supposed to" have them out-gunned, so if we need to, we can point our collective gun at their head and say NO. We no longer have that ability.
Now what? Ask nicely?
Nathan Ortiz
This has been enough of a gutcheck to get the ostriche's heads out of the sand. To reference Plato's cave. They are now able to look away from the wall and see the puppets and their puppeteers before the fire.
Then they are a part of the problem. Granted when you're dealing with thug after thug on a near hourly basis, you tend to stay on high alert. This results in hair triggered decisions that often result in abuse. If you are able to show that you are not looking to encroach upon them but rather those that are actively doing the encroaching, then there's a potential for negotiations.
Owen Reyes
It's "The Law" to encroach upon you. It's "Their Job" to encroach upon you. There are no negotiations. You comply or you will be fined and/or kidnapped.
It doesn't matter whether or not you wish to encroach upon them. That is irrelevant. They pulled you over. They by-definition are encroaching upon you.
Comply or you will be beaten and kidnapped. Now what?
Police were originally intended to protect and secure honest folks from those who would utilize brute force to make ill gotten gain from those less capable of violence. Now the criminals skew the law by which the police enforce to procure ill gotten gains. There are bad cops yes, but it would be a fallacy of composition to consider all cops as a malevolent entity.