NPC Deprogramming

Has anyone been able to fix an NPC's programming?

Seems pretty tough to do.

>refuses to accept facts
>takes everything personally
>clings to beliefs fed from popular media without questioning
>doesn't really listen to what you're saying

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I feel white people are more prone to being NPCs than blacks.

>>refuses to accept facts
>>takes everything personally
>>clings to beliefs fed from popular media without questioning
>>doesn't really listen to what you're saying

I told my family they were gaslighting me and they started listening

nice try there
how's that vodoo working out for ya

Interesting, I guess calling them out like that somehow got through to their real selves.

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i don't think that this picture is right...
a bide is not a enema

Found the bidet-let

NPCs do accept "facts" just facts that everyone else in their friend group or immediate environment believes.
>takes everything personally
OK, you got me there
>clings to beliefs fed from popular media without questioning
Still adamant on this one.
>doesn't really listen to what you're saying
This one is more a general human problem, unless you're saying what they already know they're not interested.

You have to be very careful and it takes years. Its like building a structure, you have to start with the foundation and only build on that which is supported. Moving to fast or into a topic that doesn't have the groundwork laid you will trigger a conditioned response followed by them labeling you. After that they will be much less responsive to your ideas.

Depends on the person where you start with. I usually start with human nature / evolutionary psych. Biological differences to psychological differences to heritibility of traits, etc... just go slow and take your time. Make sure you are doing it in a way to educate and not in a way to validate your own beliefs.

Quite well, Hans, how are the Somalis treating your women

The worst kind of people to try and "deprogram" are people who think they have it figured out.
I met a guy online, been talking for years, he's still a commie, I've used every talking point from societal order to basic human nature to try and convince him that gibs are bad, still a commie.

That sucks, but I think the fact that he's still talking to you gives a sliver of hope that one day you'll get through to him.

Reprobate minds are beyond cure.

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you're right, they aren't npcs they are mobs.

Good point, some people are beyond saving

If by the age of 7 someone isn't capable of having independent thoughts, it's usually too late.

Its called the midwit problem; when a person's IQ is high enough to abstractly think, but not high enough to question the abstract thoughts they are given. See the average SJW and the hoops they jump through over "instiutional racism" for an idea of how this works in practice. Though they can envision the abstract concept of a system of government that disproportionately favors one race over another and can hypothesize on the effects this could have, indoctrination has left them with a "truth" that exists because everyone else says it exists, and no fact or logic will easily sway them. Another comparison might be the "emperor has no clothes" scenario; you can compare the average SJW with the cowed nobleman who will simply pretend the emperor is wearing his "favored garb," either because nobody else seems to have a problem with the emperor's nudity, that he sees no benefit to thinking too hard about a matter that scant effects his life, or any number of reasons. He grasps the abstract nature of *why* people might pretend the emperor has clothes, but lacks the greater intellect and courage to challenge *why* people allow such a lie to exist.

Meanwhile, niggers disproportionately are either handicapped in or are literally incapable of grasping abstract thought. Consequently, they can more easily grasp and contend with concrete reality. For instance, average blacks are redpilled on matters of group tribalism, such as Jews doing what benefits Jews and hispanics doing what benefits hispanics, because they understand that this is the norm for groups with healthy ingroup preferences. When the emperor has no clothes, they will be the first to say "YO WHY DIS WHITE BOI NAKED DA FUKIZ DIS SHIT," because he has difficulty entertaining the abstract reasons for why people would politely ignore the fact that the emperor doesnt wear clothing.

When viewed under the lens of one's capacity for abstract thought, things become much clearer.

i did to my sister during this covid lockdown. she learned that all she does is consume media and has no real hobbies or actual substance in life. i gave her books, bought stuff so she could plant flowers+veg, fishing pole to go fishing with me, and she's learning to cook as well.
use this time wisely folks

NPCs are like pebbles, and you faggots must be like the sea, wear them down with constant waves
>there's only two genders
>islam isn't peaceful
>gas chambers, wooden doors, seriously?
>Chinese, skinning dogs alive, having culture??
>"asians", "grooming" ... what does that mean?
>what was the religion of those slave traders?
you get the idea faggots, ask questions, relentlessly!!!!

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NPCs are low iq and conformers. There is no way to help them since their entire lives are defined by following perceived social pressure. That's why they are so easily controlled by mass media (i.e. ruling kikes).

The best way to tamper with programming is to introduce them to reasonable steps in the right direction. Start with something that doesn't seem controversial at all and that they are likely to agree to and work from there.

Also, presentation is huge. Coming across cool and collected helps a lot, coming across a weird fucking autist will stop you from achieving your goals.

Very informative user, I'd give this post reddit gold if I could.

Yes. I do it every chance I get. I never hide my power level. It’s cost me jobs and friendships, but I don’t give a fuck. Thanks hacker Yas Forums for turning me into a NPC slayer.

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>their entire lives are defined by following perceived social pressure.
This is why I've given up on most of them, no amount of facts and reason can overcome that instinctive need to be with the herd and follow what "authorities" and "experts" say.
I think if they were to truly question things it would fuck with their sense of identity and make them very insecure.

Its not worth trying. Just call them dumb fucks for believing in the Russian collusion narrative and move on.

Is this really how bidetfags live? You just get hydro assraped by your toilet every time you're done taking a shit? No wonder the europeans love these things

It seems that what really seems flagrant to you is the fact that most of the population does not have intellectual leanings (Some may falsify them, go to university [Which in fact is an institution today quite deficient in this sense] or read philosophy, economics or politics books from the mainstream branches to waver from a certain image, but in reality they never possess qualities or intellectual inclinations)
You must realize that most simply want to have interpersonal relationships, develop, work, have a family and indulge in luxuries from time to time, and therefore place their trust entirely in institutions that seem to maintain the order that allows them to do this, blindly obeying (Not for nothing the ideals and behaviors of the European peoples have changed from educated and enlightened to decadent and hedonistic in less than a century), if you want to achieve any success in life you have to understand the development of patterns historical, and know how to take advantage of them.

Many see the next global economic crisis (which organizations such as the Federal Reserve or the IFM have classified as the worst since 1929, and this without counting the globalized economy of the contemporary world) as a great tragedy, but in addition to that it is a great opportunity to teach peoples the reality, offering them the shelter they need when their institutions leave them. If you are truly National Socialists, then you fight for them, to free them from the yoke of high capitalist finance, integrate them into a volksgemeinshaft and lead them towards higher forms of humanity, on an intellectual, physical and metaphysical level. Fight for your peoples.

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We are in an infowar era. Take no prisoners.

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you sound like a movie villain... maybe you take that as a compliment. it wasn't really meant as an insult, just an observation.

Isn't that being a coward and running away from your problems? If you really care about someone and know they have a chance isn't it worth staying friends and making them more aware over time?

NPCs do not have model of reality in their minds, they have a cartoonish collage of things they've heard set over a crudely sketched greyscale background of their own actual perception.
They cannot form complete thoughts, they focus on keywords that are reinforced by social conditioning and string them together haphazardly when emotion prompts them.

When an NPC describes things there is no real thought, it is just repeating words emotionally associated with the thing.
The word is just a label for emotional states.
it doesn't know why these words were used to describe things
these words have no objective explanation in its mind
it just associates their usage like this with being popular and is easily triggered to repeat them
like a primitive ape-man, it thinks these words can magically cast a spell of social acceptance, or at least hold at bay the forces of social rejection

leftists are not human, they do not have free will.
they are excess, there is no place in the world granted to them to live full lives engaging all of their instinctual desires, and they have no will to compete for the opportunity
so they accept any substitute forced on them, but subconsciously these substitutes can never be satisfying, hence:
their lives are motivated by jealousy, fear and envy of real people.
they latch onto any 'popular' or 'successful' person that is remotely non-hostile to them
their perception of 'popularity' and 'success' is short-circuited and exploited by the media; they just assume anyone in the media is a legitimately influential person, just because these 'personalities' are forced in front of them, never considering that the selection process for these 'personalities' is totally corrupt and unilaterally decided by a tiny group of elite oligarchs for the express purpose of manipulating them

due to this sheltered and filtered existence in which they cannot satisfy their instinctual desires their brain and body do not get the stimulus necessary to fully develop.
their minds are greatly disabled and wired to focus on a narrow band of interaction with reality.
their brains are literally physically disabled so they cannot think freely or process information independently of social authority

when mature, they are literally single braincells in a hive mind, there is no reasoning with them on any level
they are inhuman

Found the guy with a shit in his rectum

They do it to themselves.

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stuck on race as an identifier for who is capable of thinking abstractly... you sound like an edgy teen who thinks they have it all figured out. I suppose you consider yourself capable of thinking abstractly?

Fair points, I might as well fire away and not give a fuck.


Spell-ing is spell casting, just be better at spell casting then normies and NPC's, plant the seed and watch it grow.

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Some people dont have a soul and cannot be deprogrammed, only reprogrammed.

A waste of time in my oppinion. Stick to helping those who are already skeptic or can think for themselves.