If every nigger, spic, and degenerate doodweed died then it would be impossible to avoid right wing government plurality and overwhelming force. The budget would be balanced and crime would be less than 20 percent of what it was.
Why would a kike ever think liberation would entail spitting on someone. Do these people not know what a fucking dictionary is any only think words mean whatever weird reactionary response morons make when they hear it?
Tyler Foster
They're better than niggers, jews, chinks, memeflag users, people who don't lower the toilet lid when they flush, and footfags.
>reeeeee pretty obvious this is trump just shitting on bad governors and showing support for those states. maybe the citizenry will agree to vote them out
clown show that should have stayed in place on tv show he owned he is only good at laugh and not good at President of United Stages with current day standards? How him elected? do american people test themselves on pigs?
the mandatory budget for this year, which is mostly welfare, is $2.975 trillion the recent coronavirus bill was $2.2 trillion, some of which being corporate bailouts and payroll forgivable loans and some of which the direct taxes some of the discretionary spending (1.438 trillion) is also welfare but that would require more fine-toothed combing, so let's ignore it and pretend it's not
the fast food restaurant sonic sells corndogs at $1.29 each. you could probably get a better rate in bulk purchases but let's assume that is the price with $4.175 trillion, you could buy tenshi around 3.236 trillion corn dogs
Fucking outstanding work, soldier. I did the paper napkin math and if Tenshi had to divide her corndog feast as the spoils of war for shitskin extermination then she would be able to eat approximately 1100680272.11 corndogs for every kilometer of route 66.
>war between the right and the left More like MIGApedes against everyone in America. Trump is calling for a civil war against everyone who is not sucking the Jews off and wearing a red hat. It's obvious Trump can't win the reelection and have incited his supporters to start a civil war. This will turn all conservatives against Trump.
There should not be a single government agency that is using Zoom
Eli Nguyen
Feds finally trying to team up with the people against a middle man and the faggots are brainwashed against it. I still don’t trust them for one, but holy shit learn to ween yourself off of boots for fucks sake. Lick ONE a day, MAX. YOU can DO this!
Ethan Myers
I agree that Trump typed that out of with a brick. WTF does that even mean. But the salt mines going overtime because of it make up for it.
>Forget Russia and Mueller and Avenatti and Ukraine. This time it's really, REALLY over for Drumpf! Do you ever get tired of being proven wrong over and over and over? Does it ever bother you even slightly?
Brody Cook
Based 12 Monkeys screencapposter
John Baker
You can check out any time you like But you can never leave!
>antichrist That would be Bill Gates sir - they tried to force Gods hand. They failed.
Microsoft patent: A patent application by Microsoft. It is a device that attaches to you body. It monitors what you do. It rewards you a "currency" if your body does what the "system" you are connected to wants you to.
My Education has no question I shall tell you a question that in it my points are to be taken in that gunning laws with sick illness masses and Election hyper anger American mood will cause no good acts during this yare. Trump will get gunned Yes I have said this more than single time.
I used to love that song but the local boomer rock station played it so many times a day I got sick of it. I'll take 'One of these nights' or 'Witchy woman' any day.
Elijah Nelson
imagine a sane world where we just slaughtered all our boomers and welfare queens, cut all dem programs, and ran a budget SURPLUS without even changing taxes we could pay off the debt so fast that way
> I agree that Trump typed that out of with a brick. No he didn't. Trump is a decade old internet troll, he does that every fucking time > say something ambiguous on purpose knowing well in advance it will be interpreted in the least charitable way possible > wait for the salt to pour > disclaim himself by saying "I obviously meant 'liberate' in the 'vote them out' sense" Wait and see
>Lifetime in prison >also against Twitter terms HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
David King
I don't really have anyone in the whole world to discuss the matter at length with but basically a new feudalism is clearly the superior arrangement of future humanity. Any kind of advanced civilization that could form lords and charge rents for space territories with vassals with due duties to lords would exceed every degenerated state. The force of arms would kill the unprofitable as you say.
>More like MIGApedes against everyone in America. The "Migapedes" essentially ARE everyone in America. That, and they control the means of Logistics, the favorable Geography, and the Personnel Management skills needed to fight a war. Their opponents have nothing besides the dicks in their hands.
Evan Kelly
>i agree with what you say but not how you say it typical republican weak little bitch fag
I think that swede user is a sandnigger. I mean, /sg/ has really fallen in the past year and it’s not unreasonable for them to still think USA and Israel are working together to shit on them.
In reality, it’s up to them to liberate and reclaim their own region. Trump’s de facto lip service air strike should have been seen as a green light toward that end.
nancy pelocy is unironically one of the whitest Americans in existence, and lives a 100% white dreamworld life to boot. Which makes her all the more hateable. >Sure, flood the US with illegals and, they'll get into my gated community anyway
imagine after paying off the debt the government could take out reasonable debt for autarky purposes, reshore business and build infrastructure and make itself and everyone else richer, and still be more fiscally responsible than it is now