Trump channel just said Drumpf is gonna lose by a landslide for Ridin' the Biden.
Yas Forums BTFO forever
What say you drumpfkins?
>imagine unironically believing that a man that is literally destroying the country would be re-elected haha
Trump channel just said Drumpf is gonna lose by a landslide for Ridin' the Biden.
Yas Forums BTFO forever
What say you drumpfkins?
>imagine unironically believing that a man that is literally destroying the country would be re-elected haha
Other urls found in this thread:
Im surprised Florida's even that close but fully expected it to turn blue this November
>muh polls
Let me know how those polls work out for you when you're putting a gun in your tranny mouth in November.
>This Zionist is better than that Zionist!!!
Stop electing Zionist
It's over. Resignation soon.
>imagine unironically believing that a man that is literally destroying the country would be re-elected
hey, Obama was way worse and he got 2 terms.
>memeflaggots desperately shilling against Trump
>m-muh polls!
>(((Fox News)))
>not anti-Trump
loving every laugh
>Believing the media at all in the year of our Lord
There's no helping you.
>"Americans for Limited Government"
>Trump claims total authority as president and has increased the federal deficit to 4 trillion this year
>Trump channel poll is biased against Drumpf
>seething this hard
Oh no, polls!
Obama literally gave us healthcare that Drumpf and his swamp is trying to take away from the people.
Also, no scandals.
>samefagging this hard.
>fully expected it to turn blue this November
how do you justify your argument?
Even DeSantis won 2018 and this time they are voting Trump
They are just trying to get voters in those States nervous and more likely to vote.
healthcare that cost more.
>drone striking US citisens
>weaponizing IRS against conservative non-profit groups
>giving untraceable guns to Mexican cartels
>uranium one literally selling uranium to the Russians
>first hand knowledge of killarys server
>wtf there are multiple people who are laughing at me!
>must be the same person
The IRS thing was a nothing burger.
All groups of different political affiliations (groups i might add that had a history of defrauding the gov) got checked, but only the conservative groups bitched. The liberal groups didnt say anything because they didnt want the president to look bad. Shit like this has happened for decades, but because conservative groups knew that they could really capitalize off the whole "black people can't be president" more money got donated to their "cause"
While nothing major came of the investigations. There were several of these fucks that ran these non-profit groups before in the past and were total shams. They deserved to get investigated.
>t retired IRS fed.
>Literally anything negative about Trump is fake.
Uh huh. Sure thing, pal.
>99% Hillary to win!1111
Yeah polls can fuck themselves, literally EVERY poll in 2016 spewed 99% hillary to win until the NIGHT of the election
That's not true at all. One opinion piece by huffpost said that. Most hovered at 66/33 H to T. And the fault was using popular vote as their model base.
>Statistics were wrong once, therefore they will ALWAYS be wrong.
Sounds logical, buddy.
Trump has no chance in Pennsylvania or Michigan.
Does that destroy him or is there still a path?
Polls don't matter until about a week before the election. We haven't even had the conventions yet and we're in a fucking pandemic. Usually they'll tighten around October
actual map, looks like Wisconsin will decide it.
Literally editing history for narrative's sake.
Every faggot fucktard poll was spewing 99% hillary to win until election day and then magically twisted to 50/50 as soon as it became obvious she had already lost.
Fucking horrifying levels of manipulation and unethical methodology.
There won’t be an election idiot. And once trump’s term is up in 2021, the speaker of the house will assume the responsibility of the office of the president. It’s a straight path to victory and they never have to relinquish power.
See presidential succession act.
Az is looking blue. Switch that over.
>editing history
Yes, that's what you're doing. Stop pretending to be clever.
Benghazi, Fast n furious, spied on Trump campaign, H1N1, Cash drops to Iran, secured $38 billion for Israel. Destroyed the healthcare system. OP is a retarded faggot.
>t I dont even like Trump
A massive nothingburger
>fast n furious
>Spied on trump
There was blatant justification.
A nothingburger
>iran cash
Better than war
>38 bil to il
That's pennies, lmfao
>destroyed healthcare
All data shows obamacare was a success
MI will be red. Everyone there realised how draconian a Democrat is
Former trump supporter here. Never again.
>meme flaggot
Yeah just like the predicted landslide in 2016. The last one to not get a second term was fuckin George Bush. You'll be crying about donnie for 4 more years
>boom boom
Why do boomers only say “memeflaggot?” I don’t think I’ve seen anyone other than a 50 year old qtard boom boom say it.
I'm so surprised that the people who are being pooled even know who Biden is at this point. I mean, 90% of the population in any given country are always braindead idiots with extremely bad long term memory.
>Benghazi was a nothing burger
Americans died because of incompetence. And then tried to cover it up. You fags cried about Khashoggi murder for months
>H1N1 nothing burger
Say that to person of family members that died
>Iran cash drop better than war
So your boy is a cuck and didnt mind drone strikes that killed women and children
>38 bil is pennies
Oy Vey Rabbi
>spied on Trump campaign was justified
You like being a slave to big brother. Even your hero Mueller couldn't find justification for it. Durham report will expose even more Obama corruption
>Obama care proved success
No he lied that you could keep your pre existing healthcare plan. It costs billions more than projected and millions of people were still denied coverage.
Do your lies help you cope? Or are you just that much of a faggot