Do these fucking faggot jennys/mods realize that posters like myself who use a vpn can't get banned

Do these fucking faggot jennys/mods realize that posters like myself who use a vpn can't get banned.

It only takes less than a minute to evade their useless ban

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He needs a VPN to evade a ban, newfag spastic lmao

How do you evade yours you faggot

I only wish you could still pay Yas Forums pass with credit card, not that bitcoin bs

Imagine having a Yas Forums pass

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Wow smartass HACKER-MAN.

What router do you have gob shite?
If you can force a new IP, then you just delete cookies from your browser. Simple as.

Bans work on boomers.

>Simple as.

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They banned a tranny hate thread a f5ee days ago and I was banned for 'responding to off-topic garbage'. At this point, I'm convinced the mods are discord trannies. I am sure everyone else in the thread was banned too.

Shame it doesn't work on all mutts, worst posters on Yas Forums thick as shit and can't take bants

No you're just a spastic mate and your posts are boring

You figure it out you bong fish and chips bastard

This used to work for me. But for some reason this past year I cannot get a new IP at all. I've done everything i used to do and then some to get a new IP but it won't drop anymore.

>Still doing captcha

Unplug my router for 5 minutes.

>Telling the JIDF how to do their job

Discord trannies became jannies to abuse their powers. Literal tranny jannies.

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I was banned for boobies picture I did not post...

I can't post when connected to NordVPN, am I just an idiot?

You don't need to clean the cookies niggerfaggot lmao just restart the router. Kys

just spoof the mac address of the router when you need to change IP. it will be assigned a new ip.

Im on a ban Currently for replying to a thread fucking nigger faggits

We did definitely have had
discord tranny mods at one point
>Don't tell him
I've had similar things happen to me, were you being a bad goy at the time ?

>be phoneposter
>tranny jannies ban for 'posting in an offtopic thread'
>restart phone
>clear browser cookies
>fuck jannies


Don't ever call me a Hebrew ever again!

I was banned for posting an interracial couple in one thread. Going to go for the nastiest porn next time. Death to jannies

Whiter than you mohmad

big fat tranny jannies

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>No!!! You can't respond to threads I don't like!

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stfu you pathetic kikel
before i teach you some navy seal moves and send you the bill in the hospital bitch

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tranny donest mean transsexual...
lol nufags

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