Why do Americans consistently defend their healthcare system on this board?

Why do Americans consistently defend their healthcare system on this board?

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Because too many people come here for health care when they're own systems can't help them.

nobody has a good solution to healthcare.

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Anyone who defends the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex or conventional "medicine" in any way, shape, or form is a blue pilled, faggot.

Nationalism has nothing to do with this.

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because a lot of people on Yas Forums are fucking stupid and can't understand simple economics.
why is Canada so much worse than Europe?

Because we are fucking retarded and don’t know any better. It’s the American way to not know shit about healthcare in other countries much less our own, and still loudly proclaim that our system is better.

>but they wait for years to get appointments And the doctors suck

No they don’t. Neither of those things are remotely true

>friend's Dad is from Texas
>married a Canadian
>spend half their time in Alberta, half in Texas
>he gets a tumor
>Canadian doctor refers him to a specialist. 3 month waiting list
>fuck this shit. Flies to the States. Gets a test that week. Fucking cancer confirmed.
>starts chemo and radiation within 2 weeks
>in Canada, that shit would have metastasized to his liver and pancreas and he would have died slowly awfully.
>but at least it would have been "free"

It probably depends on your situation. The USA has very good health care for those with wealth or insurance. For those without insurance, they're shit out of luck.

Canada has fuck-all for taxpayers left, all seniors and Indians on welfare. Also Quebec. Waiting lists are fucking forever. I got referred to a specialist literally a year ago. Haven't fucking heard from him. They send you a letter in the snail-mail when you can be graced with an appointment. The appointment time and date will be stated in the letter, fuck your other plans or life. Shortage of nurses and doctors. Can barely find a doctor who speaks English because they are all imports.

I lived abroad for 2 years, and was positively FLOORED by how much better healthcare service could be.

>haha you cost ration? everybody else waitlist rations, get on board nigga!
but that leads to less supply, and therefore less access to healthcare

>Tax rates in europe are way higher than US
>"free" healthcare

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For poor people we have free healthcare, pic related, it's great. I have a job and have insurance. (I pay a little extra for added (DVA)

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One instance doesn't somehow mean Canadian healthcare is worse than American healthcare. A lot of medicine is far cheaper up there than down here.

Because it's the best. I don't want to fucking subsidize shitty niggers and pajeets healthcare but am forced to.

Nobody with half a brain calls if free healthcare besides stupid American liberals and conservatives.


Because if you aren't a poorfag retard and actually pay for your own insurance it works pretty good.

Because we like our top of the line healthcare that we can afford. I don't give a shit about poor people.

Not everyone has money, you fucking ivory tower Jew.

Jews never do.

It's not just one instance you disingenuous fag.

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Because this sub has been flooded with Reddit faggots

We like and enjoy and want to keep our freedom of choice.

Canadian wait times are still better than going bankrupt by going to the doctor for many Americans.

>Because this sub has been flooded with Reddit faggots
>Because this sub
Reddit faggot

>You either choose bankruptcy or death
Hmm, yes. Solid choices.

>waiting years for appointment
This is true regardless of which system is inquestion. In universal health care, you wait because of queues. In America, you wait because you're afraid of medical bills and once you decide to actually seek help the cancer is already at final stage. Both have flaws, one is better, guess which? Not the American one.

He's still right.

americans are servile piggies who love to die for israel

paying a deductible and being alive is better.

Also, between 65 and 75% of Canadians pay out of pocket for supplemental health care insurance. Take a minute to think about that. Most Canadians are paying TWICE for their healthcare. Once in taxation and once for private additional health insurance. It's a retarded system and a race to the bottom.

The best healthcare experience I ever had was living abroad without any insurance at all. Wife had to go to Emergency and I thought "oh fuck, here we go, how many thousands of uninsured healthcare costs am I about to get fucked for here?". At admitting they asked if we had insurance. "Nope". OK, you'll need to pay $50 cash before the doctor will even see you. "OK, here's $50". Please a take a seat in the waiting room. Didn't have time to even find an interesting article in the magazine I picked up before they called her in. Doctor looked her over, have her freezing, stitches, bandage. "Please stop at admitting before you leave" Go to admitting. They hand me a receipt for the $50 services rendered. I look at my wife, she looks at me, and we run for the door like bandits. That was it. Couldn't believe it. Best goddamn healthcare experience of our lives. But in Canada we pay $3600 a year in additional taxes to have shit waiting times and partial coverage, and to be treated like you're a goddamn burden to even talk to.

ok poorfag

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Rather be a poor white than a rich Jew like you.

ok retard

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Freedom is freedom. Though it sucks, it can be changed and the people have the ability to collectively do it. Once the government is entwined it could only not be by insurrection and a new govt instituted in its place.


Don’t let gubmint choose to kill grandma.

Why are you posting even more Jews?

i'm still trying to figure out why anyone would come to our country for a medical procedure seeing how 3rd world our health care is. do you know why?

Why can't you refute that Canadian healthcare sucks?

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Canadian healthcare may suck but what does that say about American healthcare? It's worse than shit.

>what does that say about American healthcare?
ok retard

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