"Muh blue eyes"

"Muh blue eyes"

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more niggers have blue eyes than green eyes

>why the color red, is actually the color green
This is some advanced form of propaganda

Oh you're just a stupid mutt

Are the nogs upset cause we're stealing all their melatonin again?

Isn't that like saying only albinos aren't black

Let me guess it's a cope about rayleigh scattering.

It’s the opposite, actually. Everyone has blue eyes, but people with brown eyes have a layer of pigment over them. You can have the brown removed to reveal the blue.

>everyone has brown eyes even if they are blue
The most kiked statement said all week.

Link or fuck off
t.green eyed

Eyes being blue is not due to pigment but due to fundamentally different structure

we didn’t listen

Cope harder


Reason I go to pol and not these trash sites, is not to have their trash clickbait articles posted here you fucking gypsy

>blue within blue eyes
We Fremen now

How Can Whites Be Real If Their Eyes Ain't Real

I thought it was the other way around, everyone has blue eyes, but most people have a thin layer of pigmentation that covers it.

One of the most common pol memes is that having light eyes makes you white. This is a dumb notion for two reasons.

First, light eyes are not as was previously believed a recessive trait that has to be passed on from both sides of the family for someone to exhibit it. Instead, eye color is more like skin color; it is often a blend which gives way to the darker color, but you can inherit it from one side only.

That eye color is not a recessive trait can be seen from the fact that so many half-black celebrities (off the top of my head, including Stacey Dash, Vanessa Williams, Michael Jackson's dad, and Rihanna) with light eyes but no examples of blacks with red or blonde hair (a genuinely recessive gene).


>The genetics of eye color are complicated, and color is determined by multiple genes. So far, as many as 15 genes have been associated with eye color inheritance. Some of the eye-color genes include OCA2 and HERC2. The earlier belief that blue eye color is a simple recessive trait has been shown to be incorrect.

Second, light eyes are indigneous to obviously non-white peoples like North Africans, Yemeni, and Pajeets, at approximately 2-3% frequency. These people aren't mixed with white from both sides; just look at them. (E.G. pic related, a southern Egyptian with blue eyes, like 2-5% of people from southern Egypt.)

Critics who can't engage my arguments will accuse me of coping; but I'm not even white. I'm half Sudanese, half white, with blue eyes. I know what I am (not white), I'm just making fun of your ignorance.

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No no, you have brown Poo in Loo eyes. You are the Mutt here. Never forget.

shit eyes coping hard! sage not political in the slightest

>your eyes may look blue but they're actually brown

what is this retard shit? is this the eye equivalent of "everyone has pink skin but some people look brown"?

words have no meaning anymore. let's just all make up our own language or use none at all.

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>t. poo color nigger eyes

>by Meera (((Senthilingam)))


Laser removes the top layer of brown pigment. It probably fucks up your eyesight and isn't worth it, but the point is that the blue is there underneath.

STROMA surgery

It's some form of pajeet, female south asians entire existence is cope

>how you are dead, even if you are alive

Post a pic then, Jamal
That was a lot of effort for a post without a pic.
Also. (If true) If you weren’t half white, you would have brown eyes. It’s exceedingly rare even in cases like yours. Like you’d said, genetics are a complex thing. The exceptions don’t make the rules. Just as I know a few white people (pols) with black eyes.
>but muh celebrities
The use of coloured contacts is also more prevalent than you think.

>The sky may look blue but actually it’s purple.

>10 reasons why your skin is actually opaque, #8 will shock you and #1 is everything