Dear Germany, I sincerely appologize for my grandfathers raping and killing your women in 1945...

Dear Germany, I sincerely appologize for my grandfathers raping and killing your women in 1945. Please accept my apology.

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I’m sure the Germans will accept it, they didn’t exactly cut your woman much slack either.

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there is no one left to accept an apology

Didn't we just do this thread?

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there are only foes, metamorphosis and further fight. our foes realize we are not defeated until made extinct. it is time we realize it too

Wikipedia. Right.

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>10 million tapes
>Less than 1 million rape babies
Weak seed.

Bullshit jewish lies.

Attached: German Occupation quotes.jpg (800x3600, 716.39K)

nice source faggot
never trust r*ssian sources

Fuck g*rmans. The only mistake was letting this subhuman kind to exist after 45

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Demoralized soidrinker

No Ivan, you are the subhuman.

Compare to

Bro they literally shot rapist soldiers

>no u
Lmao, this g*rman monkey is seething

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Its ok fren. Enough slavic women work in germany.

Attached: If_you_know_what_I_mean..png (420x317, 56.85K)

Just look at how you're behaving in this very thread for an example of subhuman behavior.

Imagine if the US and Canada had the type of history Germany and Russia do.

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>Just look at how you're behaving in this very thread for an example of subhuman behavior
By making g*rms feel themselves uncomfortable?

You know those retards said that because they were themselves jewish puppets who had to keep the anti-semitic myth alive right? Who do you think propogates neo-nazism to this day?

>muh honorable German commanders

Every army has rules of war. The point is are they actually being enforced. Stromfaggots are legitimately the most braindead retards alive. Nobody buys into propaganda as easily as they do. And that's the point.

Dear Germany, I sincerely refuse appologize for my grandfather's killing scores of you from 1942-1945 and wish he had killed more of you niggers. Please accept my non-apology.

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Krauts got BTFOed by superior Russian men

The very reason why krauts are still even just breathing the air today is that Russians were just too generous and kind to exterminate all of you subhuman apes

Thank Russians every fucking day for them not having slaughtered you, Kraut nigger

Absolutely based. German women Loved every second of it, that's why instead of hiding they would roam the streets looking for drunk Russian solders to pull a train on them. Now that Russians are gone and only sissy German men left they decided to fly on millions of Muslims to experience what their mothers and grandmother's were talking about with such joy.

>t. Same memeflag in the shit eye thread shilling for blue eye superiorness in the most prolly way

Gee I wonder who could behind this.

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I envy my grandfathers, they were raping germshits left and right by their 20ies
I wont be doint it until im in my 30ies in ww3
Can barely wait man

Oбocнoвaннo и кpacнoтaблeтиpoвaннo

What in the fuck is that pic?

Man...I wish I had this bird thing to put on my house. Would be fucking amazing.

Can someone make one of these "Mental gymnastics"-memes from this?

But wait, these were in France. That was a different division and they saw the French as being white and European.
This was Russia we're talking about. Slavic Russia that they wanted to conquer and cleanse for colonization.
There's quite a difference there though that said, it was Commie Russia that also made up the Holohoax so maybe there was instances of rape in Russia by German that were exaggerated?