Humanity would be fine with 30% less GDP

Watch the libtards and conservatives screech and defend perpetual growth

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Capitalism is unsustainable and when it finally fails we'll be left with a multiracial mess because the (((oligarchs))) sold the 14 words and our culture like a cheap whore.

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How will people work and earn a living you retarded leftist. People arent worried about gdp, they are worried about unemployment and lacking healthcare benefits from their jobs we should gas China, India, and Africa? Maybe those South Pacific jungle Asian countries for good measure?

Absolutely retarded.

Unless you also get rid of 30% of the population, it won’t work. Persons A consumption is Persons B livelihood.

Yes and a 30% reduction in population that follows I'm sure humanity in the long run would be fine but in the short term that's a big drop in population you're fine with losing

>doesn't understand wealth concentration has become excessive

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30% less wealth to fund liberal pet projects. No more Medicare for all or checks for illegals. Sounds good to me.

When the lights go out because of infrastructure failures, he’ll be the first one to blame Trump.

imagine if we had 30% less production and 70% less global population where it counts.

That doesn't resolve the problem he stated. Wealth can be as concentrated as you want but if 30% of people are permanently unemployed they will eventually run out of money and starve.

This. But faggot consoomers need new clothes and iphones every year so we can't have that!

He's right though. We should be focused on building a better society instead of obsessing over slaving ourselves to death for every point of the GDP. Europeans have slightly lower GDP per capita and yet they have higher quality of life. We should implement UBI already, it will save society.
also this, never forget that the GDP worshipping capitalists are the ones who wanted more immigrants in the first place so they could suppress wages, which is why most workers today are getting fucked over and why young people today are so much worse off than Boomers.

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>Fewer people are buying cars, so fewer people are building cars
>Nobody loses their jobs!
Imagine being this retarded

So we should also stop immigration then right.

>we bring back the 40-hour work week and people get 6 weeks of vacation
>People are consuming less but also working less!
Imagine being too retarded to understand this. It's literally how Europe works right now. Millionaires go without buying a 12th car and in return our society has a healthier job market and higher quality of life.


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Irrelevant to my point.

The economy, and by that I mean the real day-to-day economy for 90% of people, can be modelled as a closed system. This means that the amount of capital stays constant over short periods of time, and increases in wealth are marginal.

Now, flux within the system can be crudely estimated via GDP, which measures the total amount transacted. If BOTH consumption and production are diminished by 30%, flux diminishes by 30%, and PER CAPITA, everyone looses 30% of their wealth.

In capitalism, wealth is directly correlated to consumption. If no one consumes, no one is needed to produce, and your neighbour next door looses his job

Why should business owners lose money because you're too scared of the flu to go to work? Like it or not business owners decide who gets an income in this country and if you piss them off you will lose everything. That's a warning.

How are you going to convince a capitalist to take a less of a share of the profits though? There are plenty of English speaking tax havens that would help him hide his money from you. You have no leverage.

It must be nice being a trust fund baby. You get to larp online as some sort of socialist revolutionary knowing that none of those policies will ever effect you.

They can have their money in tax havens, i never understood why there is a problem with this. Money from tax havens cant be used, as soon as it comes back it has to be taxed. They lose money every year to inflation like that

I'd prefer a 90% reduction in GDP to be honest.

>Wealth concentration = high GDP

We could only expect this statement coming from communists

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>Misses the entire point.
Go back.

Its not true as a logical general statement but it’s true today

not all GDP growth is created equal. The computer industry changed the world whereas the movie industry not so much, though they are both 'billion dollar industries'

The problem is it's not obvious what will change the world so we are forced to grow the economy in frivolous ways to support the 99% of the population that will never amount to more than wage cuckery so that the 1% that actually move us forward as a society can be incentivized and have the infrastructure to do so.

>It's literally how Europe works right now.
Imagine being retarded enough to think the European model is a good example of economic well-being. Imagine being retarded enough to think $4k/month for rent is a good thing. Imagine thinking moving the goalposts gives you an upper hand.

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>the 1% that actually move us forward as a societ
So in other words, the people who create the artificial piron called society are going to move us forward in the society they created which shouldn't exist since society is another word for 'prison' so that the 1% can rule over us.

You're as bluepilled as you can get. Just go back.

>economy shuts down
>governors violate Color of Law via Title 18, Section 242
>people go on welfare and unemployment
>government goes bankrupt
>China uses debt they're purchased over the years to buy-out the USA

Not gonna happen.

That's the proof right there that all communists are retarded.

I've never defended unsustainable growth

Ok, Nagito

and somehow most of shitholes in the world are in the top rank of wealth unequality.

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