What is your edgiest, but still sincere political belief?

What is your edgiest, but still sincere political belief?

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That looks fucking disgusting. Is that dirt around the meat? Why not clean it first?

I'm totally fine with a totalitarian state if it eliminates degeneracy. Democracy is cringe

Removal of the jews would cause a power vacuum that would only be filled by the Chinese

Everyone deserves to die

The West needs an Emperor.

the earth's population needs to drop about 80% if we want to live the lifestyle we're accustomed to

Democracy is a jew term actually.

Women shouldnt have equal rights as men. They should have basic rights but no reason to pretend theyre equal.

we cook all our meats in dirt. how do you do it?

The society in America is a cluster fuck and I won't be apart of it.

I moved to a small rural town in North Carolina where I collect my NEETbux, invest them in high dividend paying stocks, play vidya, watch pr0n, play with my doggo, watch kino, listen to music, read about interesting topics and just enjoy the endless peace and quiet.

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It's a bit of char and color from dry rubbing and then smoking the meat, it's actually delicious.

US ethno cities
Detroit and chicago is only for blacks.

Kill the kikes race war now.

Its smoked beef ribs you shit for brains.

African Americans are 50x worse than normal Africans.
I would be perfectly fine with blacks if not for African Americans.
African Americans (niggers)
>Sex and drugs chasers
>Welfare and proud
>Refuses to integrate
>Most are psychopathic and end up in prison
>Blames white people
African immigrants to the US (except samolis)
>Hard working
>Family values
>Most refuse welfare because it is embarrassing
>Strong desire to fit in with American and white culture
>Low crime rate
>Hates black Americans for not knowing how good they have it

It's literally spices you imbecile

I want a total extinction of the human race.

It is called BBQ I know it isn't like your native dish of Gyros

Kek. Germans, everyone.

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>He doesn't smear soil on his meat before cooking it

This is why you lose wars.

Trusting the insurance industry jews to run the healthcare industry over our own federal government makes you a retard. Insurance companies only care about their profit margins, they don't give a shit if you live or die.

Fuck you user. Now I'm hungry again.

Subversive (((agents))) should be wiped off the face of the Earth.

>my slow cooker swine won't be done for hours

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.... Wow

Kill yourself retard

>Is meat good for you?

>That webm
Oh my god, my unmutilated penis. It is THROBBING!

Women do not deserve any rights or say in the running of a society. Non-whites aren’t human.

It's worth it in the end.

>Usurers should be hanged
>Productivism is cancer

adultery should be a capital offense


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Islam should be a banned religion.


>Women shouldn't have rights
>Death penalty for homosexuality
>Not being Christian puniahable by exile
>Whites only
>High school should include basic weapons, military training and fitness, drop worthless crap like advanced math (99.99% of people never use anything beyond basic algebra) and cursive
>Take national poll for conscription, execute every single person who voted in favor of it

Pick one

Bait kraut

The white race is a rotting corpse since WW2. Degeneracy killed it. Jews are the maggots eating it. We are the last remaining living cells trying to hopelessly revive the body.

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You bury it in dirt and smoke it at 900 degress for 17 hours. We use the exhaust from our diesel trucks for the smoke. Thats why we need to fight wars for oil.

Remember the days until April 2020 when cocksure asshole chefs thought they could TOUCH ALL THE GODDAMN FOOD BARE-HANDED, YOU UNGRATEFUL SONUVABITCH, BECAUSE THEY FUCKIN MADE IT. HAVE A BEARD HAIR, YOU FUCKIN SNOB. Those were the days

This guy is correct. I worked with someone from Ghana a few years ago. He hated American blacks and complained about them daily. Said they were ungrateful while living on the backs of productive Americans. Most sub-saharans don't have the physical and economic safety American blacks have.

Some people are just better than others. Nobody is equal.

Rope, tree, journalist. Some assembly required.

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>here's your cold but nicely positioned meat bro, enjoy!

And then they breed and their children become niggers. Clearly the African people have low IQ, but these crime rates are due to cultural issues, and I don't see how immigrating "people" into that culture will fix it.

Stfu and eat your boiled sausage and fermented cabbage, krautnigger

t. Former cook

Why do Americans burn their meat?

You're actually serious.

>smoked beef ribs
Colon cancer is what it is you shit for health.

This, to assume women are equal to men is assuming your pets are equal to you.
The sooner you realize this the faster everything makes sense.

schools should be privatized

>this nigga doesn't use dirt to marinate his meat

Fucking loser

>invest them in high dividend paying stocks,
such as?

I should have a belt fed machine gun

I've been to germany twice, I liked the trips but food was worst than in america and that's quite something desu.

Human experimentation is REQUIRED for cognitive research and immortality to be discovered. The deaths now will result in countless saved lives. Your death is very convient to society, so only a corperation can undertake said testing.

>Some faggot withdrew 1k and put it next to his moms prescriptions
Recommendation is suicide

Haha lmao no.
They are the scum of the planet, i would say humanity but honestly we are different species.
They are apes.

So you're a basic fascist. Got it

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totalitarianism is cringe too bruh

The destruction of the US government is the only viable solution to most of the West major problems

He probably dumped everything he owned into AMD when Zen came out

all non germanics (excluding anglos) and non east asians should be culled and the survivors should mix and create a global eurasian super empire and colonize the stars

OK I'll agree with that but you have to understand that they're immigrating to the US, they're the cream of the crop and 99% of Africa is still retarded.

Absolutely no welfare programs, zero neets, then we wont need to import polacks to do our crap jobs since everybody will do their best not to starve.