He's gonna get people killed lol
He's gonna get people killed lol
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2nd amendment here is a right. So we have to protect it. Why are you even talking, you live in the U.K. where dildos are getting banned now lol
good. hopefully it's all his zionist buddies
dildos banned
If only those had been sent out via Emergency Broadcast System
Is Paula Reids husband a Chinese lobbyist??!
>dildos banned
You need a new meme flag
Dildos will never get banned in the UK. How else will micro dick Pakis pleasure British women.
>where dildos are getting banned now lol
didn't Ted Cruz try to ban sex toys in texas
You know that a whole shitpile of people of all races showed up at the VA state capitol with rifles, ammo, and armor and nobody died, right?
No, you were probably too busy thinking about whether you carry the potato peeler or the fork, amiright?
i like trump but that's a bit cringe lol
I'm talking about encouraging people to ignore lockdowns m8
Do it
Murda Murda murda, kill kill kill
hopefully someone you know?
The tyrannical people in power issuing the unconstitutional "stay at home orders" and restricting Americans' God given rights and liberties have names and addresses... in minecraft of course.
He wants his chinese imports back so bad, even after 4,600 people dying yesterday. Wtf
Man, I wish I were American. Then I could have a great president as well.
Hopefully liberals.
Fuck this lockdown. It’s anti-American. People can execute caution. We don’t need big government telling us how to live.
Holy fucking baaaaaaaaaaased
The tweets before these were critical of WHO and China
Shits gunna get fucking real
blood makes the grass grow.
Fucking boomers man. Freedom and liberty outweigh a couple thousand dead boomers.
too bad he banned bumpstocks, without bumpstocks theres nothing they can do.
No they weren't. Critical of WHO, yes. China, no. He has praised Xi several times. Why lie.
Btw, politicians are not people, it should be season on that filth 24/7, year around
This. Live free or die. Lets get it trending in our time, haha. :D
Anybody notice this?
Seen a @jack tweet mobile.twitter.com
It mentions Christiano Dias, this guy looks like he works with Google scripts for hire, filtering twitter and Instagram for keywords and spreadsheets, his website is ctrlq.org