Why are modern men such lazy pieces of shit?

Why are modern men such lazy pieces of shit?

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Because they're parents worked hard to make sure they didn't have to. But it actually made them worse for it.

Because we work for the betterment of Israel and not our own nation's now.

They don't understand SWEAT

Attached: NeetPledge.jpg (125x105, 2.04K)

pic related is t. a literal TV star
are you talking about the current generation because that sounds a lot more like boomers my bro

>I'm going to improve my own life because it might accidentally benefit a jew

The juice isn't worth the squeeze.


It's happened with every generation

Attached: the neet pledge.jpg (1200x1308, 221.57K)

Ah yes, the Bootlicker pledge. I've been working blue collar jobs since I was a teenager. Mike Rowe is a fucking reality TV star. Fuck this cunt.

This is satire, right?

Based mountain bro

The NEET is right you know. You work so you can support a satanic Jewish system. What you should do is not work for the system, scam it, and work for yourself.

a job where they make you remove asbestos without a mask for a dollar a day is objectively a bad job

>The NEET is right you know
Lol no, this is hilarious delusion. People who are actually all of those things are entrepreneurs. Neets are leeches that are dependent on the system they pretend to hate.

>Rowe was born in Baltimore, Maryland, to John and Peggy Rowe, who were both teachers.
>He graduated from Overlea High School in 1980, where he excelled in theater and singing
>He then studied at Essex Community College.
>In 1985, he graduated from Towson University with a degree in communication studies.
>Starting in the mid-1980s, Rowe hosted Your New Home for WJZ-TV in Baltimore for 15 years.
A real blue-collar life right there.

Now S.W.E.A.T for half as much pay as your parents made because Pablo is here.

Hey I am sure he gets outside to hand the checks to the illegal lawn care service he hires


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This entire document is just propoganda to be ok with getting fucked in the ass by employers with a slathering of patriotism to appeal to Americans. One rare gem about debt being a jewish trap to enslave you, but for different reasons

There is nothing to strive for.


You need a seriously well-paying job to afford a family where I live. Way easier to get a comfortable low-paying job and just stay a bachelor forever.

It doesn’t matter in the end. Our lives will come to nothing anyway. Why not be spiteful towards the ones destroying us?


How could anyone possibly be this pozzed?

Kosher conservatives are the ultimate Golem cucks.

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I'm contemplating to just say fuck it after graduating in engineering and take some part time job and enjoy life on a smaller budget.
I'm not a consoomer faggot and minimalist anyways so I should manage.

The tryhards can feed all the niggers of merkel by playing and working hard.

This, but unironically.

Achmed is able to feed a family of 12 here with his welfare check though.

Because most went through all the shit because their family (or the prospect of building one), and now there's no point in sacrificing yourself anymore

There are so many ways to make money that aren't even privy to us, only work. Rockefeller said the man who works all day never has any time to make money. Ever hear of The Book of Wealth? About all the tips of building up wealth and working long term interests in your favor? Didn't think so.

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where do I sign?

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Medieval peasants worked less than you, owned more than you, had more freedom than you, had more friends than you, had more sex than you, had more children than you, had more testosterone than you, had a better diet than you, were more physically and mentally fit than you, devoted more time to hobbies/past times than you, but most importantly enjoyed life more than you.
Capitalists want you to work for 16 hours a day and pay you nothing, you are lesser than even a slave to them.

Because Achmed also does a shitton of illegal shit.

Because we have unprecedented wealth.


Only a million bucks

The cost of the police work and investigations into said illegal activity that eventually is not acted upon out of fear of being "racist" or "discriminatory" towards a minority is part of that welfare check.

Based and redpilled.
No wonder they keep propagating how much medieval life must have sucked compared to now.