I just find it hard to believe how the same liberal celebrities who mock religion would worship a mythical deity that has no proof of actually existing
Is satanic worship by elites/celebrities real?
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The symbolism in every music video is enough evidence for me.
No that's misdirection for dumb boomers. They just worship Yahweh
What is Wikileaks?
dont be crazy user
Mel Gibson apparently says they drink baby blood and eat children.
>people who mock Christianity would never be Satanists
Sometimes I can't tell if a leaf is only pretending to be retarded
OP just get familiar with satanic symbology and then turn on literally ANY television channel. once you see it you wont be able to unsee it
Yes but it's the black cube. Don't fall for pleb shit.
lol no
Yes. Unequivocally.
Satan is just one of many, many names. The esoteric traditions many elites fall into are influenced by foreign mythologies, which makes it confusing for many. But it is one creature, and evil does exist.
The energy they hold is the deity. Evil exists. You are too caught up in the linguistics of it. Proof is in the pudding
It doesn't exist. At least not on the scale that everyone on here thinks it does. Satanism and it's many off shoot branches has an extremely minuscule following in the U.S and abroad. The reason it's blown out of proportion on social media is because it's sexy and enticing for the viewers that aren't used to seeing stuff like that.
>Is satanic worship by elites/celebrities real?
of course not, pol is full of schizo autists who'll believe any old shit
it's mostly just an edgelord, libertarian protest
however, satan just means "the enemy" who exists
sani, cronos, saturn, keyvan, trezcatlipoca, zuhal, balor
those are a few other names
A picture is worth a thousand words.
You have to be a retard or a kid to ask.
The greatest thing Satan did was convince people he doesn't exist.
Source? Or are you just stretching the Gibson oven memes?
There are only so many coincidences you can take.
>No proof of existing
What do you think they're doing with the rituals?
>Implying we could comprehend, much less map much further than the 3rd dimension
It's all so tiresome. I'm not even discounting reality beyond our understanding, but this is just muddying the waters.
Yes but not in the way you think.
They worship a million different things, good and bad, in an all-colors-of-the-rainbow perspective, where you need to spiritually connect with all things, good and bad. Including God, and including the Devil.
The Devil is just ONE "juicy" part of the "everything-worship" because it is taboo and hated, but it doesn't have a central role other than shaking off any remains of prejudice from the follower.
Blood sacrifices aren't truly necessary, they just do it to bind people together in a circle of "omertà", and only in some edgier circles.
As for all groups and things, there are more and less degenerate/more or less cruel/more or less positive groups. And there's a thousand different societies and sub-societies, many of them aren't secret and others are.
>OP just get familiar with satanic symbology and then turn on literally ANY television channel. once you see it you wont be able to unsee it
Where can I look up this forbidden knowledge?
This is.. very interesting. Also the first I hear of this perspective. Please elaborate.
Yes, they do admit a larger cosmology, but they focus on the one aspect which brings them power. Primarily, through appeasing chthonic powers to avoid their ire in this life, whilst preparing their, for a lack of a better word 'soul', for the miasma after death.
The occult foundations of banking and media is 100% true and verifiable. And yes, Jews are directly tied into this before anyone claims that the Satanic bullshit of the “elites” is a red herring to protect the Jews.
Jews worship Satan. They wear a black cube on their head, worship on a Saturday, and do blood rituals (circumcision) to inflict pain and suffering to appease and mark their people to him.
I know, I know,
>muh bill boomer no name the Jew
Just watch the video. The Satanist religion is strictly atheist. They worship only themselves. They’re egoists, hedonists, materialists, and they use Satan as a symbol for the ego. This is actually the core belief of Judaism, and it’s why they are devoid of empathy and hellbent on population control. The Torah was written by and for Aryans who have a natural connection to the superior worlds. Jews, modern Neanderthals who lack that divine link, stole and perverted the Abrahamic religion to fit their atheist animalistic worldview, codified in the Talmud.
Not quite true, they worship the demiurge, the maser of the material.
oh man, ive been deep in this shit for nearly 2 decades and i was raised in the church. it just comes natural to me. I couldnt tell you where to look specifically, but for starters
pic related.
Yes, they, like the majority of those in power, worship Saturn (it’s a little more complex than that but that is a good stand in for trying to explain it).
You actually do just need to lurk. You're not going to find a legitimate teacher if you search, and the best source you have is your own judgement.
Obviously not. Although if I were a rich celebrity, I would totally incorporate some of the symbols and stuff, just to see the response and laugh at you retards
I'm fully aware. You don't need to explain it to me, brother.
Are elites/celebrities jews?
Judaism is just the most popular and successful cult of the black cube.
>this stupid fucking image AGAIN
how many times is this going to get fucking reposted
> Is satanic worship by elites/celebrities real?
IDK is it?
What does it say near the top
Imagine believing evil doesn't exist lol
The Demiurge is your ego. It’s the craftsman of your personal illusory world. It’s what tempts you to sin.
One of the defining characteristics of Gnosticism is the search for allegorical meaning in scriptures. The Gnostic myths were never meant to be taken literally.
Blucifer guarding the entrance to the head satanic temple in America.
You're fundamentally failing to understand the concept of worshipping an entity which is the antithesis of the Christian God. Satan does not exist and the elites know this. They worship the concept of Satan, a proposed embodiment of their own inner evil, which allows them to retain their wealth and power, by completely lacking human empathy and ruining the lives of all social levels below them. Because most of them are born into immeasurable wealth, they're worried that if they ever stop appeasing him, it will all magically be taken away from them. They don't believe in a god because they see themselves as the gods.
There are literal incantations that you are expected to say to it after death to gain entry to one of the 7 'heavens'. Of course, most sects don't worship the demiurge. However, it is just a re-framing of existing beliefs within the context of the scriptures. Ancients literally believed that these entities exist.
So, in short, there's a few basic principles you need to put in your backpack before starting your journey into occultism.
1) everything is a concept. Occultism has a bad habit: not caring about language, and most of all, simple language. So everything has 100 different names, and nothing is explained clearly. Another bad habit is "theatrics": instead of naming something "the Inner world of emotion" they will name it "Alchemical Silver". Because they want to sound cool.
Also there's two or three different things that are called "Alchemical Silver", because fuck you.
If you start studying a school of occultism, they will start mentioning GODS, SPIRITS, HIGHER BEINGS, ANGELS, DEMONS or even aliens.
In the end though, just like "The Flaming Sword", "The World Tree" and "The Philosopher's Stone" they are just philosophical concepts.
2) It's all the same shit. With slight variations, occult Hinduism, and Christian Kabbalah, and Alchemy, and I suspect even Scientology, are extreeemely similar. They take from the same place, which they claim is "super ancient" but in reality it's just basic Platonism and Neo-Platonism. NONE of them for example would agree with Democritus. They do use different words for everything, but there you go.
Freemasons use the Bible in the West and the Veda in India and the Koran in Arabia and they just use them the same way.
3) these people are a bit nutty. You know all the crazy conspiracy theories about the Illuminati ruling the world? You don't find them only among the profane and uninitiated, there's a bunch of delusional Satanists and Kabbalists and Occultists that will tell you the same. There is a LOT of useless trash online. Skip whatever sounds stupid or crazy or tries too hard.
4) This "discipline" of emotionally and physically connecting with the spirit doesn't have one name, they're all a bit wrong, but the closest I can find are Kabbalah, Hermeticism, Theosophy, Neoplatonism, mysticism and Alchemy.
It's about ridding any pleromic influences they have and dedicating themselves totally to the material--which is of course ruled by time (death, decay, suffering, humiliation). Half true, really. I would be careful in being totally psychological, there are genuine believers with many of them.