Say something nice about them before NL and Germany we leave the EU.
Portugal cucks
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>say something nice about them
They're not Spain. Can we leave the EU now?
I sure as fuck hope so. Im tired of
these blackmailing countries desu.
Leaving the EU is only for the cool kids.
Cant wait to see your country burn down without the access to single market.
If the Dutch leave and give us a free port on the continent we will be able to have a based anglo-dutch trade alliance. They can export to U.S, Ireland etc through here. No freedom of movement though but they are welcome for a holiday. No French, sorry.
>If the Dutch leave and give us a free port on the continent
Do you realise we had one thousands year of war for this reason?
Lets give up the jew trade, burn the netherlands and live as good frens.
Lol, we control the delta of practically every major river into Europe, and have Europe's largest port. Europe's infrastructure is built around us, it is not that we can't do without you, it's that you can't do without us. Ever took a look at a map of the highways of Europe? Motherfucker, we are in charge here. Huge portions of your country are third world, and all of your country smells.
Costa is a retard, from india. he is anti-portuguese and he was elected because our population is brainwashed. But hey, Netherlands trying to teach anyone about being cuck it's non-sense
stop being delusional, your country will be majority non-white by the half of this century and you talking about roads and ports. Jesus, you guys are an all other world of delusion. And Portugal, France, Spain, Italy or Britain will fall too
And why should people keep letting goods comming from your country to ours?
Dont you think chinks will be more than happy to finance new infrastructure to destroy yours?
Because thats exactly what is going to happen when EU collapse, no more tax evasion, no more imports from you, and no more reason to give a shit about your poor swampbrothel.
We will take away all fears they have put onto your people of food shortages. Don't worry, we will follow you soon. Without us, the EU is doomed. There is no way France and Germany want to be in the EU with only a bunch of slavs and meds. I give the EU's existance less than 5 years after Nexit.
Lol, have fun getting all your good in by plane or truck then, until China finishes financing your new infrastructure. At that point, enjoy being their bitch and getting only shitty quality products that electrocute or poison you.
>shitty quality products that electrocute or poison you
Implying you are not using chink shit too
Anyway we have Hamburg, Toulon, Genoa, Marseille, you are not the only coastal country
Re-take Africa? 50/50 split?
>being replaced by a poo
He did not deserve it
I mostly detest Dutch, Belgians, northern Germany, but they absolutely have a point regarding this issue.
There are emergency bonds all EU cunts can activate right fucking now with minimal interest rates, BUT, you need a plan on how you'll spend them and how you'll be paying them back. This is a clear money grab by these reckless spending fag countries to take out huge loans, using other people's credit rating and then piling it up pn their already unserviceable public debt.
And it wouldn't even be that big of a problem if you knew these Italian, Greek or Portugal fags would be grateful for assistance but instead they'll wait for a while and start with muh sovereignty again.
EU was a brilliant project but it should have never accept any country that doesn't border Northern Sea
Why are poortuguese so brown?
tendo em conta que ele era casado como uma alógena, ele era um traidor
Said like a true descendant of Alberto Barbosa
He is an indian from goa memeflag shill
Based. The UK and Netherlands are parasites on the EU.
Wikipedia says he's moortuguese
We still own our part desu, you just have to take back yours.
sure memeflag mongrel, sure
Definitely, even the Germans won't want to pay for all the medniggers and slavs. It's over.
A dog can't be a parasite to a flea.
>António Luís Santos da Costa GCIH (born 17 July 1961) is a Portuguese lawyer and politician
You don’t know what you’re talking about buddy.
Yeah, we do use chink products, but if you decide you won't import through our country anymore, and have China finance a new massive port and road infrastructure (nice plan lol, retard), you will be their bitch afterwards, and chink products is all you will get. You have absolutely no idea how fucked the EU is without us, it will be much worse for you than Brexit. Especially after Flanders joins us, and we tear down every EU institution in Brussels, and gain Antwerp's port on top of Rotterdam's port. We don't give a fuck, we will continue to be a tax haven and house foreign multinationals, and we will continue to produce enormous surpluses of food.
Imagine telling one of the 6 EU founders that they can leave a union they founded.
Fucking LMAO, it's like me moving into my friends house and telling him he can leave it's mine now. Portugal and Spain, the shitstain of Europe that rich countries need to bail out every time because we can't get our house in order, the corruption of Europe, the shit countries that has salaries below 700€ p/month has the audacity to question the top brass leadership because they don't want to throw away coronabonds for this faggot to buy new cars and submarines
>Costa was born in 1961 in São Sebastião da Pedreira, Lisbon, the son of writer Orlando da Costa and of journalist Maria Antónia Palla.[2][3]
Nowhere does it say he's Indian, so the question still stands.
Why are moortuguese people so brown?
>Costa was born in 1961 in São Sebastião da Pedreira, Lisbon, the son of writer Orlando da Costa (born in Maputo to a family of Goan extraction) and of journalist Maria Antónia Palla
Try again
I stand corrected about the Netherlands. The UK still is though.
Spain isn't even on the economic numbers UE ask for, and they are telling the others their lack of commitment. Spaniards are the most retarded
>leaving the EU
>when the entire country lives on being a tax haven within the EU (and selling drugs and whores to turists)
Yeah right. By the way don't be late on that check this month, my gf wants new shoes
Indian:Notice the difference, portuguese:
>this is white in south europe
LMFAO. Varg was right
Is this considered white in portugal?
There you go
Memeflags ((( ))) on tilt on the indian.
Are these the famous "white" meds we constantly hear about from southrons on this board?
I didnt know about your agricultural production, France is biggest EU food producer, we are going to enjoy less concurence.
For tax evasion, its not going to be possible since no single market anymore, multinationals will not be able have siege there and fuck us, as simple as that.
And for the ports you are trolling, do you think Germany and France are not able to finance a port expansion?
This is why nobody can take you people seriously. Is it supposed to be satire? It's not very good.
Stop lying. Of all the countries I will miss the French the least. God they suck.
Lol this fucker looks like a nigger rapebaby. No wonder he's asking for gibs
>implying it works like that
Why do EUcucks always pretend theres gonna be a total embargo on every country leaving the EU? If you actually do that, the entire european economy would fall apart. Until we have fully re-nationalized our economies ( process starting now with corona), no such thing is going to happen, EU or not.
Im not pro EU, im talking about EU collapse and Franco-German fusion as planed.
No embargo, but why would we allow foreign goods to pass by Netherlands ?
Beside flowers, they dont have alot to bargain with us.
>rotterdam is the only port in the EU
Again, your country only exists because they needed a buffer meme country between Germany and France and the only thing you're good for is helping rich kikes commit tax fraud. If you leave the EU you're out of the european financial market and you might as well put a shotgun in your mouth country wide. If you want to talk with the grown up countries you need grown up tax laws, or else you can pay up and shut up
Never forget it, you're here forever.
If only there was an independent nation next door with a global financial centre.
Typical shitskins asking for handouts and getting uppity when whites say no
You have your source, i have mine
>financial centre once brexit is over
Yeah that's a lmao from me dawg