What weapons do you protect your home with?

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>imagine defending your home and placing yourself in danger instead of calling 911 lmao

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I hope you and your loved ones get raped to death by a pack of feral niggers while you wait for the police.

all of them. I don't leave a single one behind.

I just have a .22 semi auto rifle and a 12 gauge shotgun. But I don't keep them loaded and they're locked in their cases so I don't really have them for self defense. Unless you plan on carrying your weapon on your person at all times its not very practical to think you can defend yourself with them.

I've been considering getting a CCW permit, but you give up a bunch of rights when you get one of those. Cops can basically search your home or your vehicle without probable cause if you're on record having a CCW permit which is pretty fucked up.

Lmao don’t niggers know that they can’t legally enter my home without my permission

This is a disinfo post that needs to be completely disregarded

none of this is true
what state are you in?

My mitts.

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>imagine calling other males to defend yourself lmao what a cuck

99% they gonna steal then you are not home, prob gonna steal your precious little gun also.

The ones that I want are import banned.

we did it boys. crime is no more.

What happens is when the police want to illegally search your property, they call a judge (in Nebraska they have one on call 24/7) and explain that you own guns and they think you're a danger to the public. And presto, just like that they've got a bogus search warrant to search your home and vehicle without probable cause.

You could try and fight it in court if you've got a good lawyer. But this shit happens all the time.


i dont
then again I dont hold my home in high regard as its not mine
and i dont care much for the people around me either
so id probably just run if some nutter tried to throw a spear through my embrasure or came at me with some bolas

I have a system down down really. The plan is to make chlorine gas on the tile floor of my living room. Then coat all of the floors near doors and windows with cooking oil. After that I equip my spear and charge the enemy

user, this sounds schizo

H&K VP40

Good bait

knife and baseball bat. i've learned during my time here on earth that 98% of people are scared of melee

No guns. Lost them in a rare land boating accident.

Farts & a ciggy lighter. Laugh if you will but my ass gas can roast an elephant to well done in seconds.

The police silly! Guns are bad!

This is the most FUDD boomer post I've ever seen in my life. Don't post here. Goto reddit. Ccw part is extreme disinfo, only place where that's somewhat applicable is MD where the zog bootlicking uniformed faggots scan plates for ccw holders and do "random" stops.

Based home alone

ruger security 9, but im more relient on doggos and alarms informing me of intrusion

Just remind them that burglary is illegle.

SWIM uses his ak47 variant and arex zero 1 9mm. But I lost all my guns in a horrible boating accident.

Expand on this my good /k/ommando. I'm a MD resident and interested in going through the HQL, getting a Glock, and trying to get a CCL. What should I be worried about? Should I just not get the CC and keep it at home?

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12 gauge shotgun. i keep it loaded under my bed.

Nice try, glowie