you laugh you lose Yas Forums edition
You laugh you lose Yas Forums edition
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
Was the British boy hiding behind that nigger?
Bwahahaha hahah ahahah
based and oldladypilled
Its a Jewish conspiracy, I am telling you.
How does it feel boy?
A foreigner comes to your country
Buys your house
Marries your daughter
Is your boss at work
Lives like a god while you follow his orders
How does it feel ?
We're hitting clown world levels we didn't even deem to exist.
You tell me, Vishnu
Shit the first one got me.
Speaking from experience?
Living in the past.
The future is ours
>Welfare nation anything
Give the americans their billions of dollars back you parasites.
The future is the Jews you stupid pajeet. Feminists, trannies and Jewish usury will destroy your future no matter how many Muslims you kill.
>ding ding ding yaaassss just shut up and listen
China will grow larger
Quick off the mark there Leaf, you on the luxury soup tonight?
Cough harder Jewboy.
This leaf...
They're only children
My bank is closing all it's Indian call centres this year.
I remember when Gothenburg was know for the Gothenburg "sound" for melodic death metal bands. This shit is WAY more brutal than those fags could ever produce.
Super pooer 2020, You know that's this year right?
They have till December 31st.
Holy fucking shit why are Canadians so salty?
16 year old
not enough cooming, so their bodies can't excrete all the salt
they have strange rules and rituals surrounding cooming that involve strapons, candles and niggers while all being orchestrated by the grand-dominatrix they are owned by
Go ahead and laugh but that British boy was just as Swedish as any other Swede.
So you be sayin' dat wuz a rayciss chik'n?