
>World economy 'may face double recession'

>China raises death toll by 1,300 but denies cover-up

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for are Mozza

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>China raises death toll by 1,300

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Seething tripfaggots absolutely grieving their trips have been banned

Reminder to report off topic posts, which 99% of tripfags and their cohorts posts are!
They DO NOT LIKE THIS one bit! Try it out and watch them go ape.

Covid lockdown looks to continue for a few more months so we've got plenty of time :)

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Hi Bongs

Attached: hi bongs.jpg (900x1200, 347.3K)

>Reminder to report all tripcunts and off topic posts. This general is for politics, news and current events.
>Timmy posting, food posting, posting women, music and sports amongst others are off topic. Don't let the tripcunts and their tripvassal twats slide back in they are all collaborators

Lads, how correct is this?

>bottom of the working class
>most likely on benefits
>lives in some crumbling council estate
>no gf or utter white trash gf called jade or Megan. Gf also doesn’t work and is on benefits. Met cause they live on the same estate
>bullied people in primary and secondary schools because they were smarter than him and would definitely be more successful
>dropped out of school at 16 with garbage btec/gcse grades
>will die before 55 from either a heart attack from the shit diet he has, crashing his car (25 year old corsa with no insurance), or being stabbed
>unless he was pushed early by his parents he will not move up to deano
>upper working/lower middle class
>your average lad
>decent GCSEs (in PE, graphic design or other easy subjects)
>went to college for PE or sports science btecs, didn’t do badly but never went to uni
>worked at tesco for a while before getting a job at an estate agents or moving up to store management
>gf is usually called Georgia or Hannah and is a hairdresser or nurse or other low-level employee. met at a club
>owns a house and some stuff but everything is financed
>fifa and nights out with Dylan, Luke, and the rest of the lads
>could become James if they put some effort in in college and go to uni
>middle/upper middle class
>did well in school
>went to uni for a pretty good degree but cause of all the clubbing he only got a third or 2:1
>generic office job, but he likes it since the banter with Karen, Craig, and John isn’t bad
>gf will be called Ella, Katie, or Sophie. She does the same job as him but at a different company, met through uni or friends
>decent enough life but is pretty boring, goes out with friends sometimes but mostly stuff with his gf
>decent house, doesn’t have that much debt as his job pays well enough

chav gfs

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this place is unrecognisable from 2-3 years ago, Yas Forums in general may have been filled with redditors as early as 2016 but this is something even more lacking in self awareness, school children maybe?

Gas all tripfags and put them in the bin

~1000 deaths a day eh?
something about proportional responses

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Fuck off you seething retard. You're far worse than any tripnonce.

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Off topic posts here lads. You know what to do with nonce tripvassals.


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Gary in my day was called Darren.
I suppose future Gary will be Jack? But every kid is called Jack so maybe not.

sounds like you’re seething over getting bullied by chavs lmao

Off topic posts here lads. You know what to do with nonce tripvassals.

Be strong lads :)

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Good old FSX.
But i believe the plane your thinking of is the Piper Cub?

FSX is pretty great when you hook it up to HTC VR + flight yoke & peddles. It actually really gives you the illusion like your sitting in the cockpit for real.

I downloaded the exact model aircraft i trained in, + realistic scenery/mesh pack for Australia.
so i was able to sit in VR and do all the start up flow checks, taxi, circuits, landing checks, cross country navigation, mock radio calls etc.
its a good training aid for procedural things.
But obviously lacks the feel you actually get when flying.


choice of friends names is cringe

At least 10 million people match those profiles.

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dullards mostly i would say. and older people.

London is useless

Attached: london.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

You need to add earns 70k per annum to James

why have you got to do this to me lad?

Off topic posts are tripcunts posting off trip report them lads we can do this.

i have opened the mayor

you type like a mum on Facebook lmfao



Needs hotdog seller walking around to complete it.

take your meds mate, the tripfags are gone and haven't even shown up this thread. you're embarrassing yourself by showing how terrified you are of them now

magine some anonymong told his mum about us now she's sitting here reporting us all day for bullying her kid ahahahaha

What would you say the mates names are?

rule briTanya

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Do you have any other comfy recipes? :)