why is it you fags have such a hard time getting pussy? Here look. This is how easy it is for a normal person. Guess who is about to jump in the shower and then take a road trip.
Why is it you fags have such a hard time getting pussy? Here look. This is how easy it is for a normal person...
Other urls found in this thread:
>greentexting via text
Fucking kill yourself. Jesus
sage and use accelerant
>everyone on Yas Forums can't get laid
>watching tv
What kind of normalfag shit is this?
I'd rather have some cock
>unironically greentexting outside of Yas Forums
absolutely and utterly cringe
1. social anxiety and introvert
2. wanking problem
you dating a retard or a 10 year old?
>user why did you put that little arrow next to your text?
>"uh it's from Yas Forums babe lol yeah I'm a big deal there"
>ohh.... anyway I g2g ttyl
>Work out
You fake textfags aren't even trying anymore
le epic meme arrow friend! have some reddit gold!
>to top it off its literally a fucking leaf
its easy to get laid but maybe dont be so fucking cringe
What does a man have to do around here to find some nice cock to suck?
Getting laid is not hard, pretending women are interesting and not fucking retarded is
What does this have to do with politics you moron? Go to Yas Forums
why do both the people in that image talk like brain damaged retards?
>tells girl he just met that he's going to take drugs and masturbate.
Interesting mating ritual, subhuman.
True, it is easy mode to get laid nowadays. Just remember, with dem roasties, what you're actually putting your penis in....
Is snapchat a good place to ask for bobs?
Everything is snapchat now? I'm 29 and never got into it
Don't know if I'd want to see that girl naked
Fleshlight with an attitude that can put you in prison whenever she feels like it.
>he uses an inferior product and feels superior because of it
top NPC kek
Take some antibiotics after you fuck that brown slut
>doing hw
>while all schools are shut down
Its pretty dead now
and therein lies the rub. Even if you don't shoot your load and get post nut clarity (i.e. karrezza, non-ejaculatory sex) you still realize she's a birdbrain and you gotta get outta there stat before you lose your mind and will to live.
Yes, I met a black chick on tinder and she sent me bobs before she ever even met me
>don't worry anons I didn't dip my pen in the coal