Chinks are literally lynching niggers if they see them in the streets
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They don't obey the quarantine & then the government has to punish them
poor them
Oh yeah, is n’t it that adults in China are first class in China? Why are we all seeing you guys pointing at the Chinese on the land of China and saying Chinese get out? Is n’t it because your black fellows bite the nurse and spread the virus wantonly? This group of people brought AIDS to China. We do n’t like you to trouble you.
I hate niggers, but I am also convinced that the chinese mindset will lead us to WW3.
Amazing how people just take a totally irrational dislike to blacks wherever they go, isn't it?
shut up, insect!
Atleast the chinksects are good for something
Ok now the chinks are based again in my books
Just when I think China can’t possibly get any worse...
Based soulless chinks.
jews being expelled from 109 different countries and blacks being universally hated by everyone are just coincidences due to racism and anti semitism
Well the video was posted by a fellow Dindu Tribesman so for all I know, the nigger was beaten beaten for stealing a McNugget or something.
Looks like the black guy committed a crime. Not very surprising.
that headline in reverse should be what's happening right now in america
You fucking idiot. Jews have been kicked for the same reason niggers want to kick all whites from their land like in south africa and zimbabwe. Because they dominate every sector in their countires due to their higher intelligence.
But when it comes to jews in european countries suddenly its because of nepotism and deception right faggot?
obviously shitloads of (((disinfo))) is currently being spread on twitter about the subject. seen several videos I know to be years old
and the fun shit is that they act on this disinfo in africa
The mainland Chinese are all brainwashed into thinking the CCP can do no wrong. It definitely makes me think WW3 is inevitable.
this. niggers are gonna nig but at least they wouldn't unleash a highly contagious virus onto the world
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
>defending evil communist China because you don't like black people
Maybe White people should start supporting righteous Black leaders instead of conspiring against them/killing them every time.
> Jews run every Hollywood studio because of their superior IQ against the other 98% of the population
fucking lol you nepotistic cunts
You're next.
Even the nigger is wearing a mask, he must smell really bad.
>implying they aren't the virus
Based CCP
Based Xi
Israel is an illegitimate state
Nigger science:
>Try cutting some onions in your house and leave them to absorb the bacteria and viruses
I carry a gun faggot.
You're the next nigger to die
I'm pretty sure this is old btw not 100% sure, but I think so. He did something there. If this is the footage I think, it's been posted here earlier
They out front the chicken joint eh
Can you drop by here....
and type "khabib ducked tony" ?!
>evil communist China
Seethe more Jew
>Jews run every Hollywood
Who made Hollywood you ugly yellow teeth bong? Who was the first pioneers? JEWS.
Niggers are a virus onto the world though.
hahahahaa good fucking niggers
let the niggers and chinks kill themselves
well.. how the hell is that going to do anythi... fuckin noggniggs
The Jews run every Hollywood studio because they ran to California, which was as far away from the East coast and Edison's film patents, as possible.
Americans love niggers so much that they even harass other countries that treat them like niggers.
Thanks for confirming that jews practice nepotism, you rat-faced kike
nice to see those chinks embracing hispanic culture by using that nigger as a pinata. #embracediversity
You’re not European at all
Take your jew tricks back to Babylon
And yes you fags use nepotism to no end
See Hollywood for endless examples
What shithole’s flag is that?
Okay, John Wick. People who carry guns die everyday.
>China not being controlled y Jews
a fucking leaf...
most of the vids are too big but check twitter
ie they have attacked a factory in nigeria now, most likely due to fake memes posted on social media, I fucking kid you not
Ie I think this is one is the us? I'm just skeptical to every single vid I see rn. It's pretty funny though
just gas yourself you self hating jew cunt, yes you are white, no you dont have a right to Israel because you didnt originate from there you Khazar CUNT.
i want them to freak out when a rare flag shows up
these insects have infested the west, haven't they?
Seriously that’s a fucking ugly flag, what country does it belong to.
CCP continues to dig their own grave. Africans are outraged at this and have already burned down chinese factories in Africa, and are for sure going to kick chinks out.
Chinks mad they women love that bbc
>Video from niggers jumping on whites in the US or UK
>Chinkoids ganging up on negroinds
The foolish man doesnt realize that he is a hypocrit because he doesnt know what a hypocrit is
Forget about it. It's all a dream.
Or maybe I live here, who knows.
you would be a god among them
also thank you in advanced
I imagine china would be amazing if you had status and were Chinese
>The foolish man doesnt realize that he is a hypocrit because he doesnt know what a hypocrit is
most people here just hate niggers
Wait what, they have those in China? Do they eat them?
I think the chinese are starting to wake up and realize that
the context is not important as long as niggers are beaten down. chinks are racist towards anyone, so nothing really new on their part.
you think?
Do it for mootykins, champ
>But when it comes to jews in european countries suddenly its because of nepotism and deception right faggot?
Don't be so naive mate. Nobody would have a problem with Jews if they were just making entertaining films and selling useful products.
No it's the absolutely RELENTLESS forcing of anti-white, pro-multicultural, pro-race mixing, anti-moral, anti-family, pro gay, pro pedophile, pro perversion agendas on to the host nations that the host nations eventually get fed up with.
I'm surprised there's africans in China
I want to see the video God damn it!
Every nigger was Kung Fu fighting
You will pay u fucking chinks
Why is it still news when niggers do nigger shit?
And yet they still want to travel to China
And they think that their opinion matters
And they think China will change their ways if they cry hard enough.
Nothing will get done, China does what China wants.
Niggers dont belong in South africa.
Can you tell me what flag that is.
What a surreal world we live in. All over the world shitskins hate and attack each other and then white people get blamed for racism.
China is the future
woman love any Big Cock. niggers aren't exclusive though they pretend to be
Death to Israel, fuck the chink subhumans and fuck jannies.
>communists are not racist
>communists respect theyr'e workers
How else do you redpill the zoomies.
Go into China with gunboats
Force opium sales in China
Blow up Summer Palace
We dundo nuffin wrong muddafukka.
mo0t MoOT! NOOT NOOT!!!!
I don't get why I black person would want to live in a place where people eat dogs and everybody looks at you like you're a monster.
At least White people just fuck dogs.
>helping niggers
Honestly if the chinkoids helped us cleanse Africa, I would have no quarrels splitting the continent with them
you ever heard of aids?
>Black leaders who can actually benefit my community as a white man should die so I can continue bitching about how negroes have no guidance