Islam will dominate the west in years to come

Spending some time on this board has made me realize how intellectually weak you anons are. Weak philosophy, weak theology and very weak criticisms of Islam.

99% of your arguments against Islam are nothing but childish moral judgements. If you’re an atheist, then what right do you have to make moral judgements? You morons don’t have a source of objective morality, you guys are a bunch of low life, suicidal, depressed nihilist who don’t have morals to begin with.

If you’re a Christian, try using your bible to criticize Islam, I guarantee you; Jesus and Paul do not disagree with Islam when it comes to morals. Cheers!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Jewish religion with child rapist Mohammad flair. And you mutilate your infant children at birth so your're pretty much a sub-human.

Shut the fuck up heathen

Islam is anti-white. Call me a stormfag

Cope harder. There has never been a more irrelevant time for religious faggots. Nobody even thinks of you niggers.

Holy relgitards have ruined this board.

Agreed. I already hopped on board

i think the west is doomed man, the fake life is over islam is the truth

I'm a Buddhist and I would love the kill some Shirah law fucktards

the buddha statue is gone, stay mad

Attached: 005AD1BB-9F2B-4836-A27A-132423D995DA.jpg (2747x2088, 635.9K)

Does Allah like the smell of cute girl feet?

Attached: chovy.jpg (2916x1800, 1.6M)

None of these is an argument against Islam, just insults. You are a low level Yas Forums user with a garbage IQ

Westerners actually read, so when they read the Qur’an they’ll realize it’s telling them to follow Jesus.

I want my fragile mortal lungs to be turned to mush when I inhale the acrid stench of 500-year unwashed remi feet! The stench that browns the grass and wilts the flowers! The feet that kill the fish and congeal the water into foul, bubbling green sludge! Oh Remi, slovenly, unwashed, unkempt Remi! Put an end to my life with your toxic smell!

Attached: remi_feets_sits.jpg (850x1175, 145.35K)

i dunno about islam, man.

Does Allah like cute girl feet?

>be romans
>live in foot shaped country
>have women walk around in sandals and barefoot, in hot, sweaty, smelly mediterranean climate
>conquer cute pale germanic and celtic girls then force them to be like romans and also go barefoot
>legions high on girl foot smell beat everyone that don't enjoy smelly girl feet
>all of civilization in the last 3000 years is ultimately founded on foot fetish

Attached: italian footpill.jpg (1500x1235, 205.79K)

BASED. I read the Quran and realized the Quranic Jesus is the real Jesus and Islam was his religion.

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I am a sick neet
I like the stink feet

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demon girl feet festering in stockings for centuries must have a really poisonous smell.

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tell me about the remi why do her feet stink so bad? She is very rude and airs her toes out in innocent human villages and pollutes their water by dipping her toes in the rivers. The smell infests in the lungs of anyone who breathes it in permanently!

Attached: stinky_remi_3.jpg (1000x750, 373.81K)

I wish the remi would bully my feet for being dark medfeet.

Attached: stinky_remi_6.jpg (850x1170, 265.08K)

lost souls are losing their minds right now

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Sicilian girls used to have cute, pale, dainty nord feet. But then muslim girls came and forced them to breathe in the desert smell of their brown toes and now they're brown.

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Islam is the final redpill

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Mohammed robbed caravans, murdered, pillaged, and raped sex slaves and a pre pubescent girl. Jesus and Paul would have despised him, not to mention they both condemned false prophets.

Islam can’t doninate its own people
They kill each other and bomb each other’s mosques
Get real Makmud
You’re time is done

Give me proof then. Don't use hadith that's already been rejected by Islamic scholars.

sicilian girls used to have dainty white nord feet before moor girls polluted the island with their stinky brown ones after marching for months in the sahara. FACT

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>needs to force people to believe in his backwards pedo wannabe kike nigger religion or people leave it
>calls other religions adhered to by choice weak ideologies

Woo lad, islamokikes really are just half nigger kikes.
Here is some pork sausage in your fields user.

Stop ignoring me OP!

Does Allah like the smell of cute girl feet? I NEED ANSWERS!

Attached: stinky_remi.jpg (850x1063, 135.96K)

Bukhari is accepted by the highest Sunni schools.
Hes right, but nice try.
Perhaps your idiot ancestors shoukd have ordered the quran pedo nigger manual chronologically and in context, then you wouldn't appear so obvious in your islamokike obfuscation.
More pork sausage for you.

cool story, bro

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>your arguments against Islam are nothing but childish moral judgements

YOU say "childish", but that is only your opinion.

Are our arguments against islam "moral judgments"? Damn straight they are -- islam is an immoral mess from top to bottom, a religion for psychos, murderers, thieves, and pedophiles, as demonstrated by your pedophile prophet (piss be upon him).

Attached: infidel-nation.png (567x562, 386.03K)

Aisha was 18 years old. Anyways, mutts like you forget that the average age of marriage in Jewmerica was 10 years old before feminists made it illegal

Have you ever read the Quran?

>The most blue pilled nigger behavior excusal manual in the world.
>Literally created by half niggers and kikes.

Ideologies that require penalties for apostacy and consequences for simply not believing you are by definition blue pilled.
Atheism, secularism, islamokikery, are all blue pilled nigger tier ideologies that see any question as a threat. They collectively lie on the far left, vote far left, support far left ideas, and hate Christianity.
This is how you kniw that Christianity is the ultimate red pill, as all of the kikes and islamokikes are united against it.

Fun fact about the Philippines: we occasionally form Lynch mobs to kill mudslimes. Then we engrave crosses in their chests and throw them at the nearest mosque

Many times, several versions.
Why do you half nigger kikes always complain that people are taking a contradictory nigger behavior manual out of context when the entire book is ordered out of chronological context?
Did you learn that obfuscation from kikes?
More sausage?

You should run them into the sea. But well done.

You misspelled China as Islam.

How? We refer to Christians as people of the book in respect. We hate jews and anyone who is immoral. Why the hell would Muslims vote for faggots to run around anyways? Muslims always vote right, unless you treat them like shit

Aisha was between 6-9 years old when muhammed fondked her. This is confirmed by the highest Sunni scholars in Egypt and Bukhari.
Nice try islamokike.

What's that on his tongue?

I asked a question. Did you read it?

Where did Jesus and Paul say any of that is wrong? Keep trying christcuck, lets see the bible verses