Professor Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, claims that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus that was accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

“With my colleague, bio-mathematician Jean-Claude Perez, we carefully analyzed the description of the genome of this RNA virus"
"Indian researchers have already tried to publish the results of the analyses that showed that this coronavirus genome contained sequences of another virus, … the HIV virus (AIDS virus), but they were forced to withdraw their findings as the pressure from the mainstream was too great."
"In order to insert an HIV sequence into this genome, molecular tools are needed, and that can only be done in a laboratory."

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He's clearly unstable. Wouldn't be surprising if he's found suicided by two bullets to the back of the head.

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zerohedge told us this 4 months ago and didn't get a nobel prize, rather they got erported and then banned from twitter

he looks like someone who commits suicide.

This man knows the HIV sequence, that's why he got the nobel.

Obviously they would have planned to cover the roots of COVID-19 early on.

They specifically released in it Wuhan, near the Wuhan labs.

It makes it more believable that this is where it came from.

And likely, they had an intelligence operation in that lab early on, to ensure it was in that lab.

This keeps the intelligence agencies off their back.

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This didn't age well

wew, yuo're right

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He's going to commit suicide or die from corona next week.
How sad.

has any youtuber found this lady and asked her if she feels bad for all the deaths she enabled?

Can you prove it you dumb nigger?

So could this be the same thing that possibly escaped from Fort Detrick that they tried to blame on a mysterious "vaping illness" ?

sci said the guy has been senile for nearly a decade and his last published papers were absolute bullshit. Then again...

start running now chink

All viruses are created equal. Genetics is a social construct.

Good one. Ok now that the chink jokes are out of the way. Can we discuss this for real?

He and James Watson will become friends.

Time to take his Nobel prize away...
He is clearly unstable and has no credibility
Would be suprised if he suicided himselft a week later

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine should have been given to Obama anyway

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>Using Measles to try to stop an outbreak caused by using SARS to try to stop HIV

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Steve Lookner fucking seething. We told you, you stupid kike. Yas Forums is always right.

Lizards don't feel anything.

There are Nobel winners that were mocked before or after winning the prize. The guy who discovered graphene won the Ignobel before.

Flying Aids combined with Flying Measles

What could possible go wrong?

Pretty sure that's how you get a zombie outbreak.

does anyone have the link to the study? i remember looking at it, but has it been taken down? someone must have archived it.

After they gave Obama one, It’s probably safe to disregard any of their comments... it’s obviously a political prize

I think this is the one

don't really care what demented indian high school students have to say desu.

Nobel peace prize should not be compared with other Nobel prizes in science.
>Norwegian Nobel Committee, a five-member committee appointed by the Parliament of Norway
Politicians giving peace prizes for other politicians.

Even if that were the case, what would that change about the current situation?

- The first thing to do is to stop it in a unified response.
- Then people should look at how their local elites dealt with the issue and start putting heads on spikes in case their responses were inadequate.
- Only then people should trace where it came from and start to look across the border.

Murriburger cuckservatives blaming China are trying to distract people from their disastrous handling of the situation. Pointing at China is a fruitless endeavour. Your local elites are not going to stop trading with them and they're most certainly not going to war. Nobody in China is going to be punished for this on American, European or anyone's behalf. The only people who you actually CAN punish are your local authorities who perhaps failed in preparing for a pandemic sufficiently and responded half-hearted or outright weakly.

qrd ?

ok boomer

Pro-tip: it's the boomers who are trying to blame China for the shortcomings of their own authorities.