Hello user, have you been discriminated because of your political views in the society? In case...

Hello user, have you been discriminated because of your political views in the society? In case, share your story with us

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Nigger, twitter banned me because I posted the video of Borat singing "Throw the Jew down the well!"

I went to r/transpositive and told them about the 40% then I got permabanned.

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Yeah, jew teacher keeps targeting me because i made a jew joke once. Then again I keep greeting her with shalom so she's probably convinced I'm literally Hitler

>middle hat
is that a typo or did I miss something?

No i don't think i have. I make a huge effort not to drop too many redpills in public

In high school I got in an argument with my feminist teacher over the wage gap myth and she hated me the rest of the year.

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Context for op? Also never, the only teacher who did so was due to being a perv coomer who couldn't deal with someone smarter than him. I got him fired from school and I heard he was outed in his wage cuck job for being a pedo too

but is supposed to be 1488. 88 for Heil Hitler and 14 for the 14 words pic-related.

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I'm an education major, so yeah:
>Gonna be a shop teacher
>Taking education courses
>Get taught that different cultures need to be accommodated
>Typical college bullshit about diversity and inclusion, etc.
>Equity over equality
>Ask why we have to be so accommodating when other countries are not
>Use Japan as an example, saying that if I went there and demanded they change to fit me rather than the other way around, I'd be laughed out of the room
>Constantly trying to hold back power level without being a cuck and falling in line
>Get called to professors office for meeting
>"user, I don't know if I can give my approval for you to continue in this major"
>"I think some of your ideas are dangerous and I'm worried you won't teach all students equally"
>Basically laugh at her and say that I'm equipped enough to run my own business at this point
>Tell her that I'm going to teach in some capacity, whether it be in a school or taking on apprentices
>Tell her that I'm the only one in our class with a real understanding of the value of what I plan to teach and the idealism to do it well
>Walk out of the room
>Later find out I was approved "with reservations"

Is that a thing that can actually happen?

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I remember talking about the gender differences in IQ on a highschool chalk board in front of the class to explain why I thought it didn't make sense for there to be total gender equality. I don't think I ever got penalized for it because it was a catholic school.

Getting penalized for viewpoints only happened when I went to university and had antifa tier faggots as TAs/professors and it's easy to detect their unreasonable nature and write a paper that would appeal to them to get a good grade.

I wrote a paper for a foreign policy class (University of Toronto) where I said I supported Trump and laid out the reasons why and the teacher gave me an A and said I should have spoken more in class.

>expecting a leftard cuck to think


Can’t think of any examples but I have had to “bite my tongue” when listening to far-left/far-right political views from teachers/professors

I bet you thought these bans were like, totally undeserved, lmao.

Yes. All teachers are subhumans


Nice cope faggot. They don't even make it seem like they were.

oh no it’s not like you cant emotionally manipulate them to loose weight. Oh gawwd I better just pack up and call it a loss.
fuck I’m just shaking in my jackboots



I know someone else who got bad grades

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>Ask why we have to be so accommodating when other countries are not
>Things are bad over there, therefore we shouldn't make things good here
>What is setting an example
And the way you went off at the professor, loo, I'm surprised you got approved at all given you've shown yourself to be a massive tool.
Seriously, your views *do* actually disqualify you from being a decent teacher.

>>Things are bad over there, therefore we shouldn't improve them over here
Academic performance is actually higher in those other countries that demand assimilation. We are not improving anything.

I mean too, lol, not deleting and reposting to fix it again.

>banning free speech is deserved. Ever.

Relax, i did just a small mistake

That hardly happens unless your Uni is borderline Communist or you're a retard. I had to write a paper on Hitler's rise to power my junior year. In it, I wrote that Hitler was right in assuming the superior race would win but wrong in assuming who they were. I got an A

i had a professor in Sweden always complaining about Trump

he was a PALEONTOLOGIST. I can't think of anything more unrelated for him to say

I abused it. I made sure that every (((gen ed))) class I took was taught by a cuckold so all I'd have to do is say that nagz waz kangz and pass.

>Hello user, have you been discriminated because of your political views in the society? In case, share your story with us
Yes I had a tech humanities class and I talked about the ethics and law regarding of leaking information for a project. Brought up a bunch of examples from the past 20 years, but it was during the 2016 elections and the wikileaks scandal. Bitch gave me a low B. I cited the grading rubric and made my case for why it fell under an A grade under the criteria. She sent me an angry email saying she showed it to another and that she said it deserved an F. Keep in mind I was a near straight A student and graduated magna cum laude in a STEM major. Sent an email to their ethics department about it and eventually the teacher sent a sad passive aggressive email saying "If it's any consolation you got an A in the course..." Stupid roastie bitch got farded and shidded and camed on

You're not entitled to a platform, nor to access to marginalized people's communities.

Ivy leagues are basically virtue signaling grounds nowadays. Not in Mexico though, you can get away with that shit too but we have the occasional pozzed faggot