So he's calling himself W.H.O. now?

So he's calling himself W.H.O. now?

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Why contain it?

How much of this niggas policy decisions are based on foxnews

Trump halted the Boomer Remover virus.

What a shame.

All of them. He played a little campaign ad in one of these conferences praising himself for 4 minutes of Fox News "news". Hopefully when he gets re-elected we can just rebrand them as "Real State News" already.

be happy with your trumpbux jamal

He has been redpilled on CHiner since the 80s though, although the Nips were his biggest target at the time

Shareblue/ChangPLA shills are here, lads. SAGE.

Trumps response to this has been terrible but the only good thing about it is he disobeyed the WHO recommendation directly when he shut down travel from China. WHO was still saying air travel was just fine.

>He played a little campaign ad in one of these conferences praising himself for 4 minutes of Fox News "news
Wait, are you talking about the other day when he played back the media downplaying the virus themselves? if so go back r/politics

>Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is an Ethiopian microbiologist and internationally recognized malaria researcher
a nigger

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Kek, I would be more worried about all the other outlets and the boomers who trust them

Shut the fuck up. Nobody cares about your asshurt you clowns are out of power.

Which is kind of hard to understand. This bug has a predilection for Hillary voters. He could have “just let it run” and there would be an end to the Rat Party.

He’s one of the few that called them out on their bullshit years ago. It’s crazy to see so many Americans defending the Chinese because they hate Trump so much.

when this shit started your liberal media and politicians were telling people to go out and eat in China town not to be racist.

>If you don't bend over for Daddy Trump you're a shill

Dr Pavel. I'm W.H.O

Donald Trump didn’t ignore urgent warnings from Taiwan about the nature of the Coronavirus you petty fucking retard

>Nobody cares about your asshurt you clowns are out of power.
Yes. This is what this is about, it's about my "asshurt my clowns are out of power". This is why State News will stay effective. Because they will always tell you how great you are doing and how much of a champ you are for supporting the right side, unlike those clowns over there. I don't even know what group you think I am that is fighting for what power here.

You don't have to tell me, I despise liberal media, but his cozying up to fox or whatever else is tacky than heck

>They not muh team they need die
I hope you get what's coming to you

Cope, you know Trump is right about WHO.

worse- a commie nigger

hope you are getting paid well to post shit this fucking retarded
nobody is retarded enough to actually believe the shit you are trying to spin

then we agree and I don't know what to do now

You do realize the media has been a propaganda tool in this country since (((Pulitzer))) and Hearst, right? Like the media has never been your friend. Not in your lifetime. Not in your father's lifetime. Not in his father's father's lifetime. I bet you masturbate to a shrine of Walter Cronkite.

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Oh I absolutely get that. I'm not saying it's stupid to eat up everything Fox News says and ignore every other outlet as fake news because what you should be doing is he same thing for CNN instead. The problem is some people seem to think every news outlet is a propaganda tool except for the one they agree with. That belief gets reinforced by the state doing the same thing, backing it up and calling everyone else who disagrees fake news and very quickly you got a government/media alliance, where they work in service of each other\s agendas and nobody else.

>he disobeyed the WHO recommendation directly when he shut down travel from China
Except that thousands upon thousands of Americans kept coming back in.

Oh look, a lying chinese shill

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>Muh fox news

What did Trump say that is wrong? The WHO is a Chinese puppet.

It's funny you seem to think your image disproves his. Both things are true. He did take pretty swift action in banning China and that was a positive thing. He knows this and it's why has brought it up nearly every day for almost two months now.

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Whorack Husain Obama

Nice b8 m8! I r8 it 8/8! It was gr8!!!

nah he's going to rile up the trailer parks to hate chinks. chinks should really get packing and try to hop the fence into canada NOW if they want a chance to live. at least that's my extrapolation from the way trump is talking

He is the new world order

Seeth you fucking lefty like and kys

>It's funny you seem to think your image disproves his. Both things are true. He did take pretty swift action in banning China and that was a positive thing. He knows this and it's why has brought it up nearly every day for almost two months now

Now look what I was replying to that completely fails to mention this policy. Chinese shills are trying to blame corona deaths in US on Trump instead of China. It won't work.


Trump: I am the federal reserve
Trump: I am the who
Trump: bing bing bong bong

How many polices of King Nigger were based on the quran>?

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At least he's quoting Hoover rhetoric, he's gonna need it

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Didn't Trump say at a point (before he was president conveniently) that the responsibility always falls upon the administration, what you did or didn't do? Which is something I agree with, it's easy to throw the blame the issue and not the management for dealing with the problem in a more competent way.

Of course, this was just good leadership advice from before he was president, now it's a bunch of bollocks and we should just be mad at china for having the virus spread. You say they are trying to blame the US instead of China, but what would china be further blamed on? They didn't send more agents to further accelerate the spread. They are not doing anything to force Trump's or any specific Governor's hand to do anything they want in their state.

If we keep doing the blame game we will go all the way back to "It wasn't even China's fault, it was some random guy's fault in a market who started this mess"

tl;dr for the crowd that doesn't wanna read too many words:

Exactly what I was talking about.

Is just bonus.