I was surprised at the amount of support this person got. Of course she has other progressive videos as well, and her page is mostly about travel.
Also, her husband looks like a cuck.
I was surprised at the amount of support this person got. Of course she has other progressive videos as well, and her page is mostly about travel.
Also, her husband looks like a cuck.
Other urls found in this thread:
99% of you incels will die childless, what's your point?
>each day she gets drunk
>crying her to self in sleep
>because life is meaningless since she has no babies
stop projecting, chink. Day of the rake is coming, leaf on lead violence must ensue. Go home, chink.
triggered incel. Struck a nerve did I?
just look at the profile picture
even that is a coping mechanism for not having a baby
she looks lonely, sad
Its brainwashing and conditioning. Part of the reason i find it hard to hate normies. They dont understand they are being depopulated and genocided by their own hand.
YEAH, FUCK INKSHELLS amirite lads? :D
Sick ‘em
>fast forward: dying in a piss smelling retirement home surrounded by 3rd world illegal aliens who don't give a fuck about you or your country, and laugh at your misery, if not actively inflict it on you.
Oh yeah, and all those cats? they're heading to the pound to be euthanized.
99% of that post is stay at home moms tagging there friends.
Most women go completely insane if they dont get their 2 kids and a dog dream. Its why it gets easier to get chicks after 30
>an open field is worth 40 years of loneliness as the degradation of my appearance has already begun
Surely, she won’t regret her decision
she just plans to run in a field carelessly forever until shes 70 and without grandchildren to visit her i guess
Imagine if she were playing with her children in that field instead of taking pictures of herself alone to convince everyone and herself that she is happy
I'm getting married soon nigger-leaf
Logically, wouldn't 100% of incels necessarily be childless? Unless some crackwhore steals their sperm and squirts it up into her drugden with a turkey baster I guess.
This is a perfect example of how women never mature beyond thinking like a child.
The funny thing is that they are targeting everyone but Africans
Here is the video since OP is a turbofaggot
>I was surprised at the amount of support this person got.
It’s just bots and shills attempting to influence public perception
It's funny because almost always these kinds of women are in married or at least in a relationship some beta basedboy. What's the fucking point of being married if you're not planning to have children? That's literally biggest waste of life situation you can put yourself in. Surely if you're going to proclaim how you want to live your life "freely" and without responsibility being single is the way you'd want to go.
I didn’t want to have kids but my gf ended up pregnant, I started slacking pull out game. After being together 5 years I stopped pulling out cause I thought I couldn’t have kids, then she ends up pregnant. I’m getting a vasectomy after the baby is born.
I think she may be doing us all a favor.
Economic reasons, sex, less danger of stds, genuinely enjoying companionship of that person.. many reasons
It's just a coping mechanism. But watch her face when she sees a man of her own race with a foreign woman and kids.
>After being together 5 years I stopped pulling out cause I thought I couldn’t have kids
This seems logical.
just tell them you're glad they arent reproducing and passing on their genes, they get butthurt about it lol
Yes, but it isn't by our choice. It's because no one wants to bear our proginy. Our misfortune isn't something that we celebrate, but they have the opportunity to bring the greatest gift to the world - white children, yet choose not to, and it's seen as something positive. It's disgusting.
You will never guess what (((tribe))) she identifies as!
Haha well I thought an “accident” would have happened by now, so I brainwashed myself to thinking I was infertile but nope. I’m one and done tho, I don’t want to mess up too many humans, just try my best with this one and see how he does, he can have all the babies he wants.
If she even makes it to an assisted care center. Spinsters that die at home often become cat food.
I'm a guy and even I am starting to want kids now that I'm nearing 30. I want a baby boy.
When will you incels understand that not everyone wants kids.
So does sitting inside and staring at a screen for 10 hours yet you do just fine. I'm not saying kids can't make you happy but to think EVERY woman needs kids to be happy is absurd incel cope.
Eh, I dont really see the point in getting worked up over this. People from both sides of the political spectrum dont want kids, myself included. My personal reason being I dont want to be financially bound to any woman ever. I was married in my early 20s and it was a nightmare, barely got out of it with my home still my home, if a kid was involved I'm sure I would have lost it all.
I agree dude not everyone wants kids or is capable of caring for kids. I know a lot of parents that are miserable and a lot that straight up neglect their kids. Shit my parents neglected me and my siblings, they were not ready for kids but whatever. I’m having the one my gf is currently pregnant with but that’s it, I don’t think I could raise more than that. I’ll try my best with him and hopefully he can be an upstanding person, fuck it.
if she doesnt want kids, then she probably shouldnt have them. it would probably not be a good idea if she had them anyway. let them die alone.
Kekd and checked.
Bailey Jay had a hard life.
>i couldnt have stayed alone at home
>i had to go to another country and make a video about it
what a fucking waste of oxygen
I understand. When you're rolling the dice over the course of years, it's easy to convince yourself that something can't happen. I have two kids. I imagined that one alone might turn out weird, but I know a handful of only children and they seem just fine. Best of luck.
nobody cares that you dont want kids because everyone you tell this already lowkey knows youre going to regret it in the future. dont believe me? wait a while.
Life is meaningless without your own children. I wish I was dead.
Yeah I considered that but We’re planning on enrolling him in a lot of activities so he can socialize, keep him busy with kids his age, no way to know what the future holds but we’ll see, every kid is their own person too, you just guide them.
Maybe. Maybe not. I'm not a gypsy fortune teller and my time machine is broken. One thing I've learned though is not to project myself on others while lurking on message boards.
I have one on the way and I still want to kill myself. Having a family won't change who you are.
imagine marrying, not dating, not occasionally fucking, MARRYING a women that brags that she will never have kids
This chick has been spamming all the woman hate threads. She doesn't realize that as a woman, the fact that she is on Yas Forums trolling incels pretty much guarantees she cant even get a Viagra induced pity fuck from an aging beta. Can you imagine the life of a woman who does this with her time? Lol.
30+ women are vegan tier when it comes to informing you actually dont want kids. I run a pub every second saturday so the manager can get some time off (I own a stake in the pub) and there is always a gaggle of single, white professional women who go on and on about how 'they totally dont need kids in their life 'right now''. They all take turns affirming this. Then they re-do the conversation over and over.