Do child pornography laws violate the First Amendment clause of the US constitution?

Okay, think about it like this before you people attack me: CP didn't even become illegal in the US until 1977 with New York v. Ferber. Prior to that, you could publicly trade or purchase magazines and films in certain stores. They usually went by names like "Nudist Moppets" or "Bambina Sex" and were typically produced in Europe. But due to exaggerated or even erroneous reports regarding the number of children involved and the amount of money being made off the production by the media outlets, Congress passed the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation Act of 1977. So your entire conception of morality only comes from a concept that's only been around for the last 43 years. CP has been around for as long as photography existed. Child erotica dates back to at least the 1400s. It didn't even become socially unacceptable until some lamestream media outlets picked up on this. Some of you people need to get a grip on this subject and understand history.

Another thing is that the 1977 law made it 16+, but that changed in 1984 to 18 with the Child Protection Act. So does CP count as "fighting words"? You be the judge of that. Also, before you call this "cultural relativism" or devil's advocate, I'd just like to remind you that our societies were going perfectly fine before all these new laws were made, and yet only after are we seeing societal collapse. Further, you could also consider white supremacy and racism to be "cultural relativism" by extension, if that's the route you want to take.

The Jews brainwashed us into thinking that pic related is unnatural and wrong while any kind of deviant sex act is perfectly okay, so long as they're adults. And that includes incest, zoophilia, transgenderism, homosexuality, cuckoldry, coprophilia, emetophilia, rape porn, gore, etc.

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Also, I consider myself a Christian, but even I believe in separation of church and state and the Constitution.

There is no connection between pic related and CP


Yes, but it was also popular around the same time.

> muh constitution
> muh constitution mufugguh
> [incoherent ranting about how much better it would be if we had freedom of speech and association]

You’re worse than a Jew; you’re just stupid. Say this at a bar somewhere and get your teeth knocked out.

I agree with you. Although you're wasting your time trying to talk to anyone in here.


Freedom of association is what allowed us to segregate ourselves from niggers like you, user. The Jews care nothing about the Constitution of any government, much less here. The same could be said about anything.

Like I said, our societies were working just fine for millenia when this stuff was still legal. Why didn't we experience the same societal ills back then? Back in the 1800s and prior, you could marry a woman as young as 10 in most states, and 7 in Delaware. Only until the turn of the century in the late 1800s did California change their age of consent to 14, which other states soon followed.

I'm not a pedophile, I just think he brings up some good points.

I'm not a pedophile, I just think OP has some really great arguments.


She gave birth at 15

Meanwhile the Muslims do it. Meanwhile the Jews do it. Meanwhile the blacks in Africa do it. The only person who has to wait until she turns 18 is whites.

>You’re worse than a Jew; you’re just stupid. Say this at a bar somewhere and get your teeth knocked out.

Ah yes, the men of the Bar association, yes these fine Associates will surely endanger their Law License to knock out a "pedo thinker".

Oh, not that type of Bar? But the one stupid fucking _WHITE_ men get shitfaced at (for an inflated price)?

So if you hold an opinion reagarding something that men who are stupid enough to drink in public do not like... then you are stupid?

You white FUCKS are HERETICS

>>>>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>>>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

YHWH allows one To marry the cute little female child.

Attached: afghan_gs.jpg (624x351, 56.83K)

>>>>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>>>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

White men are heretics that entice others to reject YHWH's law and follow another power. According to YHWH's law in Devarim: such white men should be eradicated.

Attached: afghan_girl_and_marine.jpg (1000x658, 160.43K)

no, but sexual violation of a child violates the NAP.

White men are your enemy: they have gone around the world physically eradicating every culture that allows child brides. They worship "MUH WHOTIE WUUHHHMAN". It's in the blood: they did it 2k years ago, they did it all during Christianity, they do it today. White men are simps.

You had to always be a noble or out alone to marry a young girl without some other white fucking retard trying to get you murdered.

That's the white mans' way.

It is good he gets corona'd
White men deserve whatever they get

Attached: 4chan2.jpg (300x100, 36.16K)

Another Idol of the white man; another creed he raised. But nomatter what the creed: the heart of the white man's beliefs always flow the same: NO child brides, NO anything that is opposed to the WHITE WUUUHHHMANS mandate.

White men are like arachnid males. Happy to die for their queen: but they'll kill you too.

No religion can survive their worship of the white woman: it all gets bent to serve her.

>>>>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>>>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

White men are heretics that entice others to reject YHWH's law and follow another power. According to YHWH's law in Devarim: such white men should be eradicated.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-12-12 Watch The Fruit of Grisaia English Subbed in HD on 9anime to.png (704x443, 515.49K)

OP you raise good points - I'm not going to flat-out dismiss your arguments and call you a pedo.

I will say that the First Amendment doesn't protect against things like slander and libel ect - i'm no lawyer; but if I was trying to uphold the protections of children and continue the ban on CP, then I would probably try to dig into the legal limitations of the First Amendment and work that angle that it compromises and exposes children, tarnishing and damaging their reputation, potentially damaging their future earnings and ability to integrate into society normally as a result of being exploited sexually; a matter that they had little-to-no say in.

As for legal age of consent - that's tricky. I'm not sure how you justifiably and intelligibly land on a reasonable number. It may be an enlightened thing - if you can rise above your sexual urges and imperatives, and consider an age where the individual can reach a minimum potency as a member of society (i.e. they have likely graduated highschool by this age, they can legally work, they can partake in all other basic functions of society), then that is how one might arrive at a reasonable age.

sure thing bootlicker. we only need child protection laws from big government because of shit families. attack the sickness not symptoms. never mind that CPS is a child trafficing front

One name:
Balthasar Klossowski de Rola

Another name:

Alfred Kinsey

CP laws are there so authorities can plant CP on peoples computers and easily send them to jail or discredit them.

a prime-time UK comedy show that today has to be ultra censored in order to avoid deletion:

WOW Cambodia must be a thriving country then!!! Lucky them they're not brainwashed by the Jews to see child sex as a bad thing!!!!

>societies were going perfectly fine before all these new laws were made

how come all the places that have massive child sex trafficking markets are 3rd world shitholes then?

Oh you're not dragging down all the christcucks with you, kike

You act like it's a bad thing that whites do things differently