Who are they?

They look nordic and speak gibberish instead of an Romance language so other Romance speakers can barely understand them
>Syur ma root zhe vyu combyen de rua, o final se retur a lya kaz depar, dan le ryu, devizazhe puante dyu duag, san rankyun se retur a lya kaz depar

Who are they? Germans? Celts? Jews?

Attached: 7EB8C605-B417-4798-85C2-39536774CDAE.png (512x342, 1.43K)

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They're niggers. Have u seen Paris?

french is pretty much understandable for other romance speakrs

Non French person living in France. France is a lot more conservative than people give it for.
Paris cannot be compared. France is essentially a fiercely natioanlistic place that uses EU and anything else it can to subvert the English speaking hegenomy.

France is incredibly powerful in Africa. It has some really high quality engineering here. Its a conundrum. I think the thing with them is they constantly expect the highest standards in everything.

Paris is not France, Nice is not France, Marseille is not france, Lyon is not france....


Im irish haha

Yeah they keep moving the goalposts until one day they say France is not actually France, France is fucking Africa.

>They look nordic
lol no according to Yas Forums standards we are basically as say.

I fucking love France and french culture. It's really sad how quickly they let it go to the dogs desu.

Pretty nice, the black people thing seems to be a meme. Its like pretending Balbriggan is all of ireland. We have a nigerian problem.

I'd rather france being africa than albania lmao

Couldnt give two shits what u woud rather want nog, the fact remains that ur country looks like Congo and mine is 97% ethnic albanians, now go suck a nigger dick.

>they look nordic
maybe in the north 10% where they intermixed on the border

Africa belongs to France

France is the greatest nation on Earth. Pay respect you dirty albanian

Dublin is getting really bad. Globalists' wet dream.

>>has seen the same 10 pictures of the same 3 streets in Paris

How can you say what a whole country you've never visited looks like?
Also please know that opinions from irrelevant countries are disregarded. You don't matter, weigh nothing on the global scale. Your people and culture are insignificant, a blip on the radar of mankind's history.

i learnt english in county cavan. i never saw any nigger. i think thats just dublin

>mine is 97% ethnic albanians
damn that sucks, balkanese are the absolute worst, at least the blacks are good lads, can't say the same about all the balkanese

Attached: Excited_Onizuka_2.png (220x220, 68.28K)

Just learned that the kingdom of Albania was established in 1272 by Charles d'Anjou. We literally made them, kek

ça dépends lesquels, on a pas mal de bulgares et de croates ici et en vrai ils font rien. par contre les albanais c'est eux qui fournissent les putes là d'où je viens

no surprise we always sucked at colonization



Bruv statistics posted here and even outside of pol show that the number of people under the age of 5 born in literally every major part of france are 40%-60% nig nogs and nafris, the fuck are u on about?

>Blacks are good lads

The absolute state of the french.

>>Blacks are good lads
>The absolute state of the french
you would know had you met them, but albania is a such a shithole even africans avoid it

Thank fuck they avoid it, the only good nigger is a dead nigger.

What stats? Source?

Also you've been the Turk's little bitches for centuries, don't come at me with "muh whiteness" while your ass still smells of roach semen. That you're white is a shame for the rest of us.

>Syur ma root zhe vyu combyen de rua, o final se retur a lya kaz depar, dan le ryu, devizazhe puante dyu duag, san rankyun se retur a lya kaz depar
Mais qu'est-ce que c'est que cette merde?

it's okay enjoy your shithole lad

Attached: gtoo.jpg (259x194, 9.28K)

je crois qu'il a vu une chanson de black m et a pété un câble après

we're still ~80% Native Irish but all of the non Irish are in Dublin. It's very noticeable. When I was a teen in the early 2000s you barely ever saw anyone who wasn't white.

Hon hon hon :^)

isnt that mostly 'european migration' (poles/yugos)?

They are obviously the genetic bridge between north and south Europe, there's no monolithic ethnic Frenchman but rather a union of native French ethnicities, some overlapping with north Italians, others with Basques/Iberians, others with Brits, others with Germans

Attached: pca.png (6400x4000, 654.53K)

I don't mind the polskis or balts at all. there is a huge amount of africans, middle easterners and poos.

the fuck are they doing here? i didnt remember that the sinn féin and the finn gael were that much pro immigration?

Attached: french man.jpg (640x1105, 214.76K)

Based Illyrian.

both Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have imported them en masse at the EU's behest. Our government always bends over and assumes the position on whatever the Eurocrats tell them to do. They're also all landlords and bought out by the MNC's so they have many incentives to bring in loads of "new irish". We've barely built any new housing since 2008 and keep importing an absolute deluge of browns.

Sinn Féin are massive lefty marxists and radically pro immigration as well. We have no political solution.

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