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This thread covers the discussion of topics such as: ·NatSoc Ideology ·Active Movements ·NatSoc History ·Physical and Mental Improvements ·General Plans
What are you waiting for? Take the pledge! > For the good of my people: > I must IMPROVE my will, body, and mind > I must BUILD our culture and communities > I must FIGHT for the future of my race > We will endure forever!
>But what really is National Socialism? pastebin.com/C0se2M6W National Socialism is NOT about killing blacks, blowing up buildings, or hating other races as Siege-fags would have you believe but rather is about bettering your own folk.
ᛉ - ARYANISM ">We document a southward spread of genetic ancestry from the Eurasian Steppe, correlating with the archaeologically known expansion of pastoralist sites from the Steppe to Turan in the Middle Bronze Age (2300-1500 BCE)." thequint.com/voices/opinion/genomic-study-vedic-aryan-migration-dravidian-languages-sanskrit >In India, members of higher ranking castes are genetically more similar to Europeans, while lower castes are more similar to Asians. sciencedaily.com/releases/2001/05/010515080044.htm sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/09/090923143333.htm Some quotes from the Rigveda, the oldest Indo-European text. >"At the swift draught the Soma-drinker waxed in might, the Iron One with yellow beard and yellow hair. He, Lord of Tawny Coursers, Lord of fleet-foot Mares, will bear his Bay Steeds safely over all distress." Indra - 10.96.8 >"Indra throws drops of moisture on his yellow beard." Indra - 10.23.4 >"The swarthy skin, the hated of Indra" - Rigveda IX 73.5 >The Rig Veda praises the God who "destroyed the Dasyans and protected the Aryan colour." - Rigveda. III 34.9 >"Indra protected in battle the Aryan worshipper, he subdued the lawless for Manu, he conquered the black skin." - Rigveda. I 130.8 >The Rigveda thanks God for "scattering the slave bands of black descent", and for stamping out "the vile Dasyan colour." - Rigveda. II.20.7, II 12.4 >This choice sums up the Aryans opinion of their non-white subjects: "Black skin is impious" - Rigveda. II.12.4 thehindu.com/sci-tech/science/how-genetics-is-settling-the-aryan-migration-debate/article19090301.ece >A study by Hellenthal et al. (2014) on the DNA of the Kalash people showed evidence of input from modern day Germany and Austria between 990 and 210 BC, a period that overlaps with that of Alexander the Great... well.ox.ac.uk/~gav/admixture/2014-science-final/resources/FAQ.pdf cell.com/ajhg/fulltext/S0002-9297(15)00137-8
We actually had unending unity between the many actual members for a very long streak, its just the problem with the icon shills that we get here from time to time who pretend to be part of us, when they merely use that opportunity to drive wedges between us. Its a very old and boring topic really.
But the conclusion we have reached upon the negro for example has been stable for over 5 years. Most of us have stopped completely talking about the negro even because it is so stable. It is a concluded topic that needed no more incursions into it.
Negro avoidance came out of it. And I am not alone obviously, thousands who came here, who sleep, or who do things of /sig/ nature have the same agreement. It is set in stone, so for a humble weed removing lawnmower on this natsoc general I will state what is right and what belongs on the lawn.
So actually since I am also /sig/ related I spend less time on these threads.
I wish to warn everyone in this thread of op and his potential to be a shitty shill. Not only did he remark with a lot of intellectually inferior hostility towards the negro question, I do believe he also disagreed with the fact that women are inferior (and our duty towards maintaining them)
digestion with thousands of other anons at this point. I am your superior, and the superior of OP. I have been taught far more than OP. The actual notions of traditionalism I know well. Its just that those teachers often tell of /sig/ related things and those things are often outside, not on this board, so I do the hard job sometimes to pull the weeds like you guys :)
here is a nice chart of the virtues that women do and dont have.
The problem with modern natsocs is that they conflate political theory with a social program. The end result is that they would ally with people who are very destructive to their social program (communists)... all because these people share some of their political notions. Meanwhile modern natsocs have a deep hatred of people who might share their social program, but who have a different political theory.
It would make much more sense for people with the same social goals to find common ground between their political theory than it would for people with opposing social goals to ally just because they share a political theory
Like serious, you all of this trouble, with proxies, and effort and whatnot because every day you see this general up and people just being natsoc and unashamed of it, and you do your utmost best to infiltrate it and to take it over and to try to instill somekind of overton window shifting bullshit, and then one bored natsoc dude comes into your effort and destroys you in the fastest amount of time.
>a: keep all the degenerates, criminals and bad people alongside your normal people >b: remove those bad people, even if they are negro who mostly does the crime
I dont have a problem with this- but I would point out to the natsocs, that their political theories on how government should operate- has nothing to do with this. I mean go read the Alexander Stephens Cornerstone Speech. He was basically, from a racial standpoint, way more direct and "based" than this sort of apologetic and politically correct racialism of the Nazis. And his political theory could be labeled as borderline libertarian. His view was basically that just as God made one star brighter than the other, he made some races shine more brightly than others and that this natural and scientific truth should be reflected in the way we run our societies. He said these things 70 years before the nazis even existed.
Well thank fuck for the social libertarian things that we have here instilled within the hivemind. For we did a lot of effort to remove centralized legitimacy and authority. Making it so that all of our virtues are decentralized and more impervious to shill tactics. Its quite great. But I feel already the sting of your usual tactics. You hijack a leading role, that leading role then lays down fake virtues upon us. And then you try to drive that forward in a pathetic manner. Well adaptability is ever occurring. To me it is nothing new, I think that your name should be on a mental blacklist for many now.
Many people have problems with such a kind of hijacking. Because they love central authority and familiarity, some will even despair with a simple thought of "well the generals got hijacked :("
no they didnt, someone just took a copypaste of the and made his own threads. Nothing is wasted. Nobody listen to the natsoc enhancer shill.
Aiden Reed
You know, seeing your posts made me realise i was strawmanning a lot of people since you are a living strawman.
David Gonzalez
the actual traditionalists have no trouble setting the good virtues straight as to how they are, which are
>negro's are inferior and you should have zero dealings with them in all forms >women are inferior and easily are manipulated by modern media >there are no based negro's, just as there are no based homo's or alt righters
in brief, much of the original traditionalist ideology can be found among these works
these people, much like the rise above movement are slowly returning to the traditionalist roots, of which OP and the jew kike shill poster are not part off.